Chapter 5 The Last Stand

"The Custer station is here. There are passengers getting off, please get off in time. Passengers getting on the train, please wait in line."

The station announcement was playing repeatedly, reminding the arrival of the station, but there were no passengers in the station hall, and all the passengers who got off were getting off and leaving the station quickly.

In the empty carriage, only Keene and Munro were left.

"It's too slow, Mobis hasn't been driven yet!"

"This is the last stop, the next stop is Meteor Street!"

"Meteor Street, what an unforgettable place!"

"When you get there, are you going to get out of the car and go back and have a look?"

"No, from the day I left, I never want to go back."

"Okay, then let's go to the next country to find prey."

"Well, Kean, do you notice something's not quite right?"

"It's too quiet, it seems that there are guests coming!"

"Where do you go to entertain guests?"

"I'll go to the front car, you go to the back car, you've been sitting for too long, just to stretch your muscles."

Keane stood up, stretched his waist, and Munro walked towards the front and rear junctions of the carriage respectively.

Outside the carriage and in the station hall, there was no sound, and there was no one in sight. All the passengers and staff on the train had run away, leaving only Kean and Munro, and the radio stopped playing.

Time seemed to have stopped. On the edge of the railroad tracks on both sides of the train, the gravel covered on the ground made a low, squeaking, squeaking, squeaking sound of being stepped on by the soles of shoes.

More than 100 members of the Royal Special Forces, dressed in camouflage, wearing protective headgear, and complete combat weapons, quickly approached the target compartment next to the train.

"The left door on the rear side of the target compartment is in place."

"The rear right door of the target compartment is in place."


"The No. [-] sniper position is in place."

"No. [-] sniper position is in place."


"All combat positions in the target compartment are in place, please give instructions from the commander."

The news of combat preparations continued to come from the communicator, and the Chief of Police watched the station monitor and issued an order.

"Start attacking, no need to arrest, just kill the target when you see it!"

After the order was issued, in the surveillance, the black special forces members rushed in from the entrance of the carriage in an instant.

All the sniper scopes are also locked at every exit, waiting for the target to be directly sniped once it enters the mirror.

In the command room, the chief of police sat calmly on the swivel chair. After giving the order, he turned around and asked Inspector Wuer next to him to make him a cup of coffee.

After he directly used the special forces, he felt a lot more relaxed. It is well known that Memphis's royal special forces have amazing combat effectiveness and have won great victories in many foreign wars.

The most glorious record ever.A team of 100 people can carry out a sneak attack on an enemy mechanic to assassinate the commander, directly destroy more than 50 tanks and armored vehicles, and kill more than 1000 enemies.

The police may not be able to deal with this kind of illusion scammers, but it would be fine to use the killing machines on the battlefield to eliminate them directly.

No arrest, no trial, just shoot him dead, quick and easy, the director leisurely smoked a cigar, he thought that after drinking coffee, he could write a beautiful report to the king.

While the chief was planning his wishful thinking, Inspector Wuer walked into the command room with coffee in his hand. When he came in, the coffee in his hand began to shake non-stop.

"What's wrong with you, Ur."

"Director, look back at the monitoring!"

The chief slowly turned his head and found that in the car under the surveillance, their people kept falling out of the window, either their necks were cut and bleeding, or their limbs were deformed.

Da, da, da... The sound of gunfire in the carriage was intermittent, the flames radiated, and the screams were endless. Soon the tracks on both sides outside the carriage were filled with corpses of all kinds of tragic deaths.

"Demons, they are all demons!"

"Retreat quickly, order everyone to retreat quickly! When you come out, throw all the grenades in for me."

The director immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and yelled.

In the carriage, the remaining special forces retreated quickly after receiving the order, and all ran out of the carriage.

Stepping on the corpses all over the carriage, Keane and Monroe were fighting fiercely, and their bodies were stained red with the blood of the enemy.

"Man, how do you feel?"

"It feels like I'm back on Meteor Street again, haha..."

While the two were laughing, dozens of high-explosive grenades were thrown out of the cracked car windows on both sides at the same time.

In the aisle, on the chairs, on the dining table, there are safety grenades everywhere, smoking.

bang, bang, bang...

The grenades in the carriage detonated almost at the same time, and the powerful impact brought by the instant huge explosion shook the entire train.

The roof of the train was completely blown away, and the glass of the window was blown hundreds of meters away. Countless glass shards and metal shards fell on the ground like rain, falling on the lying special forces.

A thick smoke began to be emitted from the compartment, with an unpleasant smell of clothes, rubber, and other things mixed in.

It was the smell of countless corpses burning fat inside. The members of the special forces stood up and watched the scene in front of them, all silent.

The director watched everything that happened on the monitor, he stood up from his chair, and gave the order with a sense of relief.

"Go ahead and check to see if they're still alive."

Due to the fierce battle ahead, the special forces were all in the shadows, and began to approach and surround them slowly.

The snipers at high places were also using their scopes to watch for any movement of targets in the carriage.

When they got to the carriage, they found two charred corpses in plain clothes that had been bombed beyond recognition. The other corpses were those of special forces.

"Report sir, the target has been cleared."

"Okay, you guys close the team, I will ask someone to clean up the scene."

The director walked out of the command room contentedly, got in the car and drove to the autopsy room to wait for the final confirmation of the results. He really wanted to see if the two monsters killed by the explosion were human bodies.

After the special forces withdrew, the personnel who dealt with the aftermath began to move the corpses into the car.

The staff had never seen so many tragic deaths. Some had their throats cut, some had their hearts pulled out, and some had their ribs pierced through their stomachs. During the process of carrying them, they couldn't help vomiting.

After a while, two trucks filled with bodies left the station and headed for the crematorium.

The two bodies considered to be the targets were first brought back to the mortuary by the police, and the chief and Inspector Wuer came to the morgue to check.

"Did you see? Ur, the person you want to arrest is here, the dead can rest in peace, and the magician's accomplice is not an ordinary person. These two bastards have caused us to lose a lot of people!"

"Director, let's confirm it before reporting to the higher authorities. I feel that everything went too smoothly!"

"Do you call this success? Ur, I followed the king and killed many people like this. This time I lost the most. If you want to be sure, take a good look at their deaths!"

Ur wore a mask, put on rubber gloves on both hands, and began to examine the corpse. His face was burnt and his hair was all gone. There were many wounds on his body, some were gunshot wounds, and some were pierced by metal fragments from the explosion. in.

Ur's eyes widened, and he walked around the dissecting table where the corpse was placed, turning around from one side of the corpse to see the other side carefully.

His wandering gaze suddenly stopped at the arm of the corpse, Ur stood up and said.

"Boss, this is not the corpse of the magician. The incomplete tattoo on the arm is the special forces' exclusive tattoo of the double-headed snake. They must have taken advantage of the chaos and escaped!"

"Damn it, this is troublesome!"

The bureau chief who was standing aside slammed the tool table next to him with his fist.


On the suburban road leading to the crematorium in Custer City, two trucks were full of dead bodies.

"What did these unlucky ghosts do? Why did so many people die!"

"God knows, I'm exhausted from carrying these guys. Have you noticed the badges on their clothes? They are the Royal Special Forces!"

"Hey, buddy, don't talk, there seems to be something moving behind you?"

In the cab of a truck that was pulling the body, the two drivers stopped talking, one continued to drive, and the other put his ear to the back of the truck.

There was a loud bang, and the entire body of the moving truck was shaken by a huge force.

The two terrified staff members in the cab were already trembling with fright, and they slowly looked at the rearview mirror.

They found that the back door of the car was twisted and deformed and landed on the road behind, and then two black figures jumped out of the car and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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