low-key is king

Chapter 757 If you don't kneel, you will die!

Chapter 757 If you don't kneel, you will die!
"Brother Lei Jun, next, don't lose it again!"

After Lu Xun snatched the Kuang Lei Orb from Liang Yuan's hands with lightning speed, he threw it to Lei Jun directly.

During this process, no moon zodiac genius dared to set out to grab it.

On the one hand, everyone in the New Moon Palace is staring at him, and on the other hand, they are also extremely afraid of Lu Xun. What if they miss Lu Xun because of their actions?

Lei Jun stretched out his hand in a daze, and took over the Kuang Leizhu, always felt that what happened at this moment was a bit unreal.

That was the Kuang Lei Orb that I tried my best and almost lost my life, but I couldn't get it back. I didn't expect that Lu Xun would snatch it back in one move.

"Thank...Thank you!"

In the end, Lei Jun could only suppress those unreal feelings in his heart, and the murmur in his mouth made Yang Zhanyi next to him pat him heavily on the shoulder.

"Brother Lei Jun, we are all brothers, and you are also an organized person. If you have any problems in the future, don't carry them alone!"

Yang Zhanyi said something earnestly, and he knew that this time it was really dangerous.

If he was one step late to notify, and even one step late to come to the headquarters of the Moon Palace, he might only see Lei Jun's corpse.

"Yang Zhanyi, are you expecting something to happen to me?"

Lei Jun, who was in the right mood, couldn't help but give Yang Zhanyi a blank look. Can this guy talk? Is he really so stupid that he will suffer a second time after suffering a loss?

"Ha ha!"

Hearing this, Yang Zhanyi laughed, seeing the other party's appearance, he felt relieved.

He was really afraid that after this incident, Lei Jun would be devastated, which would have a great impact on his cultivation path.

The two of them talked and laughed as if no one was around, which made the people in the Moon Palace feel a little complicated. These people in the New Moon Palace didn't seem to worry about Lu Xun, who was only in the sixth realm.

But when they turned their attention to the two sides in the battle, they felt that their thoughts were a little ridiculous.

Because it was just a few moves, Lu Xun had already beaten Liang Yuan, a monk who had just entered the seventh realm.

In fact, after getting close, Liang Yuan, who had just entered the Seventh Realm, was worse than Xiao Xu who died at the hands of Lu Xun. After all, the latter was a martial artist who had just entered the Seventh Realm, and his fighting power was undoubtedly stronger.

What's more, compared to the time of the civil and martial arts exchange meeting, Lu Xun's Qi refining cultivation has also broken through to the sixth realm, which means that his combat power is much stronger than before.

But such a result, in the eyes of many Moon Palace geniuses, is still somewhat shocking.

It seems that the gap between realms has never been seen in that black-clothed boy.

After a while, everyone heard a crisp slap in their ears.

Then they saw that Liang Yuan was slapped by Lu Xun and turned around in a circle, and the left half of his cheek swelled up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Ouch, it's disgusting, this fan!"

Lu Xun shook his right hand exaggeratedly, causing everyone to look at each other, because they actually saw some dust falling from Lu Xun's shaking palm.

I don't know if Lu Xun did it on purpose. When the yelling in his mouth came out, Liang Yuan almost spit out a mouthful of old blood in anger. The trauma on the soul seemed to be more unbearable than the trauma on the body.

However, Lu Xun said it was disgusting, but his hands didn't stop.

After the two moves, he slapped Liang Yuan's other half of the cheek again, and swung his palm again, still with dust falling down.

As a result, Liang Yuan's cheeks on both sides, which were a little asymmetrical just now, were all swollen, and there was no such beauty as before, the swelling was mixed with blue and purple, as ugly as it could be.

"Brother Lei Jun, have you lost even your last illusion?"

While suppressing Liang Yuan, Lu Xun also made fun of Lei Jun, which made all the girls in the Moon Palace blow their lungs. They don't bully people like that.

Isn't this guy a man?Why are you so ignorant of compassion?
"Liang Yuan, the condition I said before is still valid, if you don't agree, your face will really be smashed!"

Lu Xun's words sounded again, followed by a slap on Liang Yuan's face, which made the pain unbearable, and at the same time, he really felt that his face was about to explode.

People like Liang Yuan valued their appearance the most. She couldn't imagine what would happen if her face was smashed and couldn't be recovered.

If there was still a glimmer of hope for Liang Yuan before, then she really doesn't count on people from the moon palace like Jin Lan anymore.

She only knew that if she continued to be tough, it would not only be a matter of her face being smashed, but even her life might be directly taken away by the other party.

The choice between dignity and life is actually not difficult at all.

Since the people in the Moon Palace can no longer be counted on, Liang Yuan can only save herself. At this moment, her mentality has undergone a great change.

When Lu Xun's palm slapped Liang Yuan's cheek for the fourth time, she took two steps back and said loudly, "Stop hitting me, I...I apologize!"

With a pig's head on the beam edge, her voice was a bit leaky, obviously even a few teeth had been knocked out, but everyone could still hear the meaning of her words clearly.

"Kong Xinyue, killing people is nothing more than nodding your head. Seeing your former classmates being so humiliated, don't you care at all?"

Jin Lan's face was as ugly as it could be. At this time, she didn't talk to Lu Xun, but looked at Kong Xinyue, who locked her breath, hoping to arouse the friendship of the other party.

Speaking of which, Liang Yuan can be regarded as an old man of the Moon Palace, but she used to act quite secretly, and not many people dared to come to her door, so Kong Xinyue just turned a blind eye.

But now, without Kong Xinyue's Liang Yuan sitting in the Moon Palace, her actions are becoming more and more omniscient. Today, she finally suffered retribution. How could Kong Xinyue care about her former fellowship?

"If you do something wrong, you have to pay a price. If you don't teach her a lesson, she won't know the pain!"

Kong Xinyue glanced at Jin Lan lightly, then turned her gaze to Liang Yuan, and said lightly: "I hope that after today, you can realize your mistakes, otherwise you will only harm others and yourself, and you may not be able to do so next time." Such good luck!"

What the former Lord of the Moon Palace said made Liang Yuan no longer be able to take chances. Seeing her walking in front of Lei Jun step by step, her squinted eyes may be the first time to look directly at this man full of thunder attributes.

"Yes... I'm sorry!"

No matter how reluctant Liang Yuan was, for the sake of her own life, she could only apologize. She never thought that such a day would come, and it would come so soon.

"Did you make a mistake? I asked you to kneel down and apologize!"

Lu Xun's faint voice came from behind, making Liang Yuan tremble, but those legs could not be bent no matter what, this was an extreme humiliation for her.

"Lu Xun, don't go too far!"

Jin Lan spoke coldly, but the boy in black didn't look back, just staring at Liang Yuan, the cold light in his eyes seemed to be expressing an attitude.

"If you don't kneel, you will die!"

When Lu Xun uttered these four words, it seemed like the last straw that broke the camel's back and broke Liang Yuan's last heartstring, and he finally fell to his knees with a plop.

At this moment, Lu Xun is undoubtedly extremely domineering. The reason for this is because he has only completed the sixth realm. If he challenges the monks of the seventh realm with such a cultivation base, no matter what he does, no one will say much.

"I'm sorry, Lei Jun, I, Liang Yuan, did something wrong, please forgive me!"

The moment his knees touched the ground, Liang Yuan suddenly felt his whole body relax a lot, and he could speak more fluently.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, and after taking this first step, all other dignity is no longer important.

With such a scene, Lei Jun didn't know what to say, he just felt that happiness came so suddenly, so fast that it couldn't cover his ears.

This woman who had hurt her so deeply actually knelt down and apologized.

Earlier, Lei Jun thought that Lu Xun was just trying to humiliate the other party to vent his anger. He never thought that there would be such a moment that all the humiliation he suffered before seemed to be made up for at this moment.


Seeing that Lei Jun didn't speak, Liang Yuan suddenly felt blessed, and stretched out his hand to wipe his wrist, and then a lot of things appeared out of thin air on the ground in front of her.

These things are naturally the things that Lei Jun was deceived by him and gave to Liang Yuan on his own initiative, but compared to Kuang Leizhu, the value of these things is undoubtedly much lower.

But this also showed Liang Yuan's attitude. She remembered what Lu Xun said before. If the other party made a fuss about it again, whether they could save their lives or not, at least another humiliation would definitely be indispensable.

So Liang Yuan did everything, anyway, his dignity had already been rubbed against the ground, so what's the use of keeping these things?
The entire headquarters of the Moon Palace seemed a little quiet. This was perhaps the most aggrieved day for the people of the Moon Palace.

What's the point of this moon palace disciple being in front of someone who can't do anything after being knocked on like this?
It would be fine if it was in other places outside, but this is still the headquarters of the Moon Palace, even in its own headquarters, it is so aggrieved, just imagine how the Moon Palace will plummet in the future?
"Since Senior Sister Liang Yuan is so knowledgeable, I will let you go today!"

Lu Xun looked at Liang Yuan who didn't dare to stand up on the ground. When the words fell from his mouth, his eyes had already turned to the other female geniuses in the Moon Palace, which made everyone's hearts sink.

"Next, it's your turn. I want Daxuan Wenshi Academy to have no moon palace after today!"

Lu Xun's loud voice resounded in the hall of the Moon Palace headquarters, filled with a strange domineering aura, and made the hearts of all the women in the Moon Palace sink to the bottom of the valley.

(End of this chapter)

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