Chapter 17
"Please, don't kill us."

"We are not good people, we blame you two idiots, let go of those two little devils, and apologize with death!"

Da da da……

A middle-aged man and an obese woman ushered in death after pleading in vain, and fell into a pool of blood one after another in a burst of violent bullets.

The window in the room that was smashed by the flower stand kept pouring in the wind, and the blown curtains rattled.

After killing the couple, the gangsters let off steam and left in a hurry. The children of the deceased are still in school.

The streets and alleys of Mora City are full of gangsters looking for someone.

"Ever seen two red-haired kids?"

Countless people in Mora City were asked the same question today, street vendors, convenience store owners, dessert shop clerks, restaurant waiters, hotel front desks, etc.

The answer was always "no."

At night, the gangsters continued to search for it exhaustingly, and they got a reward order:
Whoever finds these two children will be rewarded with 5000 million nuns. If you are born, you must see the person, and if you die, you must see the corpse.

The wages of avarice is death. 5000 million is not a small number.

Many people wanted to claim this reward, but they all suffered from no clues. Among them, two underworld members, Alu and Aman, called the headquarters of the Black Eagle Society and said that they had found the body and wanted to claim the reward.

After the people at the headquarters told them the address for receiving the reward, they each carried body bags and came to the headquarters of the Black Eagle Society, the largest underworld organization in Mora City.

After passing through five gates, they finally came to the front of the main hall. Each gate was heavily guarded, with more than a dozen black-clothed bodyguards guarding with guns.

Before the door of the hall was opened, Alu and the others who were waiting heard someone screaming loudly inside.

"Why don't we withdraw, Aru."

Anan's legs had already started to feel weak from the yelling.

"Do you think it's still too late? Brother, wealth and wealth are in danger, so we can only gamble."

At this point, Alu Qiang calmly patted Anan on the shoulder next to him to cheer him up and himself.

The door finally opened, and the light in the hall was very dark. The light was not turned on, but it was all the light from golden classical candlesticks.

With so much money, how can you save electricity like this?
Aru who walked into the hall slowly was also very strange. In this extremely tense environment, after entering, the first thought that would pop up in his mind would be this, it was incredible.

"You can stop!"

On the high-level seat directly in front of Aru and the others, their real behind-the-scenes boss-the fourth prince Karl was doing.

His eyes are not big, but they gather a strange cold light, which makes people feel cold. His middle-length hair is draped to the right side, blocking one eye.

Dressed in black, coupled with the light, it seemed that the whole person had melted into the darkness.

The man in sunglasses standing next to the seat of the fourth prince Karl was tall and strong. He suddenly stopped the footsteps of Alu and the two of them.

"Are you sure you brought the one I wanted?"

Carl crossed his legs and squinted down at the reward recipients who came down the steps. He was turning a goblet in his fingers, and the blood-colored wine was swaying in the glass.

The voice of this speech felt neither loud nor low, but in the empty hall, every word was clearly and clearly entered the minds of Alu and Anan as if they had fallen from a high place.

They responded in unison: "Yes, yes."

"Then open it and have a look."

Carl walked down the steps with a glass of wine, and his personal bodyguard followed.

The pair opened the body bag to reveal the bodies of two red-haired young boys, with no clothes on and their faces mutilated.

The bodyguard held up a candlestick to illuminate Carl's sight. Carl only glanced at the head of the corpse, then turned to the bodyguard and said, "Gao Sen, take them to Sean to receive the reward!"

Alu and Anan were very happy when they heard this, and they followed Gao Sen to the side door of the hall.

"This time I want to buy a car and drive it myself. Every time I go to collect protection fees, I have to squeeze so many people into one car. It's too embarrassing."

"That's right, Aru, we can take your new car and find some nightclub chicks for a ride, how cool it is!"

"You're just so promising. You've been fooling around for so long. We have money and we need to recruit more younger brothers. The more people we have, the bigger the territory will be. I don't want to be a horse boy for the rest of my life."

"As long as you are promising, I will be called Brother Lu from now on, and I will just hang out with you, haha."

Alu and Anan walked away before they arrived at the place, thinking about how to spend the money.

"Haha, you two idiots, the rewards are here, go in."

Gao Sen opened a small door and pushed Alu and the others into a small dark room. There was only a chandelier emitting dim light in the whole room.

As soon as Alu and Anan entered, they were dumbfounded on the spot. They immediately thought of the screams they heard just now. They were about to turn around and run out when they were knocked out by Gao Sen, each with a knife in his hand.

There is a long tool table on the wall facing the door in this room, on which are placed pliers, blades, saws, nails, hammers, whips, ropes and other sundries.

There is a sofa on the left-hand wall near the entrance, on which a short boy is reading a magazine. On the wall opposite the sofa is a row of shelves.

There were fixed iron handcuffs on the frame, and a burly man was handcuffed to the frame with his head hanging down. His body was covered with bruised wounds, his toenails and fingernails had all been pulled out, dripping blood.

"Is your master not here?"

After Gao Sen put Alu and the others down, he asked the boy on the sofa.

"He went to drink, let me help him deal with it."

The boy turned his face away, covering everything below his eyes with a skull-patterned scarf.

"Has this guy said it all?"

"Of course, I've already written it and asked someone to give it to the boss. My master will know it. I've already met the whole meeting. Now no one can survive my execution."

"You really know the pain of human beings like the back of your hand. These two bounty scammers should teach them a lesson and throw them out."

"They dare to cheat rewards, why are they so stupid."

While speaking, the short boy skillfully picked up the two people on the ground and handcuffed them to the frame.

"Yeah, think about money like crazy, find two red-haired boys to deal with, don't even think that the boss has straight hair, but the two boys have curly hair."

"What two idiots, did the boss ask for a lesson?"

"I didn't say, you can play freely, just don't kill them. After all, they are also members of the organization, and it is still useful to keep them."

"Okay, no problem, promise not to die, but they will remember this lesson for the rest of their lives, remember mine."

"It seems that the boss found you from Meteor Street, it is really worth the money."

“Excellent value for money!”

"Okay, let's start your game, I will withdraw first."

"Don't you appreciate it?"

"Thanks, I still want to have a good meal."

Click, the door of the small black room closed, and Gao Sen walked out.

With a bang, the boy poured ice water on Alu and Anan to wake them up.

Sober, they found that their hands and feet had been firmly handcuffed. They looked at the boy in front of them and begged for mercy.

"We know we can't escape, can we give us a way out, don't be like the person next to us."

Alu wanted to finally fight for a way out for them.

"Don't worry, the boss said that it would be good to teach you a lesson. I won't kill you, and I won't do what I did to that person. I just want each of you with one finger."

The boy's eyes were bent into a line, and he couldn't help laughing when he saw the two.

"It's just a finger, the pain will pass after a while, Anan, bear with it."

"Well, I can only bear it now, and it's not bad to be alive."

While the two were cheering each other on, the boy took a small chainsaw from the tool table and walked over.

"Ah, no, you use this!?"

Alu and Anan looked at the small steel saw in the boy's hand, and their whole bodies began to tremble violently.

"I'm going to start!"

The boy's eyes curved into arcs again, and he walked up to Alu first, pressed down on Alu's palm with one hand, and sawed off his index finger vigorously.

what! !

what! ! !
One scream after another came from the small black room, and Gao Sen, who had not yet returned to the hall, could hear it clearly. Every time he heard such a cry, Gao Sen couldn't help but sigh:
This Meteor Street boy named Fei Tan is really an expert in torture. With the true biography of his master, no one knows how to make people suffer better than him.

The streets of Mora City were dimly lit, and it was already night.

No one got the reward offered by the underworld. A truck full of garbage drove to the border of the Mobius Empire according to a fixed route, and the carriage tilted high and began to dump the garbage.

There were broken televisions, old newspapers, broken furniture, and a strand of red hair peeking out from under a broken board.

In the eyes of outsiders, there are piles of rubbish, and there is new rubbish.

But according to the residents of Meteor Street, there will be new discoveries waiting for them tomorrow morning.

(End of this chapter)

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