Chapter 7 Jed VS Keane 1 (Please recommend)

"Hello, we are plainclothes policemen. We received your report. Which room do they live in?"

Jed and his party came to the door of the hotel and greeted the boss.

"Go to the end of the corridor on the third floor and turn right to the first room."

"Thank you, boss. They are extremely dangerous. There will be a very fierce battle here. Please go as far as you can. Thank you for your cooperation."

"This is my hotel. If you break something, you will have to pay me for it."

"Then you can record the loss, have all the other guests come out?"

"Other guests? There is also a couple living opposite them, should I call them out now?"

"It's too late, please leave now."

The boss nodded to the men in black, walked to the street lamp on the side of the road, and continued to smoke.

He looked at the guys who went in, all of them were so strong, and then thought about the two guys who went in just now, one was tall and thin, the other was short and fat, they were simply incomparable.He couldn't feel it for 10 minutes before he was able to continue watching TV again.

"Boss, it's them, and their unique atmosphere is preserved here."

"Okay, Saul, one team followed me to attack through the main entrance, and the other team ran to guard under the outer window of the room. We must not let them escape this time."

Just after Jed was deployed in the hotel lobby, the two teams quietly walked towards the main entrance and the window of the room.

Before Jed and the others reached the door, Monroe and Keane sensed them in the room and suddenly opened their eyes.

"One person's qi is very strong, and the others are average. Keen, you are in charge of the front door, and I am in charge of the window sill. We exert strength at the same time, and then jump out from the window sill."

Crashing, three flying hooks broke the window, threw it in, and hooked the window sill.

Immediately afterwards, three flashes jumped in, the moment they landed.

Monroe had already started his body, and no one could see his movement clearly, only heard the sound of cracking, cracking, cracking on the necks of the three black shadow players who had landed on the ground.

Puff, puff, puff, the blood mist splashed from the broken part, the ceiling, the chandelier, and the floor were all speckled with red.

Three heads with astonished expressions rolled to the ground, and Munro had already stood on the windowsill.

"Kean, let's go this way."

"You go first and wait for me in the woods ahead. I'll get rid of the one outside the door and go find you."

"Then as soon as possible, I'll wait for you." After finishing speaking, Meng Luo jumped and landed on the ground. The seven shadow players who were waiting for him each took out their weapons and rushed towards him together.

Meng Luo also quickly ran towards the Sombra players, and when he was about to get close, he made a high jump, casually threw out seven coins in the air, and quickly hit the Sombra players.

The Sombra players also reacted in time, using their weapons to block or sideways to dodge.

At such a moment, there was a gap between them, and Meng Luo took advantage of it, and passed through directly, as if a gust of wind was passing by, I saw him plunge into the grass on the side of the road, and the tall grass that was pushed away began to squeak. It's ringing non-stop.

Outside the main entrance of the upstairs room, Jed and Saul are preparing to break in.

"It's Yuan, they sensed us, avoid that door!"

Jed sensed a strong energy coming towards the main entrance, and he immediately warned the team members around him loudly.

But it was too late, he just jumped back and took a few steps back, when Sol on the other side of the main entrance was leaning against the wall, and suddenly stopped moving.

All the team members in the corridor were still surprised, only to see Sol sliding down along a deep bloodstain on the wall, and the blood on the side of his neck continued to flow after he fell.

Looking at the wall where he was close to just now, there is a hole the size of a fist.Seeing this scene, the others dared not step forward for a while.

Jed rushed up, held Sol's head in his arms and said in pain, "Sol, I won't let you die in vain!"

At this moment, the door of the room opposite the main entrance opened.

"It's in the middle of the night, what's the noise! ​​Why don't you let people sleep?"

A young man in his underwear came out and cursed.

With a sound of "Boom", the young man was thrown by the whole door on the opposite side, knocked down on the ground, a cloud of dust was raised, the young man's face was covered with blood, and he passed out on the spot.

"Ah~" Immediately afterwards, a woman's scream came from the young man's room.

In the dust, Kean rushed in front of the woman in a flash, grabbed one of the woman's arms, turned the woman half a circle, and threw the woman out of the window with a snap.

With a crash, the glass shattered to the ground, and the woman's body quickly fell to the ground, her brain burst and her limbs were severed.

The boss who was still smoking under the streetlight was so frightened that he folded his arms around his shoulders and turned his head away not daring to take a second look at the woman's miserable face.

"Woman, it's so noisy!"

Keane clapped his hands and walked slowly to the corridor.

"Hurry up and chase another person! Just leave this guy to me."

Jed stayed in the corridor by himself, watching a short man walking in the dust in front of him.

"Are you hunters?"

Keane asked Jed with a smile.

"Yes, you can't escape today!"

"I didn't think about running away, it's just that my friends don't like trouble, otherwise I'll kill as many of you as you come."

"What a big tone, I will tell you to kill Saul today."

Jed raised his fist aggressively, rushed forward with a stride, and began to hit the opponent's head violently. The wind of the fist was so violent that the two walls of the corridor were continuously punched out one after another. Big holes.

But none of the punches touched Kean's head, and Jed found that hitting the little Keen was as difficult as hitting a fish swimming in the water with his fist.

Keane's reaction is too sensitive, he can see Jed's movements in advance, and he is ready to dodge half a second before the fist arrives.

"Young man, you have plenty of energy, but not enough speed!"

"You're such a slippery old fish, looks like I gotta get serious."

Jed continued to punch, the speed was still the same, Keane said with a smile: "You will never hit me with this speed."

Keane snorted a few times, his face was suddenly swollen, his nose was broken, and his mouth was bleeding.

"It's a surprise that your arm can be stretched and the speed of your fist suddenly changed. It's been a long time since I've been beaten. I'm so excited!"

Keen, who was hit by Jed's heavy blow to the corner of the wall, got up, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his hand, laughed ferociously, and his whole body began to tremble continuously.

Keane let out a huge roar, his clothes began to be torn apart, and his thick muscles burst out in an instant. The originally short Keane turned into a two-meter-high giant in an instant.

"Ah~!? You can transform! The strength just now was deliberately hidden, right?"

When Jed saw this huge monster, he felt tens of times stronger than before.

"Yes, ordinary hunters don't need to look like me, this is your honor. I haven't had a good fight for a long time, don't let me down today, hunter."

Keane kicked the ground hard, and with a whoosh sound like an arrow, he shot towards Jed at the other end of the corridor with a huge aura all over his body.

(End of this chapter)

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