Chapter 8 Jed VS Keane 2 (Please recommend)

Jed didn't wait for Keane to get close, he knew that his internal organs would be blown out by him after this blow.

He jumped to the side at his fastest speed, and with a bang, a big hole was punched in the corridor of the hotel.

Broken bricks flew downstairs, and the hotel owner was terrified and distressed. Fortunately, some paid for it, otherwise the building would have been demolished by them.

Jed, who was hiding aside, suddenly felt another kick hitting Tianling Gai. This was Keane's combo. Seeing such a huge body with such terrifying explosive power and speed, he was shocked.

Jed had no chance to fight back at all, so he had to dodge in time again. Keane stepped down, and he stepped on a big hole in the concrete floor.

Jed was panting, hesitating whether to use that move, if he used it, it would consume a lot of vitality, and the other one would be very difficult to deal with.

"How about it, young man, my cultivation base of more than 300 years is not bad!"

"You and that magician are both monsters, and there is a power and aura in your thoughts that is different from that of human beings."

"Monsters? We are not monsters. We just made a deal with the Demon King to reach the limit of our mind ability. We have surpassed human beings."

"The devil? There really is a devil."

"Yes, he comes from the darkest corner of the world. Humans are no strangers to the devil. Humans are born with a hunting instinct, but as time goes by, they slowly hide it. Today I will let you see human beings The darkest side!"

Kean's limbs began to change. He no longer stood up, but his hands and feet were lying on the ground. The nails on his hands and feet cracked rapidly, and sharp claws protruded from the flesh. The pores on the surface of the skin began to expand and grow red bristles. hair.

His pupils also turned into a dark red line, emitting a dazzling and fierce light, his mouth was drooling non-stop, and he quickly bared his fangs.

After such a change, Keane looked more like a ferocious giant ape in a completely inhuman state.

The manic Keane roared, pounding the ground with his paws, and lifted up the cement on the floor, one piece from the left, one piece from the right, and threw several cement slabs towards Jed vigorously.

"It seems that I can't continue to retain my strength!"

Jed watched a pile of cement slabs flying in the air, his eyes flashed suddenly, and the aura of his body was fully opened.





Every time Jed uttered a word, his mental power began to rise continuously, and finally his whole body was completely covered by the black air mass.

The oncoming cement slabs were all bounced into pieces after hitting the air mass.


A huge [Rakshasa] behind Jed exploded the entire hotel with its teeth and claws. The powerful explosive force shook Kean to a distance of tens of meters.

When the hotel owner saw such a thing, he completely destroyed the five-story hotel in an instant, and fell down on the spot and passed out.

"It turns out that you and I are of the same kind, you are born with dark power, and we are all servants of the devil in the world."

Keane saw Jed after launching [Rakshasa], the thick black air mass, and he felt the same dark power as himself.

"No, I'm different from you monsters. I'm a hunter, a hunter who exists to get rid of you bastards!"

"Stop deceiving yourself, young man, you are essentially killing like me, but you have found a better excuse. As long as this power is still there, sooner or later, you will obey the orders of the darkness in your heart, You will return to your true self, hahaha..."

"You bastard, don't quibble anymore, I won't become like you."

"Although I am not a good person, I have always been honest with my desires. If you are killed by hunters like this, you might as well come with us and be a free man. Think about it carefully!"

Keane turned around and left slowly. He didn't want to kill the same kind, and felt it was a pity.

Jed looked at Keane's back. What he said just now stirred up waves in his heart.

That's right, his power comes from the dark world. He has this power since he was born. After continuous practice, he has the power to defeat countless hunters.

Until I met that person, a person who really used his mind to tie him.

It is impossible for me to obey the dark power, although I did not choose it, it chose me, but I will never yield to the dark.

I have the most trustworthy friend and comrade-in-arms - Nitro, we practice and learn together, he has never disliked my source of power, we have agreed to work together for the Hunter Association, he is in charge of light, I am in charge of darkness of.

No one can deny this!I won't let you go, monster!

After struggling in his heart, Jed launched a violent mental attack on Keen, and [Raksha] spit out countless black gas bombs, which exploded towards Kean who was leaving.

"In that case, I can only kill you!"

Keane turned around sharply and sprinted towards Jed, dodging left and right, dodging one air mass after another.

Several exploding air masses followed Kean, blowing up many clods.

In an instant, Keane's sharp claws hit Jed's neck sideways, with a blast of air.

Jed manipulated [Raksha], and hit the charging Kean all over his body with ten consecutive blows.

The palm strike formed a huge shock force, turning into a circle of air waves mixed with billowing dust and sundries.

All of a sudden, the sky and the earth were colorless and dark, and the trees and street lamps fell to the ground in a radius of hundreds of meters.

A thin corpse lay under the downed street lamp, with a pair of broken reading glasses next to it.Buildings were also destroyed, and roads became broken waves.

The great darkness was silent for a while, and the broken electric poles began to emit crackling electric sparks.

Among the ruins and rubble, Kean's limbs have been separated and disappeared, and his body is twitching and bleeding.

There was no trace of pain on Keane's face. He watched the moon appear again in the night sky after the dust drifted away.

"It's good to die on such a beautiful night."

Jed glanced at Keane, covered the wound on his neck with his hand to stop the bleeding, walked out of the ruins bit by bit, and walked towards the distant forest.

The dense foliage there constitutes the darkest existence in the night, and the moonlight cannot bring light there.

Meng Luo, who was standing deep in the forest, heard the huge shock just now, and he knew that his friend would not come again.

"Kean, I'm going to miss you, you know, I like killing, fun killing, but not fighting, you'll understand me right? Goodbye, my best audience."

Every time Jed walked a certain distance, he found a corpse of a player in front of him, and his heart felt like a knife was twisting.

He really wanted to catch up immediately and break that guy's neck, but after the fierce battle just now, his physical strength could no longer allow him to run, and if he continued to fight, he could only be prepared to die together.

He thought that he was their boss, so he had to move on, they were led by him.

Now, in this dilapidated place, on such a night, all he can do is collect the corpses of his team members one by one.

A gust of cool wind hit, his eyes began to blur, his lips began to tremble, his hands after pulling the corpse began to frantically hug his head and shouted:

"You devil, I will never let you go!"

The shouting sounded throughout the forest, and Meng Luo heard it too. He smiled slightly, and continued to move forward, disappearing into the darkness.

(End of this chapter)

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