Chapter 1 I am the protagonist
The world of Hunter x Hunter is full of dangers, magical and colorful, intriguing, sincere and passionate.

Hello everyone, I am the protagonist of this story, Carl Munro. Let me briefly introduce myself. I have a brother Hisoka, who is a fighter, but he later denied me. My identity is still a mystery.

Hisoka is a talent. He wanted to kill me since he was a child, and my mother asked me to protect him.Later, I felt that it was a relief for him to die in battle, let him let himself go.

I used to fight side by side with the brigade. Kuroro was in a hurry all day long. I had to wait for the notice to see him. I knew the first seven members of the brigade very well.

I have been in the same room with Maggie, she is really good-looking, but her personality is bland, and I have been her test subject.

Wo Jin likes to snore when he sleeps, and the taste of food is also very special, don't ask me how I know, I don't want to recall it.

Nobunaga's sword is very fast, and there are times when it is unpleasant, so I just ran into it. Facing invisible enemies, we ran away in embarrassment together.

The first time I saw Paconoda, she was wearing a tight leather jacket, tall, and she almost shot to death when she drew a gun. Fortunately, I confessed that Wo Jin was my companion.

Franklin likes to drink, you can see that he is very good at reading and shooting, but in fact he is even better at drinking, even Wo Jin can't beat him.

As for Feitan, we met each other on a narrow road, and we didn't know each other without fighting. If there was no order from Kuroro, we would probably be able to fight until death.

The happiest time was when I was with Kim, who was a small kid who was selfish at times taking risks for himself, but also a very funny jerk.

Our 11 good friends have made the game Greedy Island together, not for money, of course, just to let the hunters find some excitement, and by the way create a world worthy of our lifetime memories.

After the game was released, I found that no one could pass the level. I really feel that the quality of hunters is getting worse and worse.

But Kim also found love there and had a son.Xiaojie’s name was also given by me (hahaha).

It's just that Jin is not a person who should have a family. He is too adventurous and always has a lot of ideas in his mind. In the end, the two broke up.

This is his family business, I don't want to say more, you will know later.

People are in the rivers and lakes, and I can't help myself. I also made a lot of troubles for revenge.

They wanted to kill me when I beat the enemy's family. It was the hardest battle I fought since I learned to read, but I also won their respect for me.

Qian Er would introduce me to a lot of bad jobs. The most memorable thing is that Byond asked me to investigate the Dark Continent together. He is an ambitious guy, but I agree with his spirit of exploration, but our The price paid for this time is too high.

Kurapika's master has the best understanding with me, and he was assigned to perform missions with me. He comes from a mysterious oriental country and has good cooking skills. I often go to his house for dinner.

Three days and three nights can't finish the charm of the dream scroll. There are some unknown secrets there, which are the last paradise for human beings in the world.

The ant queen was brought back by me accidentally (killed Nitro and many others, sin!)

I lived in Meteor Street, which touched me and hurt me. The smell of the air was so bad that I didn't get used to it after staying there for a long time.

I checked the Dark Continent, it is a forbidden place that humans should not enter, it is the back garden of the gods, it is Pandora's magic box.

I have experienced the existence of the Demon King. He is nostalgic for countless evil thoughts in the world, and created messengers to spread disasters.

My biological father, my biological father's friends, and many people with strong thoughts ability have all become victims of evil thoughts.

I made my first pot of gold in Youkexin, where there are gangsters and street scammers everywhere, and the rules and scams one after another made me and my companions suffer.

I used to be the landlord in the Sky Arena, and I fought all the psychics who could fight here, and almost destroyed it once, and my younger brother took my place later.

These are my experiences so far, and every time I think about it, it feels like time flies.

I didn't expect that I would become like this in the end, the world would be destroyed by me, but I couldn't control myself and killed people I knew one after another.

They are my friends, they are my partners, they are people who live in my memory.

At this moment, I am standing on the top floor of the Sky Arena, the sky is full of blood, all kinds of monsters are wreaking havoc on the ground, and the air is filled with the smell of blood and violence.

Under my feet, there are corpses left by the hunters who came to attack everywhere. The world government is evacuating all local people.

People drove frantically to flee, there were long queues of cars everywhere on the road, crying and screaming one after another.

The killers who beat up the enemy's family were entrusted by the government as an exception, and the four generations of grandparents and grandchildren have all been dispatched.

Far away in the high sky, a huge dragon of light was galloping towards him, carrying countless pairs of eyes, full of murderous intent.

This is the last group attack of the psychics. Everyone regards death as home. If they cannot win, the world will be destroyed and the world will fall into hell.

Human governments have already prepared for the worst, and nuclear bomb groups all over the world have locked my position.

If they can't beat me yet, let me disappear in the fallout.

The same voice appeared in my mind countless times, am I still the same me?Can I still control me?
Want to know if what I said is true or not?Be patient, you'll know as you read.

Maybe my birth was a mistake, I shouldn't have appeared in Hunter World.

My biological father, whose real name was Elson Munro, I didn't know much about him because I hadn't seen him since I was born.

All about him, I only later heard from a friend named Kim Freeze.

He is an elegant lunatic with 300 years of cultivation and is immortal. The bounty hunters call him "Bloodthirsty", a devil who uses telekinetic ability as the art of killing.

A person who has traveled all over the world and finally made a deal with the devil.

My mother is Emma Walter, a brave, stubborn, kind and beautiful woman.

Born in a noble family, she met the person she shouldn't have met, and finally married into the royal family, but she didn't get enough happiness. I swear that she is the only person I ever admired and loved in this world.

my story.I have to start with my life experience. It was a summer when a magician brought the darkest soul to my hometown, the Mobius Empire.

There, an encounter that destined the fate of the hunter world happened inevitably.

The road full of adventure and vengeance, the story of shedding blood and gaining friendship begins from now on. Your witness is welcome, let's go together.

 Newcomers and new books, it is difficult for hunters to write, please give me more advice, please recommend for collection, welcome to comment and discuss.


(End of this chapter)

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