Chapter 10 The Covenant
In the resplendent palace hall, amidst the bright lights, bottles of champagne with bubbles were lifted high and poured into pyramid-shaped goblets, crystal clear, refreshing and charming.

The grand ball of the royal family and nobles has begun, and the swaying skirts are circling in the air with the cheerful dance music, floating up and down.

The boys and girls hooked their shoulders danced to their heart's content, looked at each other, and whispered, and bursts of laughter echoed throughout the hall.

After Emma and her mother came in dragging their long skirts, several ladies came up to say hello to her mother.

She took advantage of the chaotic opportunity to pass through the crowd alone, and hid in a corner to drink. Her eyes were still red and covered with black gauze.

Mrs. Walter had to deal with a lot of princes and nobles, and she didn't have time to look for her daughter, which gave Emma a little respite.

While Emma was thinking about how to get through the night, a tall, straight red-haired man in the crowd walked behind her step by step.

"Good evening, Your Royal Highness"

"good evening."

She kept hearing the same greeting from behind, getting closer and closer to her.

I'm really afraid of what will happen, what's so great about the prince, who wants to marry me and still make such a big detour, Emma feels uncomfortable when she thinks about it.

She suddenly took off her high heels, carried her skirt and ran to the balcony, snatched a freshly lit cigarette from a man who was blowing the wind, and took a sharp puff.

The man looked blank, and Baron followed her to the balcony and saw this scene.

"Dandy, how can you let a girl smoke what you smoked?"

"Second brother, I don't know her, she just snatched this from me."

When Emma heard the conversation between the two, she looked up and saw that the man who was blowing the wind was also red-haired, but she didn't notice just now that she was wearing a hat.

It's really unlucky, I didn't have time to hide, and I ran into the two princes all at once, God, you are going to play me to death!
"Okay, Emma, ​​I'm Prince Baron, this is my brother Prince Dandy, nice to meet you, I recognized you the other day when I saw the magic show, and now many people call you the bravest of Mombies girl."

"Thank you, it's nothing, it just so happens that that person doesn't want to kill me."

"Cough... bah." Emma spit on the ground after she finished speaking.

I was barefoot, I was still trying to smoke cigarettes, I didn't care for my hair, the skirts were all leftovers from my sisters, I didn't have any makeup, and my quality was still so low.

Now, you hypocritical princes, you should let me go. I want to go home. Staying in the air here for a while makes me feel uncomfortable.

Emma deliberately made this series of actions, she hoped to change the starting point of her destiny, but she was still too young.

"That's because you are special to that magician, even the devil can't bear to kill you."

Baron wanted to compliment her, but couldn't find a better place to start.

"You are the girl who escaped the killing of the devil, amazing."

Dandy is suddenly interested in Emma, ​​he always appreciates interesting people.

"Thank you, I really don't know what to say to you other than thank you."

"You think us royals are hypocritical and boring, right?"

Baron directly expressed Emma's thoughts.

"This is what you said!"

"It's okay, Emma, ​​this arrangement is not what I want. I heard from your mother that you can shoot on horseback. How about an adventure?"


"Yes, you know that there is a magic cliff in the Yalula Valley in the Membis country. On the magic cliff, there are stone spirit flowers, a kind of flower that blooms in the stone. It is said that when the wind blows the petals, it seems to be like a human. Moan, have you been there?"

"I heard from my father that there is no man's land, and there are poisonous snakes and beasts infesting it. No one has ever been there."

"I can take you there. I used to practice sword practice with my master there."

"Really, that would be great. When are you going?"

"Go back and rest now, I will explain to your mother, we will set off together at seven o'clock tomorrow morning."

"Okay, see you soon, I'm really done with this place, goodbye if you can."


The three waved their hands and separated.

The two remaining princes were watching the night of the city below the palace.While tasting the wine, I also tasted Emma.

"Second brother, this girl is indeed very special, very stupid, and she was asked out by you so easily."

"Dandy, she is not stupid, she just wants to get what she wants as much as possible. She is a very confident and kind girl."

Emma didn't realize how she agreed to Baron until she walked out of the palace?

It was the other party who made her true nature come out, he knew what she wanted, she just wanted to take a trip and forget everything, no matter what, it would be a day if it could be delayed, not to mention it was the most reasonable thing she could think of so far way out.

After one night, the east turned pale. In the slight morning light, the queen in front of the dressing table was combing her hair in the mirror, and at the same time was reporting the progress of Baron to the king on the bed.

"Let's go on an adventure together, this kid is very good at it, I think we are going to plan their wedding arrangements?"

"Yeah, when they come back from their trip. We can proceed."

An armored off-road vehicle stopped at the gate of Walter Manor at seven o'clock in the morning, and the vehicle was full of equipment needed for wild survival.

Baron looked at himself in the rearview mirror in the car, and he straightened a hair that was sticking up.

After tidying up, I heard Emma running out with her bag on her back. Before he got out of the car and opened the door for her, she got into the car quickly by herself.

"Let's go, Your Royal Highness."

"Don't call me that when we are two, just call me Baron, otherwise I think the sound of calling me is very hypocritical."

"I dare not. A prince is a prince. No matter how hypocritical you call him, it won't change anything."

"Hey, call it whatever you want."

Baron glanced at Emma in the rearview mirror and shook his head, started the car and set off.

Emma, ​​who was sitting in the back, looked at the scenery outside the car window, and her mood was better than yesterday. She always wanted to explore far away, but her skills were not very strong. One step, today is the first time in my life.

Baron was also very excited. He always wanted to travel with the girls he liked, but unfortunately, all the noble girls around him were spoiled and willful, and he couldn't understand them all.

The appearance of Emma made him see a possibility that his married life would not be boring and perfunctory in the future.

He is sure that he has met the most sincere girl who faces himself and life, and she will be a mirror, in which there are his emotions, sorrows and joys, as well as the happiness he pursued all his life.

The car quickly left the urban area. On the road in the suburbs, their car entered the field of view of a telescope. A man in black put down the telescope and made a phone call in the distance.

"Boss, they are here."

"Follow a little farther, find a remote place and then do it."


The boss of the Black Hawk Club hung up the phone, and continued to play billiards with the fourth prince Karl.The fourth prince said with a smile: "If you get rid of him this time, the territory in the North District will also belong to you."

"Then I thank Your Highness in advance."

The Black Eagle Society arranged for the two cars hidden on the side of the road to move quietly after receiving the order, and slowly followed Baron's car.

(End of this chapter)

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