low-key is king

Chapter 719

Chapter 719
"Leader Wan, Lu Xun is a student of the Chess Academy of our Liberal Arts Academy. It's not good for you to pull someone face to face, isn't it?"

Gao Yuansheng looked sullenly, and looked at the leader of the Wan Guo Shang League over there. As an elegant immortal chess master, he has always been displeased with those businessmen who are full of copper, and always feel that they are not doing their jobs properly.

Of course, Wan Mingli, who has reached the upper five realms, is another matter. Although he is also a businessman, Gao Yuansheng still admires him for being able to carry out business throughout the Daxuan Dynasty.

"Dean Gao is worrying too much. I didn't say to let Lu Xun leave the Liberal Arts and Teachers College. Part-time jobs are also possible!"

Wan Mingli smiled at Gao Yuansheng. As soon as this remark came out, many people's hearts were moved, and they secretly thought that this is really a way to get the best of both worlds. Presumably the boy in black would not refuse, right?
Judging from what Wan Mingli meant, as long as Lu Xun agrees, his position in the Ten Thousand Nations Business Alliance should not be too low. This is a lot of money, and no one will refuse it easily.

Moreover, with the heavy background of the Ten Thousand Kingdoms Business Alliance, even if it is the Daxuan royal family, if they want to take action against the Daxuan king in the future, they have to weigh it carefully.

That is to say, in addition to the heavy amulet of Literary Teachers College, Lu Xun also has the giant of the World Business Alliance. Wouldn't he be able to walk sideways in the Daxuan Dynasty in the future?

"Joining the Ten Thousand Nations Business Alliance is exempt, but if the ten thousand alliance master agrees, it's not impossible to do it!"

Under everyone's gaze, Lu Xun shook his head slightly, which made many people feel regretful, secretly thinking that such a great opportunity, why don't you cherish it?

Do you think anyone can get the invitation of the chief leader of the Union of Businessmen?

Others who want to join the headquarters of the International Chamber of Commerce and become a low-level staff member must go through layers of screening, and the assessment is extremely strict. In the end, only the elites remain.

Lu Xun, who was personally invited by Wan Mingli, can undoubtedly be exempted from this step of the assessment, and since then his pockets have bulged and he has made a lot of money.

However, this black-clothed boy, who looked no more than seventeen or eighteen years old, chose to decline without even thinking too much about it.

This makes many people wish to replace it, but unfortunately there is no such opportunity.

"Can the technology for making this kind of water moon mirror be sold? Bimeng is willing to buy it at a high price!"

Seeing that Lu Xun had no intention of joining the Ten Thousand Nations Business Alliance, Wan Mingli automatically resumed his status as a businessman. After asking this question, everyone pricked up their ears again.

It seems that Wan Mingli's ambition is not just to cooperate with Lu Xun, he also wants to go further and buy out this special water moon mirror. This may be an epoch-making reform of the water moon mirror technology.

As for the so-called high price, under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Wan Mingli never thought of treating Lu Xun badly, and with Zheng Qian's face, he will definitely give the other party a satisfactory price.

Anyway, no matter what the price was, Wan Mingli felt that he could earn it back in the future. The All Nations Business Alliance was engaged in long-term business, and they rarely did such a business that could only be divided into [-]%.

However, the Shuiyue Mirror, which can slow down images by ten times, has a different meaning. Wan Mingli just wants to maximize the benefits. In fact, based on his understanding of Lu Xun, he already knows the answer.

"Feel sorry!"

Sure enough, Lu Xun didn't procrastinate too much, just shook his head and refused.

With such technology in hand, how could he self-destruct the cornucopia, this is a chicken that can lay golden eggs.

"Okay, then [-]%!"

Wan Mingli, who had guessed this result a long time ago, could only settle for the next best thing, and directly agreed.

He didn't see too many regrets. He didn't have much hope in the first place. This time, the goal has actually been achieved.

It is conceivable that the Shuiyue mirror, which can slow down images by ten times, will inevitably become another alliance of the alliance of nations, and the customers it faces will not be ordinary practitioners of the lower five realms .

The price of this kind of water-moon mirror is definitely not low, and it is not affordable for ordinary people. For ordinary people, this kind of water-moon mirror is no different from ordinary water-moon mirrors.

Only in some specific places do you need to use the effect of slowing down by ten times, which is aimed at those movements that are extremely fast and cannot be seen clearly by the naked eye.

Just imagine, in those fairy gates on the mountains, when the master is teaching martial arts and martial arts, with such a water moon mirror, he can slow down his movements by ten times, allowing the disciples to observe and practice carefully repeatedly.

When an action is slowed down ten times, no matter how subtle it is, there may not be too many secrets to speak of.

Not only can it be used to teach disciples martial arts and martial arts, but it can also be used secretly when fighting the enemy, recording every move and style of the enemy.

When the time comes to go back and study carefully, it is bound to be able to take the lead in the next battle.

If there are any flaws in the enemy's moves, after slowing down ten times, isn't that obvious at a glance?

In an instant, Wan Mingli thought of how to make the name of this special Shuiyue mirror famous. I'm afraid that even those strong men from the fairy sect on the mountain will patronize the Daxuan Dynasty's Myriad Kingdoms Business Alliance in person, right?
"I will ask someone to send the completed Shuiyue mirror to the International Chamber of Commerce!"

Lu Xun, who made the deal, didn't even ask about the price of the Shuiyue Mirror, or even Wan Mingli didn't have a standard price in mind, so he didn't ask, but just gave a promise.

On the other side, the faces of Emperor Daxuan, Xuantian Gao and others became more and more gloomy. They didn't want to stay here any longer at this time, and strode away with all the soldiers. They seemed to have a gloomy feeling.

This scene made everyone feel emotional, secretly thinking that since the establishment of the Daxuan Dynasty, except for a certain hidden killer, I am afraid that there has never been anyone who made His Majesty the Emperor Daxuan suffer such a big loss. ?
However, Xuan Tiangao couldn't retaliate after suffering a loss, because all the faults were with the crown prince Xuan Zhengzhao, and Lu Xun still had solid evidence in his hands.

Under such circumstances, even if Xuan Tiangao was filled with anger, he could only smash his teeth and swallow his blood, but he knew clearly that he would have a headache for who would be the Great Xuan Prince.

As for the other onlookers, apart from being emotional, they were also gloating.

After all, what the crown prince Xuan Zhengzhao did was very contemptible, and now that he has ended up like this, everyone is happy.

But they could all guess that with the news that the crown prince was abolished today, the entire Daxuan King Capital, or in other words, all the forces in the royal city, might be ready to move.

Accompanied by these desires to move, perhaps there are countless bloody storms in the open and in the dark.

The battle for the throne has always been the cruelest, and any prince with a little bit of ambition will keep his eye on the crown prince and not allow it to fall into the hands of others.

And even the unambitious prince may have no choice but to stand in line after all sides fight.

Because sometimes if you don't stand in line, you will be regarded as an enemy, and you will eventually suffer the disaster.

It can be said that what Lu Xun did today has extremely far-reaching significance for the entire Daxuan Dynasty, and it even fundamentally changed the situation among the many princes of the Daxuan Royal Family.

Even the abolished Crown Prince Xuan Zhengzhao will eventually want to make a comeback. Those hateful guys want to take his crown prince, so we have to see if there is such a weight.

Of course, these are all things to say later, everyone looked at the high-ranking Xuantian who retreated over there, then turned their eyes to the boy in black, and finally stopped at the shopkeeper of the New Moon Restaurant.

Long Zhijun is still covered with a black veil, everyone can only see her newly grown figure, but they don't know how amazing the face under the black veil is.

"The roots of troubles!"

But at this moment, these four words popped up in many people's minds. Strictly speaking, the crown prince was not planted in the hands of Lu Xun, but in the hands of the shopkeeper Long.

Since ancient times, because of their own physical fitness, the number of geniuses or strong men is far less than that of men. Therefore, in many people's subconscious minds, women's status is inherently inferior.

Some narrow-minded people didn't think at this moment that it was Xuan Zhengzhao's own lust that caused disasters, and they even attributed these faults to Long Zhijun.

So sometimes, people's hearts are unpredictable, and what kind of beauty is under that black veil, presumably from today onwards, it will also become a topic of discussion in Daxuan King's capital.

"Okay, thank you for your support. The New Moon Restaurant is closed today, so please be early tomorrow!"

Lu Xun looked around, took everyone's expressions into his eyes, and then saw him waving his hand, but in everyone's heart, there was a feeling that they still had something to say.

"Old Du, find someone to fix it!"

Lu Xun ignored those people. He raised his head and looked at the big hole that was knocked out of the window on the second floor. After the words came out, Du Baimei next to him did not neglect at all, and went to prepare directly.

"I've been busy for so long, and I haven't eaten this meal. How about you come in and have something together?"

Lu Xun rubbed his belly, then turned his attention to the three strong men of the college over there, and then said: "Master Wan is coming too?"

"Haha, I have long heard that the dishes of the New Moon Restaurant are the best in the capital. It seems that today is a good day!"

Wan Mingli was a businessman and wanted to make friends with Lu Xun, and it was exactly what he wanted at the moment. Seeing him laugh, the faces of the three strong men in the nearby academy also showed smiles.

"Lu Xun, this meal doesn't cost money, does it?"

Gao Yuansheng is the dean of the Chess Academy, and he is also the one with the worst economic strength. Thinking about the prices of the dishes in the New Moon Restaurant, he couldn't help but ask one more question.

"Not only does this meal cost nothing, but the three of you in the future will eat at Xinyue Restaurant for free!"

At this time, Lu Xun acted extremely domineering and wealthy, but after hearing his words, Yu Chongxiao was not doing well yet, Gao Yuansheng and Gui Dongnan couldn't help but their eyes lit up, and they subconsciously wanted to speak.

"Of course, it's limited to dishes with less than thirty jade beads!"

Naturally, Lu Xun knew what the two wanted to say. He first emphasized something, then turned his head and said, "Leader Wan doesn't need to be free, and Lord Wan must be as good as those few jade beads!"

(End of this chapter)

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