low-key is king

Chapter 756 gives you 2 choices!

Chapter 756 Gives you two choices!

"Brother Lei Jun, you don't have a good eye for women. How can a woman like this deceive you away from your Kuang Lei Bead?"

Lu Xun ignored Liang Yuan who was trembling with anger, but turned his attention to Lei Jun.

These few words directly made Lei Jun, who was pale, almost spit out a mouthful of old blood again.

Speaking of Lei Jun at this moment, Liang Yuan's state is completely different from before. At that moment of confusion, he only felt that this woman was endlessly charming, and he was willing to give everything he had to her.

But now, after knowing that he has been fooled, how does he really feel that the woman is extremely disgusted, this woman is the Kuang Leizhu who is deliberately trying to deceive him?

"Take a good look for yourself. This woman has a wide forehead and hanging eyes. She has a big mouth, a small waist and a thin butt. She can't give birth to a son at first sight. I advise you to go to an ophthalmologist first to treat your eyes."

Lu Xun was still chattering there, and everyone was stunned when they heard his comments on Liang Yuan. How could the mouth of the secret channel boy be meaner than the shrew on the street?

When everyone turned their attention to Liang Yuan, they suddenly felt that Lu Xun's observation was really careful.

This is to magnify some of Liang Yuan's minor shortcomings by ten times.

Liang Yuan's hairline is a little higher than that of ordinary women, and the corners of both eyes are drooping a little. The mouth is not a small cherry mouth, and the body looks a little thin, and the buttocks are indeed a little smaller than normal women.

It's just that these small shortcomings, usually under Liang Yuan's intentional cover-up, no one noticed at all, but now Lu Xun has pointed it out, but they can't hide under the eyes of everyone.

"Look again, the layer of powder on her face will spill three catties if she shakes it. After taking off her makeup at night, Lei Jun, are you really not afraid of seeing ghosts?"

Lu Xun stretched out his fingers not far away to poke and poke, as if pointing at Jiangshan, which made Liang Yuan's body tremble violently, and he didn't know how to refute for a while.

This woman is very good at dressing up, and there is indeed a layer of makeup on her face, which adds another point to his seven-point appearance. This has always been her "secret".

There are even many women in the Moon Palace who once asked her about makeup skills, but unfortunately they didn't get the essence.

Now it seems that this exquisite makeup technique has become a reason for Lu Xun to ridicule.

Lu Xun's words were always exaggerated. In fact, Liang Yuan could not be regarded as heavy makeup in the true sense.


When Yun Xinyu heard the words "sprinkle three catties", she finally couldn't help laughing out loud.

She had long hated seeing this woman who behaved indiscreetly, and today she finally saw her embarrassed side.

At the beginning Liang Yuan was approached by Ning Men because she had cheated Jiang Xin's feelings, but in the end the matter was never resolved, and the new palace lord just punished him lightly.

That also became the trigger for Yun Xinyu to leave the Moon Palace. Since then, she and the Moon Palace have completely broken off. Naturally, she is extremely disgusted with the smog in the Moon Palace.

All the people in the New Moon Palace had a smile on their faces, and the faces of the girls in the Moon Palace were naturally extremely ugly.

The eloquence of this boy in black is simply unprecedented, who can be his opponent?

"Lu Xun, you came here today with great fanfare, isn't it just to talk nonsense?"

Jin Lan knew that she couldn't compare to Lu Xun in terms of eloquence, so she spoke with a sullen face, and finally brought Lu Xun's gaze back to her.

"of course not!"

Lu Xun also put away the smile on his face, and saw that he was looking at Jin Lan, but pointed at Liang Yuan, and said softly: "Let her return everything, then kneel down and apologize, and I will let you go to Yuegong today." !"

Such domineering words almost made Lei Jun shed tears.

He never thought that for his own private affairs, Lu Xun, the lord of the New Moon Palace, would be able to do this.

To be honest, Lei Jun didn't have the face to face Lu Xun this time, that's why he came to Moon Palace alone.

He didn't want his scandal to drag the New Moon Palace, and he didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble for the New Moon Palace.

Unexpectedly, at the critical moment when he was about to be killed by Liang Yuan, Lu Xun suddenly appeared with people from the New Moon Palace, and he was so domineering when he came in, which moved Lei Jun very much.

"Do you think that's possible?"

Jin Lan's face became gloomy again, and she asked a question directly. There was a strange light in her eyes, and she said, "Don't forget, this is the headquarters of the Moon Palace!"

"What about the headquarters of the Moon Palace? It was the people from your Moon Palace who lied first, and even severely injured the people from my New Moon Palace. I will trouble your Moon Palace. What's wrong?"

Lu Xun will not be as aggrieved as Lei Jun just now, or maybe everything is based on self-confidence based on strength. Today's New Moon Palace, the overall strength is far above the Moon Palace.

"Liang Yuan, I'll give you three breaths, if you don't do what I say, you will be at your own risk!"

Lu Xun still didn't look at Liang Yuan, but he kept talking about this woman, which made the latter turn his eyes for help to the palace lord Jin Lan.

When confronting Lei Jun, a monk who had just entered the sixth realm, Liang Yuan was naturally extremely stubborn, but that day at the civil and martial arts exchange meeting, she saw with her own eyes that Lu Xun killed Xiao Xu, a martial artist who had just entered the seventh realm of the martial arts academy. .

The monks in the same situation and the same level, except for the sword master of their own destiny, are absolutely impossible to be opponents of martial masters. Since Lu Xun can kill Xiao Xu, it means that he has the strength to kill her Liang Yuan.

At this time, Liang Yuan could only ask Jin Lan for help. To ask her to return the cheated things and kowtow on her knees would be a great shame to her.

"Lu Xun, do you dare to do it at the Moon Palace headquarters?"

Stared at by Liang Yuan asking for help, Jin Lan had no choice but to speak again. After all, she could only emphasize that this is the headquarters of the Moon Palace, and certain rules of the college can still protect this private place.

"Three, two, one, it's time!"

Lu Xun ignored Jin Lan's verbal threats, but counted to three, and then he stretched out his hand and said, "Senior Sister Liang Yuan, I want to challenge you, please enlighten me!"

The sudden change of topic caught everyone by surprise, but the next moment, the expressions of the monks belonging to both sides were different.

On the side of the New Moon Palace, everyone had a smile on their faces, but on the other side of the Moon Palace, their faces were extremely ugly. How could they forget this.

At the beginning, Lu Xun only dared to block the gate of Ningmen. It was because at that time, he only had the cultivation base of the five realms perfect, and the most he could challenge was the monks who had completed the six realms.

If he rushed into the Ningmen headquarters rashly, Ning Wenji and other strong men would be able to attack Lu Xun directly in his own private territory without any scruples.

But now, not only is Lu Xun's strength greatly improved, but the overall strength of the New Moon Palace is far from comparable to when it was newly built. It can be called as strong as a cloud.

It is reasonable and reasonable for Lu Xun to challenge a moon palace genius who has just entered the seventh realm with a perfect cultivation base of the sixth realm. According to the rules of the academy, the opponent cannot refuse at all.

It's true that this is the headquarters of the Moon Palace. Strong people like Jin Lan can also attack Lu Xun, but Lu Xun is not alone now. Do you think Kong Xinyue and Xuan Shisan are just a show?

Once Jin Lan attacked Lu Xun first, Kong Xinyue and the others would have a reason to fight back. In the melee between the two forces, the one that will be destroyed will most likely be Yue Gong.

"Senior Sister Liang Yuan, you have two choices, you can only choose one!"

Lu Xun stared at the sea queen opposite, and after a slight pause, he said, "Don't blame me for not reminding you, my Lu Xun subordinates will never have an intact enemy!"

The last sentence obviously made Liang Yuan's heart tremble, because she suddenly thought of Lu Xun's heart.

Whether it was the geniuses who were challenged in Ningmen, or the martial arts academy opponents who fought against Lu Xun at the civil and military exchange meeting, they all ended up extremely miserable.

This is either being crippled or losing her life. Liang Yuan hasn't lived enough, and she hasn't been a genius enough yet. If she is crippled or dies, how can she still be in the middle of men?
However, the first choice Lu Xun gave was too harsh, and it would be fine to return the treasures like Kuang Leizhu, and she couldn't do it on her knees and kowtow.

"It seems that you have made a choice!"

Lu Xun didn't give the other party any more time at all. After seeing his words, his entire figure suddenly appeared in front of Liang Yuan, raised two fingers of his right hand, and thrust towards the other party's eyes angrily.

The sudden attack made all the girls in the Moon Palace look a little ugly.

Jin Lan's body exuded a faint aura, but the next moment her heart shuddered, feeling a force locked on her.

Looking sideways, Jin Lan immediately noticed that Kong Xinyue was looking at her, making her immediately know that the power belonged to Kong Xinyue.

Moreover, Jin Lan had a feeling that compared to the time when Kong Xinyue was robbed and killed last time, the original Lord of the Moon Palace might have improved in strength.

Among other things, the dress the other party is wearing is said to be a fairy robe made by the head of the Military Academy himself. With the perfect cultivation of Jin Lan Seven Realms, I am afraid that he can't even break the defense.

After weighing things up in her mind, Jin Lan dared not act rashly at this time. Now that her allies have not arrived yet, Yue Gong will inevitably suffer a big loss in the scuffle.


But when Jin Lan turned his attention to the battle over there again, he was taken aback.

Because at some point, the Thunder Orb in Liang Yuan's hand fell into Lu Xun's hands.

It was only a blink of an eye, Jin Lan did not see clearly how Lu Xun did it.

No matter how strong his combat power is, the gap between the two is between the sixth realm and the seventh realm.

Now that he has already started, Liang Yuan will definitely not take the initiative to send the Kuang Leizhu. In this way, Lu Xun is relying on his own ability.

How on earth did he snatch the Kuang Lei Bead with one move?
(End of this chapter)

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