Chapter 12
When Baron heard Emma's cry, he took a gun and ran over immediately. He pushed through the grass, and Emma said to him with a look of embarrassment:

"I'm fine! You avoid it first."

"Why are you all right? Your pants are covered with blood. Did you get bitten by a snake? Let me check the wound and see if you want to suck the poison out."

"I wasn't bitten by a snake, don't worry about it, I'll just deal with it."

"I was not bitten by a snake, how could there be so much blood, could it be, uh..."

Thinking this way in his heart, Baron watched Emma get into the car with a black line on his face.

Emma found some bandaging gauze and absorbent cotton in the medicine cabinet in the car to treat her body, and it took a few minutes to get it done.

Baron continued to prepare the dinner. He took out the dinner plate, knife and fork, set up a bonfire, and started frying the steak in the hanging pan.

The fire was very hot, and the steak made a sizzling sound in the hot oil. When the seasoning soaked into the meat, a tantalizing aroma wafted into Emma's nose.

"I didn't expect you to bring such a complete set of things. The steak is quite delicious. Do you need my help?"

"I often go camping, I have so much experience, are you okay, just help me get a bottle of wine and a glass from the trunk, and I can eat another fried egg."

"It's okay, I'll get it right away."

Emma opened the trunk and saw, my God, there were folding shovels, towels, tents, sleeping covers, fishing rods, ropes, a lot of things.

At the bottom, there was a small case with a bottle of wine and many small glasses, and there were many ice cubes to hold the wine.

Emma walked around the car with the wine in one hand and two glasses in the other, and came to the folding table.

She found that everything was ready, and when she was seated, a white tablecloth was spread on the dining table, a steak and a fried egg were placed on each of the two plates with some red berries, and a small vase was placed in the middle. A bouquet of unknown pink and blue wildflowers.

The evening stars suddenly appeared under the night sky, and the light of the bonfire was beating in the forest wind. The two quietly ate steak and occasionally drank red wine.

"Emma, ​​do you still want to go to the magic rock with your body like this?"

"It's all here, why not go, I will take care of myself, just take care of your way."

"Okay, just tell me if there is a situation."

In the depths of nature, without the restraint in the city, having this meal, Emma felt extraordinarily comfortable and pleasant.

She was full, drank the last sip of red wine, stretched her waist and leaned back, leaned on the back of the folding chair, took a deep breath through her nose, and closed her eyes.

What murderer, what royal marriage, what damn aunt, forget everything at this moment.

Baron smiled while holding the wine glass, carefully looked at Emma opposite him, and didn't bother her.

After a while, Emma heard a soothing, brisk waltz coming from the car, and then her hand felt the warmth from the touch of another hand.

She opened her eyes and saw Baron squatting in front of her and said:

"Can I ask you to dance, Emma."

"Oh, it's inconvenient for me to look like this!"

"It's okay, it's just me and you here, I don't mind what you look like now."

"You bastard, you're just embarrassing me."

"Come on, just treat it as my reward for cooking."

"Well, I don't want to owe you anything, so I just dance one."

So Yehuo reflected a pair of gently dancing figures, and the melodious music echoed gently in the mountains.

It soon attracted many pairs of eyes in the woods. The rabbit in the hole poked its head out to listen to the music. A few bold squirrels crowded a row on the nearest branch, and fancy wild birds moved frequently on the high branches. head, staring at them, the mother wild boar led the piglets to lie on the ground leisurely, wagging their tails non-stop.

It was late at night, the bonfire was still burning, the music stopped, the people in the car fell asleep, Baron was in the driver's seat, Emma was behind, and the stars moved slowly in the sky.

The next morning, before the sun came out, Emma woke up first. Seeing that the bonfire last night was still smoking, she stepped forward and poured water on it.

She prepared breakfast, woke up Baron, and the two of them ate briefly, then packed their things and set off towards Yalula Valley.

Along the way, Baron led Emma with a long branch. They passed through the woods and swamps. As they moved forward, birds kept singing and leaving the branch.

Baron walked in front of the weeds with a long knife, and walked to a relatively wide grassland in the woods.The snake not far away heard the sound of the grass being cut, and crawled away quietly.

Emma followed closely behind, observing the surrounding movement.Suddenly, Baron stopped moving, and Emma, ​​who was moving forward, accidentally bumped her head on Baron's back, "Hiss, whoops!" Emma yelled in a low voice.

"Don't move, Emma, ​​you squat down when I count to three."





Although Emma looked puzzled, she followed suit.

At this moment, Baron turned around, raised the knife in his hand, and a blood mist splashed in the air. A black shadow flew over Emma's head, rolled a few somersaults, and then fell down more than ten meters away, flattening There was a large piece of weeds.

"what is that?"

"I'll take you to see it."

The two walked to the corpse that was lying in a pool of blood. It had a pointed mouth and ears, slender limbs, and a large piece of fleshy membrane between its forelimbs and hind limbs. Its sharp teeth continuously flowed saliva and blood. Blood, neck cut by Baron.

"It's a flying wolf. It followed us all the way in the bushes. This piece of grass is relatively open and not a swamp. It can use the fastest gliding speed to pounce on us, so it flew down from the tree and attacked."

"Scared me, why didn't you shoot him to death in the forest just now."

"The bushes are so dense, it's hard to aim. If it doesn't hit the vital point, it will call more companions, and it will be troublesome."

"Well, this guy has no sound at all, how did you notice it."

"I heard birds flying away in fright on such a high branch, so I knew it was this guy."

"You are quite perceptive, Your Highness."

"You're here again, let you practice a few times, and you can feel it yourself. Let's continue walking, and we will go through the woods in front of us to reach the magic cliff."

"Well, Moya, here I come."

After walking for another hour, Emma looked at the trees above her head. The sun with dense leaves couldn't shine in, but she was already covered in sweat, just when she was about to ask Baron how far away.

After pawing away a piece of grass with his hands, Baron said, "Here we are!"

After hearing this, Emma ran forward like flying, and what appeared in front of her was a large stone cliff hundreds of meters high standing in the middle of the forest, which was the magic cliff.

About it, Emma has heard from her father a long time ago, why it is called the magic cliff, because this stone cliff was originally an ancient castle for an ancient king. It is said that one day the king invited a very famous musician to perform music, and the king listened to it. After all his tunes, I got tired of listening to them, so I asked him to play a new tune.

If the musician couldn't play it, the king wanted to kill his whole family, so one night the musician let his family escape first, and played a piece of the devil's movement to the king by himself.

Everyone in the castle heard the musician's music that night, and entered the state of ecstasy, and everyone turned into stone overnight.

After hundreds of years, the castle was covered by wind and sand, and after hundreds of years, flowers and trees grew out of the soil of the castle, turning into a mountain.

Only the walls of the old castle are still mottled rocks, but the rocks have also blossomed.It is the stone spirit flower, whenever the wind blows the petals, it seems that someone is mourning.

Emma was shocked to see this large piece of stone spirit flowers. All the colors in the world can be found in these flowers. It seems that the rainbow appears here without its gorgeous existence.

A gust of wind blew by, and countless moans sounded in Emma's ears. She thought it was the voice of the soul sealed in the stone. She stretched out her hand and approached to pick one off, but when she just put it in her hand, After looking at it for a while, the flower turned into powder and fell to the ground, and the same flower bloomed again on the stone.

"It seems that you will always belong here, and belong to the Demon King."

"That's right, they are all cursed souls, and they can't leave here for the rest of their lives. It is rumored that the person who can insert this stone spirit flower into his heart will get the power of the devil king, which can bring the dead back to life. Many people came here to try, but they all failed. They paid a very high price. If the stone spirit flower is inserted into the heart and fails, the living will burn themselves into bones and die. There are losers in the soil under our feet skeleton."

"Can someone really get the power of the Demon King?"

"I don't know, I just know that we should leave. We must get out of the forest before dark, otherwise we won't be able to get out."


"Because the trees here will emit poisonous gas at night, the animals here are immune, and humans are not enough, and there are other things that are also very dangerous."

"Okay, let's go out now."

Emma followed Baron's footsteps and accelerated her departure speed.

 Please recommend, please collect, so far are all original plots. Comments are welcome.


(End of this chapter)

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