Chapter 14 Savage Growth
In the blink of an eye, ten years have passed...

Jiaer and Hisoka have grown up a lot, and their physical fitness is good. Their strength and speed are already much stronger than ordinary peers.

Although the two are brothers, their personalities are completely opposite.

Hisoka is moody, always fighting with other family boys, playing pranks, and often playing tricks on the queen's servants.

Jiaer likes to read books calmly and introverted, the city is deep, and likes to be alone.

Hisoka has always been dissatisfied with his elder brother Jiaer, and his elder brother also dislikes this younger brother who has a bad belly.

The two have been earning milk since they were young, and although they can each suck on one side of the milk, their little hands and feet have to fight non-stop in their mother's arms.

If they were older, they would rob toys. My father was afraid that they would rob them, so he would buy the same toy for both of them every time.

Once Hisoka got tired of playing, he beat the toys to pieces, and then secretly beat Jia's toys to pieces.

But he didn't expect that when he was playing toys, Jia Er took pictures of his actions in the dark and showed them to his parents. The consequences can be imagined. One meal is enough.

Although Hisoka was beaten like Zhu Tou San, before going to bed, he still went to his brother Jiaer's room, gave him a thumbs up and said, "You are good enough, but I swear I will be better than you."

Jia Er didn't respond, turned his head and fell asleep, and Hisoka returned to his room with reluctance.

In the middle of the night, Hisoka didn't turn on the light, and quietly walked to his brother's room with the faint sense of light.

Hisoka slammed his fist at his brother's head, but there was a metallic "bang" sound, which made Hisoka want to scream but was afraid of being laughed at in pain.

Enduring the pain all the time, he went back to his room blowing his swollen fists. It turned out that Jiaer was wearing armor and sleeping.

The only thing the two brothers have in common is that they are both interested in martial arts. Baron personally taught them some basic skills of swordsmanship, and let them practice against each other later.

The two little guys learned well, even though they used wooden swords, they never showed mercy when fighting each other, often hitting each other with bruises and swollen faces, and the father came over and pulled the two of them apart before stopping.

When the mother saw that the two brothers were fighting like this, she asked them to give each other medicine to settle their suspicions, and they were still good brothers after taking the medicine.

At this moment, Hisoka became conscious and asked his elder brother Jiaer to apply the medicine to himself first, calculating that he would not give the other party the medicine on purpose after the application.

Unexpectedly, Jia Er did not hesitate at all, and readily agreed to apply medicine to Hisoka. He rubbed the medicinal wine vigorously on Hisoka's wound with the palm of his hand, and his brother rubbed the wounds all over his body. The pain has been oops.

While enduring the pain, Hisoka changed his original thought. He wanted to do this to Lao Tzu, and see if I don’t give you a double refund in a while, just thinking about it and getting through the last dose of medicine.

At this moment, Hisoka smiled and said:
"Brother, you gave me the medicine and pressed it so comfortably, and now I will make you feel comfortable too."

You actually called me brother, believe in your ghosts.

Hisoka didn't expect Jiaer to say calmly and loudly:

"Mom, let's see if Hisoka is seriously injured. Tell him to go to the doctor immediately."

Emma, ​​who was on the side, hurried over to check on Hisoka's injuries, muttering: "It is indeed worse than before" (it was all injured by Jiaer twice), and immediately asked the strong male servant to carry Hisoka away See a doctor.

At first, Hisoka refused, even saying "I'm fine", "I'm fine", but there is a kind of serious injury, that is, your mother thinks you are seriously injured, so you have to go to the doctor.

"Mom knows you're fine. Hisoka is the strongest child. Let the doctor see you. You'll recover faster. Ada, take the prince away."

Hisoka, who was carried away by his thick arms, turned his head and looked helplessly at Jia Er being gently rubbed with medicinal wine by his mother. Jia Er lowered his head, leaned against his mother's chest, and turned to Hisoka with a smile .

Hisoka frowned instantly, and cursed in his heart: You tricked me again, I appreciate you more and more, Jiaer, I will definitely act first next time.

This is Hisoka, who exists like a fighting goblin. He has a deep awareness of fighting since he was a child. Even though he is defeated, he is not discouraged, and he still sums up his experience in his heart.

Although Hisoka has failed many times, he has an indomitable quality. He firmly believes that one day he will kill his brother, and he will definitely be better than his brother.

It is with this belief that Hisoka and Jiaer spent their childhood together.

With force alone, Hisoka may not lose to Jiaer, but Jiaer's calmness, ruthlessness, taking every opportunity to attack the enemy by any means, makes him always one step ahead of his overconfident younger brother Hisoka.

Balon looked at the two sons, they were fighting each other at such a young age, and it was also a headache. Their grandfather, the old King Orson, saw that the two grandsons were very smart, but it was annoying to fight like this.

Later, Orson gave Baron an idea, he said:

"I know how to let these two little guys cultivate their relationship. Find them the most severe martial arts master, let them study hard every day, let them concentrate their hatred on one person, and consume their excessive physical strength. That way they can form an alliance."

"Father, the idea you mentioned is indeed good, but where can I find such a master?"

"Just ask your master Ryunosuke, let them learn from him."

"The old man lived in seclusion in the mountains and practiced, so he would not come to the palace to teach them. Master Ryunosuke taught me carefully back then. Now I can't rely on the majesty of the royal family to force him to go down the mountain."

"We didn't let him go down the mountain, we can just send the child up the mountain."

"That's too hard, I'm afraid Emma won't agree."

"They are all people who will rule the Mobius Empire in the future. How can they achieve great things without suffering a little bit? You tell Emma that's what I mean, and she doesn't agree to let her come to me."

"Okay, father, let me tell her."

When it was time to go to bed at night, Baron told his wife King Orson's advice by the pillow.

Emma listened and said after a while of silence:

"Although I am really reluctant to send them to the mountains to practice at such a young age, they are all possible future kings. I can understand father's consideration. Let's send them there together tomorrow."

"Thank you for your understanding, Emma."

Baron said, after kissing Emma's forehead, he hugged her tightly.

Early the next morning, after the family had breakfast, Baron announced his decision to his two sons.

The father looked at the two sons, waiting for their next reply, and while he waited, he wondered if someone would not.He was going to give them an education on family history and try his best to convince them.

After hearing this, Hisoka said, "No problem. I'm tired of staying here."

Jiaer said: "He has no problem, and I have no problem. Everything is under the arrangement of my father."

Hearing Jiaer's answer, Baron seemed to think of himself in front of King Orson, and that feeling was too familiar.

This was a result that Baron didn't expect. The two children didn't have any objection or reluctance, as if they were waiting for this day to come and go out to start their adventure.

Baron happily arranged the convoy, and Emma also packed the luggage of the two children. The family got into the car quietly and set off for the distance in the morning light.

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(End of this chapter)

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