Chapter 13 Succession and Birth

While the sun was still high, Baron hurriedly took Emma back the same way, and Emma looked back at the colorful magic cliff reluctantly and left.

On the way back, they walked very fast. Baron led the way and avoided the quagmire skillfully. Emma held on to the branches tightly, not daring to take a wrong step, otherwise she would be in trouble if she fell into the swamp.

Soon they came out of the swamp and entered the last forest. As soon as they entered the forest, many wild birds screamed.

"Won't there be another flying wolf?"

Emma heard the cry and thought of the flying wolf killed by Baron.

"It's not flying wolves this time, but it's more fearful than flying wolves. Now is the time for flying ants to hunt for food. Unfortunately, we are walking on their predation path. They are in groups, and wherever they fly, all living things They are all eaten with bones, and after being bitten, they will be paralyzed and will sweat profusely and dehydrate."

"What should I do?"

"I can only run, there are too many of them. You can see that the big red fog in the woods behind is them. Don't be bitten by it."

Emma watched the bones falling to the ground continuously in the red mist, and ran away in fright.

While running ahead, Baron looked back to see if Emma had followed.

After running, Baron turned his head again and found that Emma was gone. He hurried back a few steps and found that Emma had fallen to the ground. There was a small red flying ant lying on her neck, which was caught by Baron. Squeeze hard.

Baron called Emma vigorously, but he couldn't wake him up, so he had to carry her on his back and ran for his life crazily.

Emma was dizzy at this moment. She wanted to open her eyes but couldn't open them, and she wanted to speak but was weak.

But the consciousness was still there. She felt that her body was jolting for a long time, as if trapped in a sauna room, her body was hot and sweaty, and her breathing became more and more difficult.

Not long after, her lips were chapped, white and bloodless, and her clothes were soaked in sweat. With all her strength, she could only repeat a weak voice, "Water! Water! Water..."

At first she felt water flowing in from her mouth, but later she found that the water was getting less and less, and it began to drip, and it had a fishy smell. For those who are thirsty to the limit, as long as there is water, the mouth will Obey the brain's call for help, and accept it instinctively.

After a long time, Emma felt that her body had been burned enough to float away like dust, and after a long time, she felt that the temperature of her body was dropping, her body was not empty, and she had the strength to open her eyes.

When Emma opened her eyes, she found that she was already on the hospital bed, and the mother next to her lowered her head and was wiping her forehead. Seeing Emma woke up, the mother sighed and smiled.

"You're finally awake, Emma."

"Mom, what's wrong with me, why am I here?"

"You were bitten and poisoned by flying ants. It was Prince Baron who sent you to the hospital. He is recuperating in the next bed."

"I'm so sorry, is he hurt too?"

"He lost a lot of blood and needed a blood transfusion."

"Excessive blood loss? Why?"

"You were severely dehydrated. There was very little water on the way he sent you back. He was in a hurry to send you to the doctor, so he had to cut your wrist and give you blood, so you survived."

"Ah! I owe him so much."

"My silly daughter, don't say what you owe or not. A person who loves you so much will do so much to you. You should cherish such a person."

Emma stopped talking, she looked at the ceiling, tears flowed from her eyes motionless, if it was fate, how could she resist it.

A month later, Baron and Emma held a grand wedding, and their wedding was broadcast on TV stations all over the world.

In a bar in Youkexin, the TV hanging on the bar is showing their wedding parade.When a red-haired middle-aged man saw it, he drank his last sip of wine, took out a wad of banknotes and put them on the table, threw a poker in his hand and flew over, blowing up the TV, and walked out of the bar.

Baron got his military backing as he wished, and the Walter family also had the blessing of royal relations. This is a win-win marriage.

King Orson announced in front of everyone that the throne would be succeeded by Balon, who was ready to abdicate and spend his old age in peace.

The other princes, fearful of the king's prestige and the power behind Baron, reluctantly agreed.

Baron successfully carried out a series of handover of rights, and after everything was in place, he took Emma on a honeymoon trip.

For Emma after marriage, Baron is not annoying, even caring, maybe not the person she wants most, but in terms of marriage, it is the most suitable for her.

Baron respected her, cherished her, and often took time to ride horses and shoot with her, and bought her a lot of books about adventures. The two walked in the garden at dusk and danced together under the moonlight. At this time, Emma was content and no longer Think about other things.

After Baron settled everything in the palace, he began to liquidate and counterattack.

It took him a few months to mobilize half of the country's police force to destroy three gang dens. Because too many people were involved, the gang boss was directly shot. These three gang forces were all related to the fourth prince.

The fourth prince, who had always wanted to kill Baron, saw it in his eyes and remembered it in his heart. He endured, appeased the remaining gangsters, and planned to find a top killer to assassinate Baron, waiting for the opportunity to take revenge.

Baron knew that the fourth prince would jump over the wall in a hurry, but after all, they were siblings. He had just taken office not long ago, and his foundation was weak. He should destroy the opponent's forces first, let the fourth prince know how powerful he is, and act as a deterrent.

Without absolute certainty, he cannot be easily killed.Otherwise, he would be in the open, so as not to arouse the wariness of other princes, and it would be even more difficult to deal with secretly cooperating with each other.

After more than a year of placement and shuffling by Baron, most of the important official positions in the country have become his confidantes. The political situation has been settled, and he has a lot of peace of mind.

Emma also adapted to life in the palace, and as spring and autumn came, her belly grew bigger and bigger.Baron was also very happy to see that his offspring was about to be born, and he took care of Emma even more carefully.

On June 6, the second summer of Baron and Emma's union, Emma finally gave birth. To Baron's surprise, Emma gave birth to a pair of boy twins for him.

Baron hugged his two sons and laughed happily. After Emma regained some strength, he came to Emma and said, "Thank you, Emma, ​​you have a name for our two sons, and I have a name." okay?"

"Well, you take it first."

"I'll call the older brother who came out first Carl, Carl Munro. What's your name for the little one?"

"The younger one is Hisoka, Hisoka Munro."

"Well, it sounds good. Isn't it, Jiaer, Hisoka." Baron looked at the two little guys with paternal love on their faces.

"Baron, I want to ask, is the surname Monroe in your family very common? I seem to have heard it somewhere before."

"Really? Only Mobis has the Monro family. There were family wars in the early days, and some members of the defeated family went into exile."

"That's how it is. I hope these two brothers can love each other and don't kill each other like your brothers."

"No, they will grow up in mutual respect and love."

They never imagined that the birth of these two brothers would bring an unprecedented bloodbath to the world.

In normal days, the couple dotes on their two sons very much. The mother is responsible for cooking and preparing delicious food for them every day, and holds them both to sleep every night.

When his father was free, he would play with toys and read books with them. Sometimes he would be the horse and let Jiaer and Hisoka take turns riding.

Time passed day by day, and Jiaer and Hisoka gradually developed from being able to call father and mother to quarreling with each other, from just knowing how to crawl, to punching and kicking each other when they were out of temper.

(End of this chapter)

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