The Rise of the Full Time Hunter Meteor Street

Chapter 11 Talking about guns, not love

Chapter 11 Talking about guns, not love

The sun was getting higher and higher, and steam began to rise on the road surface, making the vision blurred in the distance. Countless black ants were crawling around on the side of the road, looking for food, and suddenly the ground began to tremble. drive by.

"Emma, ​​did you see those two cars following behind?"

"I see, don't tell me that you still have bodyguards when you go out."

"I didn't ask the bodyguards to come with me this time. They have been with us for a long time. I think they are waiting for an opportunity to attack us."

"It looks like someone wants your life, Prince Balon."

"To be precise, it is our life, and now you are also in this car."

"It's really unlucky. I've been too unlucky recently. I was a demon magician before, and now I run into a prince who is being hunted down."

"It's okay, I can handle it, but I need your help, Emma."

"Happy to serve you, Your Highness, my shooting skills are not bad. Fortunately, I brought my own gun. If you need me to protect you, remember to award me a medal of honor."

"Here you go again, Emma, ​​I know you can shoot, let me see your gun."

Emma took out the pistol she was carrying and handed it to Baron.

"This golden rose is small and light, with 10 rounds of magazines, low recoil, but poor penetration, and a range of 50 meters. It is suitable for close combat self-defense, and it is very suitable for you."

"Look how about mine?"

After Baron returned Emma's gun to her, he pushed a button, and a drawer popped up under the front driver's seat, containing two guns.

Emma lowered her body and took out the gun, and played with it in her hand.

"I heard that this gun was discontinued and destroyed after only 1000 were produced. Colbert 95 has a range of 200 meters and 6 rounds of magazines. It has strong penetrating power. Special substances are added to the warhead to penetrate into the target. Afterwards, it will explode a second time, and the wound will be torn into a flower shape in a large area, causing the enemy to lose combat power instantly when hit, so it is also called flying flower, which is why it is banned, it is so heavy to hold.”

"You know a lot, Emma."

"I heard from my father that the National Firearms Administration doesn't even have a file for this gun. How could you have this gun?"

"There is a place called Youkexin Auction, the largest black market place in the world, where you can find everything, and that's where I found this treasure."

"Well, I've heard of it too, but I haven't been there, and I don't dare to go to a dangerous place where gangsters gather."

"I'll take you there later."

Emma turned her head when she heard this, and stopped talking. In the future, she never thought that they would have a future.

"Of course, we have to survive today, let's get rid of these followers now!"

Baron broke the brief silence between the two and changed the subject.

"The prince doesn't need to worry about this. I put down the window and I can take care of them myself."

"Okay, it's up to you, Emma."

Baron's car and the two cars they were tracking kept at a distance of more than 100 meters.

They have been driving like this for two hours. This place is already far away from the urban area, and there are fewer and fewer vehicles on the road.

"I'll have to get them within range, that's too far, Prince."

Emma lowered the car window, ready to stick her head out and shoot.

"no problem!"

Baron shifted gears with a click, and then slammed on the brakes. The wheels rubbed against the ground and made a creaking sound.

"Are they crazy?"

The drivers of the two cars behind were taken aback by Baron's actions. It was too late to stop, so they had to separate and evade, and drove around Baron's car.

"This is your chance, Emma."

Emma spotted two cars passing quickly on either side of them, and she fired first into the left driver's seat, then into the right driver's seat.

Two consecutive shots, turning around, aiming, and pulling the trigger, all within 1 second.

Emma was very confident in her shooting reaction speed. She was sure that her two bullets were aimed at the driver's neck. Although the driver would not die immediately, it was enough to stop the two cars.

The two cars did stop a few hundred meters in front of them as Emma expected, and then the car body shook, and suddenly there was a sound of the accelerator pedal starting to roar.

The two cars turned around and drove towards Baron's car together, and bullets were fired directly at them.

Emma lowered her head reflexively and buried herself under the seat, but Baron calmly lowered the car window to aim at them.

"Don't worry, Emma, ​​our car has bulletproof glass."

"Then let's drive away, what are you waiting for?"

"Look at their equipment, we can't drive away yet."

Emma raised her head and looked through the windshield that had been shattered by countless bullets but not shattered. There were three submachine guns shooting in a car opposite. In the sunroof of another car, a man was standing and aiming a rocket launcher. watching them.

"Well, we're going to be overthrown."

"I'll let them roll over first."

Baron said, aiming the heavy pistol at the outside tire of the car with the bazooka, boom, boom, boom, three shots in a row.

With a loud noise, the flames shot into the sky, and the hit vehicle rolled over in the air, smashed heavily on the car on the other side, and exploded together.

At this moment, Baron slammed on the accelerator and drove past them.

Emma saw through the rearview mirror that the two cars were stacked together, emitting thick smoke, and fell to the side of the road, getting farther and farther away from them.

The car drove a long way, and found that there was no car following them anymore, and both of them relaxed.

There are more and more green fields on the side of the road. Occasionally, farmers are seen riding bicycles on the ridges of the fields. The distant mountains are dense forests. When the wind blows, the green waves undulate and extend far away.

Baron played country folk songs in the car, and before they knew it, they had been driving for a whole day, passing one small town after another, constantly going deep into nature.

When she was hungry on the road, Emma would help Baron unpack food and drinks and hand them over. Baron ate while driving.

Emma sits in the back and eats and drinks enough, then reads a book for a while, and falls asleep in the back seat when she gets tired.

During the driving, the two of them occasionally exchanged a word or two. Sometimes Baron took the initiative to introduce the places they passed by, and sometimes it was Emma who asked about a beautiful flower whose name was unknown.

When Emma took a nap and opened her eyes, the sun had already set, and they had come to the vicinity of Yalula Valley.

Baron stopped the car, went to find a place to pee, and said to Emma when he came back:

"We have arrived near the entrance of the Yalula Valley. The valley cannot be driven in. We will sleep in the car tonight. After a day of driving, hurry down and find a place to rest. Don't get out of the car at night, it will be very dangerous .We will enter the valley again tomorrow morning and come out in the afternoon.”

"Okay, it's finally here, I'll go and fix it and I'll come back."

Emma walked into the tall grass in the distance alone, squatted down, and disappeared.

Baron took out the outdoor dining tools from the car and prepared dinner for the two of them.

Just as he was setting up the folding table, he suddenly heard Emma yell.

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(End of this chapter)

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