The Rise of the Full Time Hunter Meteor Street

Chapter 4 The Seed and the Female Corpse

Chapter 4 The Seed and the Female Corpse

In the corridor on the third floor of the Rose Hotel, Eilson walked gently to the door of room 305. Just as he was about to knock on the door, the door opened first.

"I don't know why, I know you are here, and I don't know why, I think I must see you tonight, otherwise I will regret it forever!"

When Eilson saw Emma, ​​he held her head in one hand and kissed her, and closed the door with the other. The two fell in love. There is me in you, and you in me. It is inseparable.

Suddenly, strong winds blew from all directions in the night sky of Mora City. After a while, dark clouds filled the sky, the moon disappeared, thunder roared, and lightning bolts illuminated the entire city, causing heavy rain in an instant.

Passers-by who were still on the street were wondering and complaining, why did it suddenly start raining when the weather forecast clearly stated that there was no rain.

Only Keane, sitting by the window of the theater dormitory, was drinking and enjoying all this.

After a while, the rain stopped. The two people in the hotel faced each other sincerely. Emma lay in Elson's arms and looked at him.

"Where did you learn your magic? Why is it so realistic?"

"Honey, what I do is not pure magic, I prefer to call it the art of 'reading'!"

"What do you read?"

"Mind refers to the ability to manipulate a kind of life energy from the human body, which can stimulate various human potentials. I just developed the mind that is most suitable for magic performances."

"I still don't understand, but I feel very powerful. My name is Emma Walter. What's your full name? Elson."

"Beauty, Elson is my stage name, my real name is Chartre Munro."

"Oh, I remember. I think you were sent to me by the heavens. In the whole world, you are the only one who can do this. If you miss it, there will be no more. That's what I think."

"I think so too. You are the most special girl. You have noble blood flowing from your body. You are brave and pure in heart. You are full of curiosity and reverence for this world. You will give birth to a special life, and countless people will tremble in front of her. , he will be the strongest person in this country, the true uncrowned king!"

"What are you babbling about?"

"You will understand later, go to sleep, my dear, and have a good dream!"

Early the next morning, the midsummer sunshine flooded the earth, and the streets of the entire Mora City became lively with people coming and going.

The cries from downstairs in the hotel woke up Emma who was still sleeping soundly. Emma turned over on the bed with her eyes closed, looking for a warm embrace with her hands, but her hands touched the other side of the bed for a long time and opened her eyes. The eye was found to be empty.


Monroe and Keane were sitting on the train leaving Mora City. Because it was the earliest train, there were very few passengers in the carriage.

They sat by the car window, drank coffee, ate breakfast, and watched the city of Mora fading away.

"You are satisfied this time!"

"The joy of killing, how can it be so easy to satisfy? I want to use more than 1000 ways to kill, and now there are only more than 200, and it's too early! Keen."

"You are such a devil. I don't like killing people. My methods are too bloody, but I admire your way of killing people. From the first time I saw you killing people, I found it very interesting and creative every time."

"Thank you for the compliment. If you maximize an ability, it can become an art. My idea is the art of killing people."

Keane nodded with a smile, and then looked at the scenery outside the window, while Munro took out the human anatomy catalog that he brought with him, and read it with great interest.


In the Rose Hotel in Mora City, a woman suddenly yelled.




The woman was wearing bloody pajamas, her hair was scattered, and she kept shouting, running from the room to the front desk of the hotel lobby.

Emma, ​​who was checking out, saw this woman running over and was startled by her appearance.But she didn't have time to watch the excitement, she walked out of the hotel quickly, took a taxi and sneaked back to her home.

"Go and see quickly, my daughter was killed."

After looking at the woman's room, the lobby manager hurriedly called the police. She calmed down the woman's emotions while waiting for the police. After a while, the police car drove to the door, and a team of policemen came down.

After the police arrived, they immediately sealed off the scene. Some policemen dispersed the crowd who were watching at the door of the room. Some policemen began to take pictures to collect evidence. Inspector Wuer, who led the team, began to ask about the woman.

"What is your relationship with this girl?"

"I am her mother. We came here from Letes to watch the magic show. We went to watch the show last night and returned to the hotel. We didn't go anywhere. I woke up this morning and found that my daughter died like this. Woooo..."

"Madam, I express my sympathy and sadness for what happened to your daughter."

"Sir, the corpse has been preliminarily inspected. There are ten wounds on each side of her body. The cut surface is neat. It should be pierced through the body, causing a lot of bleeding to death, but no sharp weapon such as a sword was found at the scene."

A forensic police officer suddenly interrupted their conversation.

Inspector Wuer walked into the room after listening to his subordinate's report. The corpse in front of him was a young girl who was still in her prime, lying on the bed in blood-colored pajamas. Her expression showed no trace of pain or struggle. As if asleep and dreaming, the whole bed was stained with her blood.

The inspector leaned closer to the girl's body, and found that her pajamas were intact in the thick dark red.

The detective stretched out his hand and lifted off the pajamas. From the armpits to the waist of the girl, there were ten wounds three centimeters wide. Don't want to look at each other for too long.

This was so weird that the inspector anxiously arranged for his subordinates to record a statement for the woman, then turned and left the scene.

The detective who walked out of the hotel immediately drove to the front desk of the Royal Grand Theater.

"Excuse me, is the magician Elson here?"

"Sir, he packed his luggage and left early this morning."

"Where did you go, do you know?"

"I don't know."

"Damn it, this demon must be found!"

The inspector walked out of the theater angrily, and quickly drove back to the police headquarters. He reported what happened to the chief.

"In this case, go ahead, Ur. I have been a policeman for decades, and I know that the king doesn't like such people. If it wasn't for the protection of the prince, we would have killed him long ago."

The director general puffed out the cigar in his mouth, and approved the arrest warrant in a puff of smoke, ordering the police all over the country to hunt down the magician Eilson immediately. Since the target is extremely dangerous, he can be killed on the spot without going through a trial.


In the Memphis Empire Palace.

Soon, the king also received a report from the director. Looking at the photo of the girl's body, he recalled all the scenes of last night. He went to the study and made a phone call.

"Hello, is it the Hunter's Association?"

"Yes, sir, who are you looking for?"

"Pick me up President Netero, and say that King Orson is looking for him."

The Doumian man who answered the phone suddenly became nervous, and said respectfully:
"Okay, Your Majesty, I will transfer you right away."

"Hi, hello, Your Majesty, I'm Nitro, do you need any help?"

"Hello, old friend, I have a little trouble here. I need to catch a magician who can read. My police probably can't handle it. I need your hunter to help."

A magician who can read!Could it be the legendary "Bloodthirsty"?

Nitro thought of this demon that had been hunted down by many bounty hunters for hundreds of years, but with no results.

"Yes, Your Majesty, but once we find this person, we can execute him on the spot without going through trial and escort?"

"Okay, it's best if we don't need to do it! The compensation is still the old rules."

"Okay, Your Majesty."

The king hung up the phone. He seemed to feel the sudden uneasiness on the other end of the phone when he heard that it was a magician who could read.

But he didn't think about it, instead he walked out of the room, went back to the living room while drinking, and continued to play his chess game.

The Hunter Association is really a good thing.

President Nitro, who hung up the phone, immediately called the Doomian man in.

"Notify the Shadow Troops to go to the Mobis Empire, target 'Bloodthirsty', danger level A."

"Got it, President. With such a high risk, don't hunters need to make arrangements?"

"It's enough for the black shadow troops to deal with it. Their strength is not inferior to that of the hunters, and they will be dealt with faster."



The secret base of the shadow force.

"Everyone, this time I will personally lead a team to the Mobius Empire to perform missions. Our target is the bloodthirsty man, who is very dangerous. It is said that he has existed for hundreds of years, but no one has seen his true face. Currently his The ability and fighting style are also unknown, don't fight alone after you get there, everything is under my arrangement, understand?"


"set off!"

Jed led a team of 10 people boarded the airship and flew towards the Mobis Empire.

 Please recommend, please collect, now they are all original plots, welcome to comment and discuss if you have ideas.


(End of this chapter)

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