Chapter 6 The Shadow Comes
Memphis Imperial Palace, at night.

"Your Majesty, the Chief of the Police Headquarters called to say that a group of people claiming to be hunters entered the Police Headquarters and demanded to give them all the information about the magician."

"Ask the chief to give them the information, and give them a special operation certificate, so that the police will stop chasing the magician, and the rest of the work will be left to the hunter."


After the king hung up the phone, the queen came out of the bedroom and told the king to go to bed early. King Orson took a sip of wine and said, "Go to sleep first, I haven't finished playing chess yet."

"Is it interesting that you always play with yourself?"

"You don't understand, there is no one who can play with me, and now my opponent is only myself."

Looking at the endgame of the day, the king finally saw the flaw and smiled triumphantly.


In the police autopsy room.

The girl's body has been stripped of all clothing and placed on the autopsy table.In front of the autopsy table, a man put his nose close to the wound of the corpse and smelled it carefully.

After smelling it, he got up and closed his eyes for a while, his eyelids began to twitch rapidly, and then walked towards Jed behind him.

"Boss, fortunately he came in time. The guy's qi hasn't completely disappeared. There is still a little bit left on the wound. It is the same person as the decapitated corpse last year and the beheaded corpse the year before last."

"Sol, it's up to you to find him this time. This old fox is very patient. He kills one a year and then disappears for a while. I hope to confront him this time. Let's go to the place where they last appeared. .”

Afterwards, Jed and his party boarded the airship and headed for Custer City in the dark.

During the flight, facing this goal, some team members were still full of curiosity.

"Boss, it is rumored that he lived for hundreds of years, is it true?"

"It's true. Judging from the characteristics of the corpse, his mind has the power to injure people painlessly, and the burst time of the damage can be controlled by his mind, so the people killed by him are like dreams, without pain No one knows where he came from, where he has been, he has no fixed place, he is cruel by nature, and he likes to kill people for fun, many bounty hunters call him 'bloodthirsty'!"

"But boss, in the surveillance video given to us by the police, the combat record shows that he has a companion. What is his ability to read? We don't have any information on this person."

"Kaya, not all the enemies have prepared information for us to clean up. Where there is light, there will be darkness. Nitro and I have agreed that eliminating all unknown dark forces is the meaning of the existence of our shadow force. We A hunter in the dark."

"Kaya, you are worrying too much. We may be the black shadow army. Countless evil hunters will die in our hands. This guy runs away after killing people. Although he is a little capable, he looks like a coward. He only dares to kill ordinary people. That's all."

"Nade is right. In the hunter files, there are more than 200 murders related to him. However, countless bounty hunters have been chasing him for a long time, and he has never been found. Only one hunter has fought against him. Cunning, easily escaped."

"Let's end this legend and bring this demon's body back to Nitro to see. We are the real hunters."

"Shaka is right, whoever kills this demon first this time, I will reward 1000 million more."

Everyone in the airship was shocked when they heard this, and everyone was looking forward to the appearance of the demon.


Custer City Suburbs
In the darker and darker night, there are few pedestrians on the quiet street. After all, this is not an urban area, and there is no such colorful nightlife.

In a men's clothing store, the doorbell rang, and two men walked in, one tall and one short, wearing tattered camouflage suits.

When the tall man entered the door, he turned over the door plate that said "Open" and changed it to "Closed".

The boss walked up to them and greeted them, saying:
"Are you going to fight the fire? I have all kinds of clothes here, and I will help you choose."

"Let's do it ourselves." The tall man spoke first, a knife flashed in his hand, and then the boss fell to the ground.

The two walked past the boss and began to choose clothes.

"The taste of this store is not good!"

"Just let it go, Munro, do you think about it, where should we go next?"

"I haven't figured it out yet. Find a place at night, take a good bath, and sleep before we talk about it."

"Yeah, these guys think that grenades can kill us, so we are so dirty."

The two chatted while changing clothes in the clothing store.

After changing clothes, went to the front desk, took all the cash, and walked out of the clothing store.

This is a small suburban town, not too big or too small. There are many residential buildings and shops along the streets.

The two of them walked for a while, and finally found a small hotel. The signboard's indicator light was flickering, and it felt like it would go out at any time.

The decoration of this hotel is very simple. When I opened the door and walked in, I found that there were no waiters and the ceiling was very low.

There was only a thin old man wearing reading glasses, sitting at the front desk watching the TV with the screen jumping around.

"Hello, boss, give us a double room."

"No problem, 4000 nuns, take out your ID card and register."

"Boss, this is a [-] ring nun. It's convenient."

"Sir, we've always been well behaved."

"2 million, no more."

"Okay, I see that you have difficulties, so I will help you."

The boss took a key from a drawer and threw it to Munro.

"Go along the corridor on the third floor and turn right to the first room."

"Okay, thanks."

The two got the keys and went to find the room.

"This old guy is really greedy and stingy. He stole the money we robbed, bandit."

"Be patient, Keane, just let us sleep and rest, and tomorrow his money will be ours."

"Aren't you worried, will they come here after you?"

"No matter how many of those guys come, they will die. We have to take a good rest before the hunters find this place. They are the highlight."

"You're right, let's rest first."

After taking a bath, the two lay down on the bed and fell asleep peacefully.

The boss who had been hiding outside the door quietly walked back to the front desk when he heard that both of them had fallen asleep, picked up the phone and dialed out.

"Hi, is this the police station?"

"Yes, can I help you with anything?"

"I found two wanted criminals without ID cards here. Is there any bonus I can claim?"

"Yes, tell us your location now, and once we catch the criminal, you can get a bonus."

"Okay, I'm here at the Hill Hotel in Fenglin Town, on the outskirts of Custer City. The two fugitives have already fallen asleep, so hurry up and arrest them."

"Okay, we'll arrange it right away."

After the boss hung up the phone, he couldn't help smiling. He no longer had the heart to watch TV, but walked outside the hotel, squatting on the side of the road, smoking a cigarette, and looking at the distance of the road under the street lights.

After a long time, the car lights suddenly appeared on the dark road. The boss stood up overjoyed, looked over, and found that there was something wrong with the car, not like a police car.

The car stopped on the side of the road and turned off the lights, and did not continue to drive over. A group of people got out of the car, and the group of people walked slowly under the street lights.

(End of this chapter)

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