Chapter 2 Munro
On the continent of Urubian, there is a Mobis Empire, whose land borders Meteor Street.

On a summer night decades ago, in Mora City, the capital of the Mobis Empire, the largest Royal Theater was very lively, and the auditorium was full of people.

The circular aisle among them was full of guards. There had never been such a solemn and grand specification here. People in the seats were all looking forward to and discussing.

This is something they can talk about for a lifetime after tonight, watching a magic show with the royal family, and the greatest magician in the world is about to start an unknown show for them.

There are many dignitaries here, members of the royal family are sitting in the VIP seats on the second floor, guards guard the surroundings on both sides, and no one is allowed to approach unless the guests on the seats give permission.

Orson, king of the Memphis Empire, sat on a chair and chatted about tonight's performance with Prince Baron who had brought him to watch the show.

"Baron, is he really as magical as the rumors say? I have lived to this age, and I have seen many magic tricks, all of which are deceptive little tricks."

"Father, believe me, this time will definitely feast your eyes. I have seen him turn a woman's silk scarf into a snake, put an orange seed into a flowerpot, and let it take root and sprout instantly, spreading branches and leaves. , bear fruit! That's simply..."

"It's almost like magic, isn't it? Boy, I don't believe in magic. If there is magic, it must be the existence of demons. It's too dangerous! We must kill such people. I told you, Son, I have killed many such people, who use illusions to deceive the public and blaspheme the gods! Such people must die!"

"Oh, my lord, these are just tricks to make people happy. Who would take it seriously? Don't you father and son keep fighting and talking endlessly. Let's watch the show well."

The queen, who was sitting next to the king, interrupted their conversation.

"See, your mother is a sensible person."

The king looked sideways at Prince Balon on the other side with a triumphant smile.

Prince Balon bowed his head, stopped arguing, and waited for the show to give the best proof of what he had said.

"Are you ready? Munro, I'm going on stage."

"No problem, Keene."

At this time, in front of the big red curtain on the stage, came up a short host Keen with a mustache. He was wearing a black tuxedo, looked around the audience in front of the stage, and said in an excited voice.

"Life and death, time and space, fate and chance, these are forces inherent in the universe, tonight, gentlemen and ladies. Allow me to introduce someone who can unravel these mysteries, from the far end of the world, Where black magic still reigns, the one who reverses the laws of nature. Call the magician Elson!"

With the host's arms stretched back, the curtain opened to both sides. Amid a burst of warm applause, a magician in a black dress and cape walked out on the stage.

He is tall and slender, wearing a gentleman's hat, which hides his conspicuous red hair as much as possible.

He has fair skin, delicate facial features, and deep eyes like whirlpools, making people who see him feel as if they are being sucked in, and dare not look directly for too long.

He moved forward slowly, walked to the edge of the stage, took off his black cloak, and threw it over the audience in a chic way.

The cloak turned into a group of black crows in the blink of an eye in the air. For a moment, the audience all raised their heads and looked towards the crows in the air.

Ah, ah, ah...

The crows yelled and quickly flew to the high VIP seats.

Seeing that the crow was about to fly over, the royal family members in the seats began to panic, some screamed, and some hid in the arms of their lovers.

The queen was also frightened for a moment, and Prince Balon took out his sword and stood in front of her, ready to kill any crow that came close.

King Orson, however, stared at these approaching, dark group of things unswervingly, waiting for them to approach, and he wanted to see if they were crows.

Just when the crows were about to approach the royal nobles, the crows suddenly changed.

bang, bang, bang...

It all became a cloud of black smoke, slowly dissipated in the air, and then disappeared without a trace.

People screamed, and the magician was greeted with even louder applause from the audience.

Next, the magician began his more exciting performance.

"People often say that dreams are like life, and life is like a dream. Sometimes we are in a dream but we don't know it is a dream. Only when we wake up do we know where we are! Everyone is here today, and I will let you see that it is like a dream. everything you can see there.”

"Is there any lady willing to come up, I need a female guest for the next show!"

The magician looked down the stage, waiting for a response, when the daughter of a rich woman raised her handkerchief as a sign.

The magician smiled and extended an invitation gesture to her, saying, "Please applaud this brave lady."

The applause sounded, the lady came to the stage and looked at the audience, the spotlight hit her, which made her a little uncomfortable, but also a little excited and enjoying, she quietly waited for the magician's arrangement.

After a while, the performance props were pushed up from the backstage, and the expressions of the female guests changed when they looked at the audience. Some timid ladies even cried out, "Oh my God!"

At this time, the female guest looked back anxiously, and she couldn't help being surprised when she saw the props appearing behind her.

A vertical wooden box with a round hole where the head can be exposed, and a row of long swords hanging on a shelf next to it.

"Ma'am, don't worry, it's all fake, just like a dream."

The magician approached the female guest and comforted her with a smile.

Afterwards, the magician opened the box, which is a prop box whose upper and lower parts can be opened separately, and let the lady get into the box and stand still.

First close the part of the box above the neck, and then close the part of the box below the body, so that only the head of the lady is exposed, and the body is in the box.

The magician then goes to a side shelf, picks up a sword, walks up to the stage, and hands the sword to the audience.

Several spectators passed on the sword, and one of them even stroked the blade lightly with his finger, watching blood flow out.

"This is a real sword, I swear!"

The sword was then passed to the magician, who, brandishing the sword, walked up to the box.

"Keep smiling, ma'am, it's just a dream, it's not real."

The magician comforted the lady in the box again, and suddenly thrust the long sword into the box forcefully.

The audience in the audience was startled. Similarly, the female guest in the box also watched the sword pass through the box horizontally.

But the female guest found that she didn't feel any discomfort in her body, and then she smiled with relief.

The audience in the audience also relaxed. Immediately afterwards, the magician inserted the second, third,...

A total of ten swords on the shelf were all inserted from different positions.

But there was still no abnormality on the faces of the female guests on stage, and the audience murmured.

These people have all seen big scenes, so their eyes are naturally more critical.

"It's just a trick. Obviously, there are tricks in it, and anyone who has seen magic knows it."

King Orson has already impatiently drawn his own conclusions, as he said, he has seen too many such performances, and it is not surprising at all.

"Father, if it's just like this, then I will definitely not call you here, he must still have a hand!"

Prince Balon firmly knew that this magician would never let himself down.

As the prince expected, a bigger surprise came, and the magician spoke.

"Gentlemen and ladies, I know that you have all seen similar performances too many times, and you must be thinking that there must be some mechanism in it, right, so let's do something different this time!"

The magician walked up to the female guest and said to her again: "Remember, ma'am, this is like a dream, it's all fake!"

As the magician said, he immediately opened the box with swords inserted on both sides, turned around and walked aside.

The audience in the audience were stunned, they couldn't believe their eyes.

 A new book by a newcomer, the author is an old fan of hunters, and I have read a lot of fans who are time-traveled. I don’t time-travel. If there are book lovers who like hunters, please recommend and collect them. Comments are welcome if you have ideas.


(End of this chapter)

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