Chapter 9 The Heir

A week later, the Memphis Empire returned to its former peace. The police station mutilated the face of Kean's body and took it to a job. The public once again had confidence and recognition in the police's ability.

King Orson expressed his gratitude to the hunter for his dedication. Prince Balon, knowing what happened, also surrendered to the king's authority even more, and dared not have similar things happen again.

Although King Orson is very confident in his own judgment, this is not what worries him the most. It is his aging body.

His memory and physical strength are not as good as before. In the past six concubines plus one queen, he was able to soak in the rain and dew evenly in the early years, and the irrigation was quite good.

Now when I go to the toilet to urinate, the urine is spilled out like a watering can, and it is no longer a perfect parabola.

It didn't take long for the revised proposal, and the minister didn't even remember it when he asked again.

All these signs reminded him that it was time to hand over his power. This empire needed a new master, a fruitful and convincing king.

Among the five princes, Prince Baron is regarded as the most likely to inherit the throne in the eyes of everyone. He is the queen's son. He graduated from the world's number one university, Mival Road University, majoring in biology, and he is also the champion of the World Swordsmanship Competition. And the runner-up in the shooting competition.Capable of both literary and military skills, he stayed in the palace all the time and was deeply loved by the king.

Only his elder brother Dolan is his biggest rival. Dolan is the eldest son, graduated from the famous Rand Military Academy, shoots, fights, and is proficient in various weapons.

As soon as he graduated, he was sent to the border by the king under the pretext of tempering, and was in charge of a legion guarding the border. This was the queen's idea. Dolan was too sharp, and many military officials admired him very much. They stayed by his side and worried that he would threaten the king. .

King Orson was playing his own chess game while listening to the queen's analysis to him. He felt that what the queen said was not unreasonable. Although they were father and son, they needed reasonable arrangements to control the power of a country.

The other three princes, the third prince Dandi is very smart, but he is not interested in politics, he idles around all day, playing around, the king is very helpless to him.

The fourth prince Karl is somewhat ambitious and scheming, but he often causes troubles outside and has made friends with many underworld bosses. The king doesn't have a good impression of him.

The fifth prince, Jayne, is also very interested in the throne. He is the most handsome among the five princes. He has a good skin, no skills, and a lustful nature.

The best candidate in the king's heart is of course Prince Baron, but Baron's power is not strong enough, and he needs to be strengthened, so the king started his arrangement.

The king summoned Balon in the study, and after removing all the servants, only the two of them sat facing each other.

"Son, I am old, but my judgment is still reliable. Among your five brothers, your elder brother is the most capable, your third brother is the most intelligent, your fourth brother is the most calculating, and your fifth brother is the most outstanding in appearance. And I I only called you here today, do you know why?"

"Children don't know."

"Because you are the most obedient, I asked you to come here to tell you that I want to pass on the throne to you, but you must do what I say, understand?"

"Everything is arranged by the father."

"Your elder brother Dolan has a strong army. Although he is far away from the frontier, he is more powerful than you. If I make you king, he will be the biggest threat. Therefore, you must have your own military strength to counter it."

"What the father said is very true, but I have been accompanying my father in the palace, and I have no cronies in the army."

"Remember the magic show that day? Kid."

"Remember, I didn't recognize the face of the other party, which shamed the royal family, father."

"That's not the point, you're still young, and they're too cunning. I mean that brave girl named Emma, ​​have you gone to meet her?"

"Not yet, father, ever since the magician's accident, I feel very guilty, and I haven't thought about it."

"Think about it, kid. She is from the Walter family. His father, Sean, is the commander-in-chief of the First Legion, who holds half of the best troops and weapons in the country. If you like girls like this, yours Combination will help you have the strongest backing, even if I leave, with them around, your brother will not dare to do anything wrong."

"Listen to you, she has a lot of background! But it will take some time, father."

"As long as you like, your mother will arrange this kind of thing for you. I think you can give me a good result in the time of a dance. Show off your charm."

"I will do my best, father, don't worry."

After the two had a secret conversation, Baron returned to his room full of hope. He looked at himself in the mirror and imagined that the self under the crown would be above ten thousand people, and he would no longer have to look at the king's wink. , this country will be his country, he couldn't help laughing excitedly.

The queen also did a lot for her son. She called the wives of several big families and arranged a large summer night ball, saying that it was to give more opportunities for young noble men and women in this country to get to know each other.

Good seeds need good soil, and in the noble lineage, long-term pure blending is needed to continue the brilliance created by the ancestors.


In the estate of the Walter family, large carnations are blooming in the garden, including red, yellow, pink, and purple.

Butterflies and bees are constantly busy among the flowers, and the fragrance of flowers permeates the whole garden. There is a tall laurel tree in the flowers for those who appreciate the flowers to enjoy the shade. There is a swing under the tree, which is the place where the children of the family used to come to play.

Now that these children have grown up, there is no previous scramble, and now it is a symbol of childishness. Only Emma likes to sit on it when someone has something to worry about, blowing the wind and staring blankly at the same time.

She had been swinging here for a day, and now her head was thrown back, and her long hair fell to the ground, and she didn't care.

She looked at the upside-down flowers, the upside-down house, and everything upside down, and she felt that her world had been turned upside down.

After sneaking home that day, she didn't go out for a long time. She received education in a girls' mission school, where she learned noble etiquette and daily knowledge.

After a long period of training, she still has a boyishness in her bones. Since she was a child, she liked horseback riding, shooting, and loved to pester her father to tell her stories about warriors. She aspired to be an explorer and discover everything unknown.

When he saw Elson that night, he felt that his eyes were full of mystery, he behaved like a gentleman, and spoke elegantly. When the conspicuous red hair like the royal family fell to his face, there was a trace of nobility and unruly .

She was destined to fall in love with him, but she had guessed the beginning, but not the end.

When she watched the news about that man's crime, she kept doubting all this in her heart, how could such an attractive person be a murderer.

When she was close to the other person's heart, she could feel that the man was sincere and full of love to her, but now he became a corpse, a memory.

She felt in a trance that she might never love again, that she would never have those eyes that could sink her deeply, and she dared not trust any man anymore. Between humanity and love, it was too difficult to choose and persist.

But the arrangement of fate is unpredictable. She doesn't know that there is a man who is planning to love her.

Just at dinner time, Emma received a notice from her mother that all the brothers and sisters in the family were going to the dating ball held by the queen, and her mother left her until the end, holding her hand in both hands and saying to her:

"My proudest daughter, Emma, ​​do you know that when I had tea with the queen, she told me in front of all the princes, ministers and wives that you are beautiful and brave in her eyes, and this ball will be There is a prince attending, so you must attend."

"Oh, Mom, I don't want to go. The so-called nobles are boring guys. If the sisters like it, let them have the opportunity."

"Emma, ​​you are a smart girl, do you know what it means for the queen to tell me about you?"

"I know, Mom, but I have my own ideas."

"Emma, ​​I know that you are different since you were a child. You always like adventure and pursuit of excitement, but you have to know that you have not only represented yourself since you were born, but you have represented the entire family."

"Mom, why must it be me? My sisters have always longed for the glory of the royal family. They are more suitable for the life of princes and nobles than me. I just want to be an explorer, not a canary in a cage."

"Emma, ​​it's not you who choose fate now, but fate chooses you. You know that your father is high and powerful, and there are many people who are jealous of us. If you don't obey, the king will definitely trouble your father. If you can get the royal family's Asylum, our family will prosper for a long time. You are a sensible child, and you can always help your mother do things that your sisters cannot. This time you are making a sacrifice for the whole family, Emma, ​​everything is for the family, Mom please."

"Mom, you are forcing me!"

After hearing this, Mrs. Walter burst into tears, for which she did not hesitate to kneel down to her daughter.

Emma looked at her mother who had always managed the house in an orderly manner, and her father relied on three points for major decision-making, but knelt down in front of her.

Emma's heart was broken at the moment, her eyes were full of tears, and her trembling hands also helped her mother up, but her mother had to agree to get up.

Emma hated fate and her own identity at this moment. As a person, she had no right to choose.

(End of this chapter)

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