Chapter 18 Funerals and Garbage

After one night, news of the death of the king and queen was broadcast on TV in the Memphis Empire, and the whole country was in grief. King Orson couldn't bear such a blow at once, and suddenly had a stroke and couldn't speak.

Under the influence of various forces in the political and military circles, the Chief of Police chooses not to offend anyone. He expresses concern in interviews with reporters every day, but in fact he is waiting for the situation to change and determines the strongest wind direction before following the trend. .

In the hall of Walter Manor, there is a black and gold-inlaid coffin, and Emma's body lies inside, and she will be officially buried with Baron tomorrow.

Today, all members of the Walter family are dressed in black, mourning, and holding a funeral service.

Emma's mother looked at her daughter's portrait and couldn't sit for a long time. The blow from the white-haired man to the black-haired man broke this equally strong mother. She hadn't eaten for a day.

Emma's father, Commander Walter, endured the great pain in his heart, and began to manage relationships, stabilize his position, and sent people to strengthen the security of the manor.

Walter also arranged many private detectives to secretly find out the whereabouts of his two grandsons. He knew that Orson was old and had no real power.

Because this trip was exposed, he deduced that the police must have something to do with the underworld, and he could only rely on his own strength.

The eldest prince Dolan was far away in the frontier, and he was also shocked when he received the news of Baron's death. He hurriedly brought a group of people to the capital to attend the funeral and see what happened to the other princes.

At the funeral, all the ministers, generals, and nobles from the major families were present. Baron's mother, the old queen, appeared on the stage instead of King Orson and presided over all matters.

After the funeral ceremony, everyone had a dinner together. Several ministers expressed their regret for the untimely death of King Balon and then made some remarks to the old queen. The banquet thus led to a debate about the new king.

"The country cannot be without a king for a day, so that the neighboring country will take advantage of the situation. Queen, I suggest that the fourth prince Karl be elected as the new king. He is thoughtful and the officials of various departments often deal with him. He will succeed to the throne. I believe it will be soon. It will be handy.”

"I don't agree. I think the eldest prince Dolan should be the first one in terms of ability and contribution. His military talents are obvious to all. The Frontier Legion, which has always undergone mutiny many times, has been stable since he took over, ensuring peace in the country. He should do king."

"I think you all overlooked one person. The fifth prince, Jayne, is humble and dignified. Our legion is willing to support his succession."

The old queen looked at these courtiers who were respectful to Orson on weekdays, and thought to herself that they are so aggressive now, a woman who bullies me has no right.

She silently cast her eyes on Commander Walter, and now only this powerful father-in-law can be counted on.

"My son-in-law and daughter were brutally murdered, and the whereabouts of my two grandchildren are unknown. I feel very sad, and I really don't know how to express it, but since I want to recommend the prince to succeed, the third prince Dandy should also be qualified. Before he made a statement, I Will not support anyone."

Walter felt the signal in the eyes of the old queen, and he expressed his thoughts, so that the old queen had the confidence to fight back.

"Walter, you are so old-fashioned. Everyone knows that Prince Dandy has no interest in state affairs, and travels all over the world to explore and play. Now that his brother is dead, and he didn't attend the funeral, he must not be able to be a king."

A minister who supported Prince Carl excitedly refuted Walter.

"Every prince has the right to succession, unless he voluntarily gives up, the king's son is not your turn to judge. Now organize a cabinet meeting, composed of generals and ministers. I appointed Walter as prime minister, and you discuss all major issues Vote to decide who is the next king, and wait for Dandy to come back to decide. The decision I am talking about is the decision of King Orson. This decision represents the majesty of the Monroe family for 3000 years. Anyone who opposes is against the royal family. You put your own Responsibility is up, this country needs stability, and I'll stop here, goodbye."

The queen gave her final resolution, got up and left the banquet, and was escorted back to the chamber by the royal guard.

No one here expected that the old queen would be so decisive. These politicians underestimated the old woman's skills.

She used Walter, the leader of the largest legion, as a trump card on the opposition forces, and no one dared to act rashly for a while. After all, the children of the Walter family were all good at fighting, so they were not easy to provoke.

But this is also the short-lived tranquility before the storm. The Mobius Empire is irreversibly facing a huge chaos that lasts for seven or eight years, and all forces are about to move.


Early morning on Meteor Street.

Before the sun was so glaring, the mountains of rubbish were full of busy figures.

In the eyes of Meteor Street people, this mess of waste is like a treasure, which requires a pair of eyes to discover it.

There are many types of garbage, some of which are medical waste, where toxic drug residues or deadly viruses hide.

Some are domestic garbage, broken furniture and appliances, bed sheets and clothes, leftovers, etc. Ants, flies, and mosquitoes are the first creatures to share them.

Some are industrial waste, metal waste, plastic fragments, various pipes and so on.

So many types of garbage are mixed together, it is decided that picking up garbage is also a dangerous behavior.

But this is Meteor Street, where most of the garbage is, and most of the hope of life comes from it.

There are some people wearing protective clothing and working in division of labor. They pick out a lot of iron slag mixed with water, put them into carts, gather them together to dry, and sieve the impurities again, so that they can be sold at a good price.

There are some people picking up the trash alone, they don't wear protective clothing at all, maybe they are immune, maybe they can't afford it.

A girl with purple hair tied into a ponytail was lowering her head and carefully flipping through every piece of trash under her feet.

Not far from her was a tall and strong boy who was also digging through garbage, with long and disheveled hair and a rough face.

Flipping through, he saw a flicker of light in the piles of rubbish. He pushed the rubbish away vigorously, and found a hand exposed.

There was a watch on that wrist. The boy took off the watch, shook it vigorously, and put it close to his ear to hear the creaking and the sound of the gears turning and snapping together, showing a happy smile.

"Maggie, look what I found?"

Maggie raised her head and saw her companion, Wo Jin, was shouting, throwing a shiny golden object towards her, and she immediately caught it with her hands.

She opened her hand and took a closer look. It turned out to be a small gold watch, which is a rare treasure.

Quickly looked around, and found that many pairs of eyes nearby were attracted by Wo Jin's loud voice.

Maggie hurried to Wojin and said in a low voice:
"You guy, you are always so flamboyant, do you sincerely want to find someone to fight?"

"How can a man become stronger if he doesn't fight?"

Although he is still a teenager, Wo Jin is already quite big and strong, as strong as a bull.

"Hey! Those two guys, if you have something good, you should share it!"

"That's right, those who see it should have a share."

Seeing the gold watch in Maggie's hand, the jealous people surrounded the two teenagers.

An excited smile appeared on Wo Jin's face, and his two eyes let out a murderous light like a wolf seeing its prey.

His fists began to clenched tightly, and his knuckles creaked.

 Please recommend, today I recommend the first and second parts of the movie "Fable of the Killer", adapted from popular comics, a must-see for those who like gun fighting, the second part is simply amazing.


(End of this chapter)

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