Chapter 15 Sneak Attack
The King's convoy was traveling through the urban area. Unlike King Orson's usual escort, the people had to give way.This time they only dispatched a convoy of three cars, and Emma, ​​who acted low-key, decided to travel with such a specification. She wanted the new king, Baron, to appear more friendly to the people.

It is rare for a family of four to go out together. They sit in the middle car, and the mother speaks first:

"Today's weather is good, children, a bright future is waiting for you, although the process may be a bit bitter, but as a member of the royal family, you are destined to endure hardships that ordinary people cannot bear, and this country will depend on you in the future ,do you know?"

"Emma, ​​they are still young, they can't understand these things."

"Father, I understand what the queen mother said. I have read all the history of our Membius Empire. My ancestors are very powerful, and I will not let you down."

Baron patted Jiaer's head in relief and smiled. Hisoka looked at it indifferently and said:

"Yeah, it's enough for the empire to be governed by a cunning guy like him. I just want to fight happily and defeat everyone. Travel all over the world and fight all over the world."

"Little Hisoka is also an amazing man, mom is proud of you."

Emma watched the two children grow up, and although Carl is indeed more sensible, Hisoka sometimes does some very outrageous things.

But her mother's love is selfless and unlimited. She loves each of her children, and she also wants them to know this forever.

The convoy was moving slowly in the busy city. Emma and Baron were talking about how to celebrate King Orson's birthday next month. Hisoka began to play poker, and he played cards one after another very carefully. Solitaire pyramid.

Jiaer looked at the pedestrians outside the car window. It was morning market time, and there were many people in the downtown area. Everyone came out to buy vegetables and meat, and prepared ingredients for three meals a day. Many people carried bags with vegetables and meat in their hands.

Suddenly, Jiaer noticed that some pedestrians were very strange, walking towards their car with black bags in both hands, the same posture, the same bag.

He hurriedly shouted to the others in the car: "Father, Queen Mother, look outside, someone is going to attack us."

Baron and Emma listened to Carle's warning and looked out of the car windows on both sides. Baron said: "Carle is right, but don't worry, these guys are idiots. Our cars are bulletproof. By the time they call in, the police are already here."

As soon as Baron finished speaking, the car stopped, and the two escort cars were shot by the surrounding attackers with submachine guns. Before the guards had time to open the door to fight back, they were headshot in the car.The blood splattered on the front windshield was everywhere, and Emma and the others were blindfolded when they saw it.

"Oh, my Royal Highness, they are not idiots, they are all outlaws, I will help them open the car door."

Anderson, the driver sitting in the driver's seat, began to talk proudly.

"Anderson, you traitor, who told you to do this, I will pay double the price, and continue driving."

"I know you very well, Your Highness, you will not let me live, farewell, Your Highness."

With that said, Anderson pressed the door switch at the back, and the door began to open slowly and automatically.

"Emma, ​​take the children and go first, and I'll cover you." Baron quickly held the sword in his right hand and the gun in his left, urging his wife and children.

"Husband, let's fight out together! Hisoka, Jiaer will follow behind mom."

The moment the car door opened, all four of them rushed out towards the same side of the car. Baron rolled forward and fell to the ground first, and got out of the car door.

As soon as he got out of the car, he swung the sword in his right hand, leaving a gash on the necks of the two attackers closest to him like lightning. The attackers clutched the blood spurting from their necks, and died with their eyes wide open.

Baron hid behind one of the dead, holding his sword hilt against the body that was about to fall, and continuously shot the Flying Flower heavy pistol in his left hand, causing the chests of the other two attackers to explode with flesh and blood.

Immediately afterwards, Emma took advantage of the gap and pressed Jiaer and Hisoka's backs with both hands, bent over and led the two children into the vegetable market on the street.

Baron also retreated towards the vegetable market, hiding behind a concrete pillar at the entrance of the vegetable market, and the firepower of several raiders on the other side of the car immediately rushed up.

The densely packed bullets pierced in, and the watermelons on the stalls on both sides of the entrance were smashed and scattered, and the leaves of various vegetables flew all over the place, and the surface of the concrete pillar was hit with holes.

Baron extended the blade of the sword out of the concrete pillar little by little, and confirmed the positions of the two sneak attackers by relying on the reflected light.

He immediately rolled out of the concrete pillar, lay on the ground and shot two shots in a row, and a quarter of the heads of the two attackers outside were smashed.

Seeing such power, the other sneak attackers quickly stopped attacking and hid on both sides.

Baron also quickly rolled back behind the concrete pillar, preparing to load some more bullets, hold these guys back, and let his wife and children run away.

Otherwise, the attackers outside rushed in rashly, so they each took out their grenades and gave each other a wink. More than a dozen grenades were pulled out of the safety and thrown in together.

The moment Baron saw several grenades rolling towards him, he immediately hid aside.

However, due to the large number of grenades, the fragments from the blast still injured the whole body. The pain was so painful that he could no longer stand, so he could only crawl on the ground with all his strength.

At this time, the attackers all rushed in and fired at Baron, who was unable to fight back. Baron's whole body was shaken by the raindrops of bullets. After a large amount of blood oozed out, he died on the spot. .

Emma had already run into the alley behind the vegetable market with her two children, and she kept turning her head while running, waiting for Baron to appear.

When they were about to run out of the alley, a large group of armed attackers ran in from the opposite side. At this moment, Emma deeply understood that this was a premeditated ambush, and they must be buried here.

She hurried back with the child, and found that there were also attackers chasing after her. She opened the iron gate of a residential building in the alley with a gun, and let Jiaer and Hisoka run upstairs to find a place to hide.

Jiaer looked at his mother and said, "It seems that my father is dead, let me stay with you, Hisoka, run away, and live to avenge us."

"Do you want me to be a coward? It's impossible."

Hisoka said unwillingly.

"You two brothers have to live for me. There is no time. Jiaer will take your brother away and protect him."

As she spoke, Emma pushed the two children into the building, closed the iron gate, and hid in the corner to keep shooting at the attackers coming from both sides.

Emma's aim was very good, and she never missed a shot. After firing a shot, she hid, causing the people on both sides to rush back and forth, and people kept falling down.

Jia Er had no choice but to hold Hisoka, holding back tears while running up the stairs. The two of them kept throwing the debris piled up at the door of each floor's residents' houses, and throwing all the things that could be moved into the stairs.

There is no elevator in this old residential building, and the stairs are the only way for people to come up.The dense gunfire downstairs caused the residents at home to close their doors tightly. No matter how sporadic movements were happening outside, they dared not make a sound.

After a while, Emma's bullets ran out, and the bodies of the attackers fell in the alleys on both sides.But it wasn't enough, and the rest of the raiders knew she was out of bullets, trampled over dead bodies, and was swarming.

Emma threw the gun, tore the clothes like crazy with her teeth, tied herself tightly to the iron gate, tied the knot, and looked firmly at the empty stairs inside.

She heard the children's footsteps moving away from her, and she waited for death, to be reunited with Balon.

"Children, you must live on. There is only this left that mother can do for you."

Emma's last thought was such simplicity, for her children, she gave everything of herself.

Da da da……

After a burst of submachine gun shots from the attackers, Emma was covered in blood and completely dead, but her bloody body was still firmly tied to the iron gate of the residential building.

"This woman is crazy, she even tied herself to the iron gate and didn't run away."

"There are two other brats who ran in and beat the woman's hand to pieces!"

Da da da……

There was another roar of submachine guns.

The dead Emma fell with her broken arm stretched out, and the attackers stepped over her body and chased her children.

(End of this chapter)

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