Chapter 19

"I warn you, come here again at your own risk, you guys."

Maggie gave a loud warning to those who tried to rob them, and what she said was as expressionless as going through the process.

Because every time I come out with Wo Jin, I will encounter this kind of thing, and she is used to it now.

"Two children, you are still so loud, it seems that I have to teach you a lesson today."

A few guys who didn't know what to do began to rush up from the garbage dump below one by one.

"Don't beat people to death, the elders have warned you several times."

After Maggie finished speaking, she didn't even look at the crowd rushing up, she found a wooden board and sat on it, studying the appearance of the gold watch.

"Understood, just relax your muscles and bones."

As soon as Wo Jin turned his neck, a man rushed to him first, raised an iron rod in one hand, and was about to hit Wo Jin in the face.

At about the same time, a man rushed up from the other side, held out half a broken wine bottle, and stabbed at Wo Jin's abdomen.

Suddenly, the men rushing behind stopped, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

"Boom!" There was a sound, and an iron bar fell on the garbage and rolled down, followed by a "snap", the sound of a wine bottle breaking.

The two men who rushed forward first had their feet off the ground, and they kept kicking their legs vigorously.

It turned out that the throats of the two of them were pinched by Wojin's lightning-fast palm before the weapon touched his body.

The slowly tightening force was like iron tongs, and the five fingers had already sunk into the flesh. The man's hands were desperately grabbing, grabbing, and pulling against Wo Jin's fingers, but he couldn't struggle.

"Ah..." let out an unbearably suffocating gasp, scaring away the crowd below.

"Could they be part of the legendary youth group?"

"I heard from people in the Presbyterian Church that they are all vicious little things. They are not easy to mess with. Let's withdraw."

"Well, no problem."

The following people guessed the identity of Wo Jin and the others, and after a while of discussion, they all chose to be a hero and not suffer the immediate loss.

The two men who were pinched by Wo Jin, Wo Jin flicked left and right, rolled and turned over, lay on the bottom of the garbage, propped up his hands, and breathed hard.

"Hey, I just got a little excited, and then they all withdrew, it's boring."

Looking at the cowards below, Wo Jin felt that the fight was boring for a while, and his fist was still itchy.

At this moment, the sitting Maggie's face tightened, and she felt her feet were caught by something.

Looking down, it turned out that a hand was protruding from the garbage and was grabbing her shoes.

"This man is still alive! Wojin."

Maggie hurriedly told Wo Jin about her discovery.

"Ah! Still alive? So much rubbish, not crushed to death, but also suffocated to death, this human life is harder than mine."

With doubts, Wo Jin walked over and saw that the hand was still holding Maggie's shoes very forcefully.

"What to do with him?"

Wo Jin has a way of fighting, but he doesn't know what to do with such a big living person.

Just took off the watch from his hand, it seems unreasonable to leave him alone.

Take him back? It might be a problem, so he had to push it to Maggie.

In his eyes, this girl has the most accurate intuition, and she should know how to deal with this person in the most appropriate way.

"Let's save it first, and then talk about it. His identity should be unusual."

In the dark, Maggie felt that this person had a special fate with her.

Without saying a word, Wo Jin started to lift up the sundries with both hands, pushing away a lot of garbage bags.

Finally, a red-haired boy with bruises all over his body appeared in front of them. Although his body was thin, his muscles were very strong.

The skin is fair and smooth like a girl's, and the facial features still retain a noble temperament amidst the blood, and the cracked mouth is always slightly open, as if talking about something.

Maggie squatted down, turned her face sideways and put her ears close to the boy's mouth. She vaguely heard the boy repeating with a very weak breath:

"Xi~ Suo, live on, Xi~ Suo..."

When Maggie heard such a voice, she could feel deeply in her heart that this person has a strong spirit of companionship, and he deserves to be rescued.

Because this kind of spirit was the one who had the greatest influence on him—their boss had always insisted on it the most.

So she said to Wojin with a very sure tone:

"Wo Jin, help me carry him to my place, I will deal with him, he may be useful to us."

"Looking at him, he should be a good young man for fighting, but is it convenient for you to be a girl? Or I can go too, and I can help."

"No, I can handle it myself."

The word "no" was drawn out by Maggie in a long tone.

So the two went down the rubbish mountain one after the other, and walked back to the residential area of ​​Meteor Street. The men who had just besieged them hid aside, not daring to look directly at them.

The streets of Meteor Street are dilapidated, and the houses on both sides have a long history. Some are already in a semi-weathered state, but there are still people living there.

This place was originally used by dictators to isolate races. Economic development was out of the question, and political management was maintained by the Presbyterian Church.

So here is a completely different existence from the outside world, and the appearance here will always be that the air is filled with the pungent smell of sour.

People's lives are mostly self-sufficient, electrical appliances are rare, news is delayed, and they use and eat whatever they pick up.

Individual dignity is reflected and proved by strength, and collective dignity is maintained by collective efforts.

Such a cruel living environment has created many ruthless underworld talents, killers, housekeepers, thieves and other strong people from all walks of life.

Maggie and Wo Jin are considered strong people in the process of growing up, walking on the road, occasionally a few familiar faces greet them.

"Is this the child you beat up, Wo Jin, be gentle!"

Grandma Luosha, who specializes in mending clothes and repairing shoes on the side of the road to make money, looked at Wojin carrying a person on his shoulders, and asked with concern.

"Grandma, I didn't beat this man, I was saving him. I still have a pair of broken shoes at home and I'll mend them for you."

"Grandma, I'm watching him, don't worry."

Wo Jin touched his forehead with one free hand, feeling a little embarrassed.

"That's good. Maggie knows how to measure it best. If you have time, take it, Wojin, and I'll make it up for you."

"Okay, bring it over later."

Grandma Luosha looked at the backs of Maggie and Wojin going away, and felt how time flies. Before, they were two dry and skinny little ones, but now they can come out.

She has helped many hungry children on this street, and Wo Jin and Maggie have received her favor. Now that they are old, they have grown up without knowing it.

The mother-in-law knew that their fists were strong, and she was always worried that these children would get into trouble because of this. In her eyes, they were all children, not evil people.

Whoever lives here, you're born with a pair of fists.

"Grandma, I'm out again today."

A tall and thin young man with glasses and a black leather bag walked past the booth of his mother-in-law.

He has neat black hair and a short cut, sharp eyes, but speaks to his mother-in-law with a friendly tone.

"Yeah, what are you going to do in such a hurry?"

"I'm going to interview the housekeeper of the Beating Enemy Family."

"Then your clothes are torn at the corners and at the shoulders. You can't go to the interview like this. Take off your shirt and give it to me."

"Grandma, it's too late to sew, I have to hurry."

"Take it off and put on this good one. Someone picked it up and gave it to me to repay the debt. I washed it and prepared it for sale. But it's not easy for you to find a job. You have to dress decently."

The mother-in-law took out a good jacket from the bag behind her, and went up to change the clothes for the young man.

The young man felt the trembling touch of those old hands caressing his body, which was familiar and warm, but he was about to leave here forever.

"Thank you, mother-in-law, but I only have enough money for travel expenses, and I have no money left."

"Go, child, this is for you, if you can go out, never come back."

"Well, I'm going, mother-in-law."

The youth left, went farther and farther, did not dare to look back, and moved forward all the way.

(End of this chapter)

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