Chapter 3 Emma
"How is this possible, what did he do to her?"

"Why doesn't she feel anything?"

"Is this really fake? Have my eyes been tricked?"

When the magician opened the box, the audience was full of speculation and anxiety about what happened before them.

Especially the spectator who tried the sword with his finger saw that his finger was still bleeding, and then looked at the lady in the box on the stage, with so many swords stuck in her body, she didn't feel any pain at all, and not a single drop of blood flowed out.

It's incredible!
When everyone was amazed, the magician approached the box again. When the audience thought he was going to close the box, the magician stretched out his hand and quickly pulled out the long sword stuck in the body of the female guest.

Several female spectators in the nearest row under the stage shouted "Ah".The others also tightened their hearts all of a sudden, and took a breath of cold air with a "hiss".

The magician took the sword and walked to the stage to let the audience see that there was no blood on the sword.

Looking at the female guest on the stage who still didn't feel anything, she should really be glad that she can't see the body in the box now, otherwise she would definitely pass out on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, the magician quickly drew his sword, the second, the third...

Until the last sword, there was still no blood on the sword. After hanging up the drawn swords one by one, he walked up to the female guest, opened the part that was stuck on the female guest's neck, and led the female guest to the stage together. to greet the audience.

Everyone saw that there was nothing wrong with the female guest, so the whole hall suddenly burst into thunderous applause.

The magician sent the female guest off the stage. When she walked back to the seat from the aisle, there were pairs of observing eyes looking for her as she passed every row of seats.

There was not a single wound on her body, not even a puncture mark on her clothes, but so many swords passed through her body just now, is it magic?It actually happened, right in front of their eyes.

"Honey, are you really okay?"

"Oh, it's all right, Mom, don't worry, he's a great magician!"

After the female guest returned to her seat, the mother beside her also looked at her daughter with concern.

At this time, the magician started his new invitation. After the scene just now, no one responded to him for a long time.

"Gentlemen and ladies, isn't there a second brave lady in our Membius Empire?"

The magician was looking at the audience, and he was waiting for the female guest to appear. If no one came up after 5 minutes, he planned to do a little magic trick and end the show.

Five minutes soon passed, and when everyone else was still peeping at each other, a girl stood up and walked to the stage.

"Oh, that's Countess Emma. I saw her at the banquet before. I didn't expect her to be such a brave girl! Did you see it, king."

At this time, the queen pointed to the girl who came to the stage and introduced it to King Orson.

"It's not bad. It's also beautiful, with a dignified temperament. What do you think, Baron?"

The king had a good impression of this girl who volunteered, and after knowing that she was a nobleman, his favorability increased even more.

"Yes, father, I saw it. She is very special and has not disgraced our country. I want to meet her later. What do you think?"

"Great, I admire such a girl, she deserves you, child."

The queen was very pleased that her always proud son finally met the girl he liked. What a night, what a chance!
The queen also saw the same emotion in the eyes of the king who was looking at her.

The magician looked at the girl who was walking towards her with a smile, and felt that she came from the sky instead of the world.

Her golden curly hair was coiled up high, and she held a lavender bare-shouldered long dress with both hands. On both sides of her tall nose bridge, a pair of big eyes shone charmingly under the long eyelashes.

The red lips, which are not too big or small, bend out the most sexy arc, and a string of gold and agate necklaces are worn on the slender neck, which exudes aristocratic luxury and atmosphere in front of the deep collarbone.

"What a brave girl you are, you will always remember tonight!"

The magician took Countess Emma's hand and walked to the center of the stage. Just as the props were about to be pushed up behind the scenes, the magician stretched out his hand and waved his palm behind him, signaling the assistant not to come up.

Seeing the magician's gesture, the assistant stopped behind the scenes a small guillotine with a guillotine hanging on it.

The audience began to wait for the magician's more thrilling performance, but they didn't expect the magician to have props ready this time.

The magician took off his hat and showed the audience that it was empty, then he put the hat on Emma's head and shook it vigorously.

Suddenly, countless red rose petals sprinkled down and fell on Emma.

Emma looked into the eyes of the magician in the rose rain, and those eyes deeply attracted her. In those eyes, she was not on the stage, but in a garden full of roses.

She was smelling the fragrance of flowers, when a gust of wind blew out from the hat, she felt like she was about to fly, but she didn't expect her feet to leave the ground little by little, and she was really in the air.

The magician also flew off the ground with her. The two looked at each other, and flew around the stage in circles, circling for a while, and the rain of flowers filled the entire hall.

"You're really beautiful, you know that?"

The magician who watched Emma in the air couldn't help talking to her.

"Thank you, Mr. Elson, you are really the greatest magician." Emma looked into the eyes of the magician, her face felt hot.

After spinning a few times, the two fell to the ground at the same time amid the applause. The magician led Emma and walked to the front of the stage together to greet the audience.

The curtain fell and the performance ended. Before stepping off the stage, Emma looked back at the magician and left.

The magician smiled and returned to the dressing room, unexpectedly Prince Balon was already waiting for him inside.

"Your performance is still wonderful. My father wants to see you, so you can go with me. His old man is very generous."

"I'm honored to show my ugliness!"

Followed by a group of guards, the two came to the waiting room of the palace.

When the king and queen saw the magician coming, they all showed goodwill smiles.

"Your illusion is really clever, I appreciate it, but I want to warn you, Mr. Elson, my country does not allow such illusions to exist, if there are many people like you, my country will be very dangerous. Tonight is your last performance in our country, leave here tomorrow, never let me see you again, understand?"

"Father, you can't do this, he's just a magician."

"As long as I am still the king, I will have the final say in this country. Do you understand, child, I am ordering, not negotiating!"

"Your father has ruled the empire like this for decades, and there has never been anything wrong. This time I agree with what he said, son, his illusion is so real, so real that I think it's dangerous."

The queen and the king agreed, and the prince looked at the magician in embarrassment.

"Your Majesty, I can understand. I will pack up when I go back and leave early tomorrow morning. Thank you for your invitation, goodbye."

Elson got up and walked out of the palace without looking back. The prince wanted to chase him, but was stopped by the guards.

Not for the first time, his magic tricks are astonishing and terrifying, and no one knows where he learned them.

His past is a mystery, he never mentioned it, and no one went to investigate it. He is so mysterious, he has traveled to many places but only stayed for a short time, and this time is also the same.

Back in the theater, the assistant and partner Keane who was counting the money asked him: "Why don't you go to the guillotine, this is your favorite performance, the guillotine falls, the head rolls to the ground, press it back, and the person comes back to life. How exciting!"

"Her head is still the most beautiful on the neck, she is the most special, I want to keep her!"

The two started to pack their luggage while talking, when suddenly a little boy ran up and gave Elson a note and ran away.

Elson opened the note, which read:

Rose Hotel 305 is waiting for you,

The one who flies with you, Emma.

Eilson looked at the note, laughed wantonly and said, "My seeds have finally found the most suitable land!"

Keen also said happily for him: "Congratulations, after searching for more than 300 years, I finally found it!"

(End of this chapter)

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