Chapter 20 Maggie's Secret

After returning home, Maggie asked Wo Jin to put the boy on the bed, and she went to pick up a basin of water, washed the towel, began to scrub the boy's wound, and then disinfected it.

Wojin looked on with an envious expression. Maggie grew up with several of their good friends, and she was always responsible for taking care of the wounded.

This time, Wo Jin felt that he and other companions had never enjoyed this kind of treatment. Last time he was injured, he could only lie on the sofa. This kid is very lucky.

"What are you still doing here? Go home."

"Uh... ok."

Wojin was fascinated by Maggie's way of taking care of others, and was urged by Maggie to leave reluctantly.

After Wo Jin left, Maggie watched the wound on the young man's body open, and involuntarily took a needle from his waist. She concentrated on breathing out her fingertips, and began to sew up the wound seriously.

This is the first time she has used her mind ability to sew up a human wound. This is her secret, because she is still exploring the scope of this mind ability.

Before that, she was surprised when she first discovered that her mind ability was to send out breaths.

But thinking about it carefully, it may have something to do with her inner desires. When she was abandoned here, she was weak and helpless, and it was difficult to ask for a bowl of food.

The memory went back to 7 years ago, it was Grandma Luosha who gave her the first meal on Meteor Street, a boiled potato. While eating the hot potato, she watched Grandma Luosha quickly sewing wearing clothes.

The messy pile of clothes that had filled a large basket was sewn one by one in less than half an hour and neatly folded.

That eyesight, speed, really fast.This also allows the mother-in-law to always get some change and food, or some other things.

At that time, she was thinking that if she had this skill, she would not starve to death. Later, she sewed clothes with her mother-in-law.

At the beginning, little Maggie pinched a thin thread in her hand, and she had to stare at it for a long time before it went through the needle hole. By the time she finished dressing, her mother-in-law had already sewn four or five pieces of clothes.

Maggie vowed to herself, hurry up, hurry up.

She started by threading a needle and threading a thread. She passed a thread through it and then pulled it out, and then continued to thread it in. Repeatedly threading and drawing.

During the day, I wear it from the time I leave the stall in the morning until my mother-in-law closes the stall. At night, I lie in the cement circle where I live and continue to wear, wear, wear, wear and sleep, and continue to wear with my eyes open.

After a week, Maggie has pierced more than 1 needle holes. She can do it without eyes. A thread is held in her hand by the end of the thread with her fingertips. pinholes can pass through.

The foundation of the first step has been laid, and Maggie immediately began to sew clothes at a faster speed. She sewed very quickly, but she still couldn't catch up with her mother-in-law.

She started to stop and carefully watch her mother-in-law's needle movement gestures. The stitches of her mother-in-law's top pick needles are all equally spaced, and they are arranged neatly like those made by a sewing machine.

Although Maggie's is not slow to sew, but the stitch length varies from big to small, which is really unsightly. No matter how fast she is, there will definitely not be many people looking for her to mend clothes.

After learning for so long, there is still a long way to go. Maggie thought it would be better to simply pick up a sewing machine, and it would be done by stepping on it, which would save effort.

But since she came here, she has never seen anyone pick up this thing, and in the end she still has to continue to practice.

The mother-in-law looked at Maggie feeling neglected, and said angrily:

"Maggie, you have arms and legs, so you can't eat free food every day. I will give you back all the food I gave you in the future. Hurry up and learn, otherwise I won't have so much food for you."

Thinking of myself who passed out from hunger, my stomach was constantly sour, tight and tight, and my stomach was rumbling and uncomfortable. These painful memories made a three-year-old girl hold back her tears at that time, One stitch at a time.

Because the needle moves too fast, it is common to pierce the other hand holding the clothes, and the pain disappears over time.

A month later, the clothes Maggie sewed were put together with her mother-in-law, and it was impossible to tell who sewed them.

Finally, a seamstress with excellent skills was born.

A year later, Maggie's sewing skills are getting faster and better, and she is no longer satisfied with just sewing a single seam of a dress.

In her hands, after a while of flying needles, the hole in a piece of clothing was stitched densely with the same color of thread, as if it had never been broken.

When she was bored, she was still sewing and embroidering patterns on her own clothes. Many girls who passed by saw it and liked it very much, so they asked Maggie to embroider the patterns they wanted.

All of a sudden, the mother-in-law's business was very good. From the street, at least three of the 10 boys and girls had patterns embroidered by Maggie on their clothes.

Since then, Maggie has set up another booth dedicated to embroidering patterns, so as to avoid grabbing her mother-in-law's business.

One evening, Maggie came to see her mother-in-law with two little boys.

There happened to be a man snatching the clothes of the mother-in-law at the booth, and the mother-in-law said helplessly:

"This is not my clothes, I want to return them."

"Mother-in-law, I know you are kind-hearted. I have a gambling addiction. Just once, I will definitely make it back. Believe me."

The man shamelessly tugged on the clothes in the mother-in-law's hand.

Just when the man was about to succeed, a fist hit him in the face, and then he felt a dagger stabbed into his thigh, blood flowed out, and his pants were red.

The man was dizzy for a moment, and when he let go, he saw two boys, one tall and one short.

A man with long black hair, thin body, clean clothes, big eyes staring straight at people, showing murderous intent, looks more than four years old.

The other had a physique that looked like he was in his teens, with his hair standing on end, scruffy all over, and unusually strong limbs.

Of the two boys, the taller one yelled at the man first: "If you don't want to die, get out."

"I'll go, I'll go, stop fighting."

The man thought to himself, such a ruthless strike at such a young age, with such great strength, must be a talent cultivated by the gangsters, and immediately ran away limping, clutching his bleeding leg.

Maggie hurried forward to see how her mother-in-law was doing. After finding out that her mother-in-law was fine, she handed a tin can of nuns to her mother-in-law and said:
"Mother-in-law, thank you for giving me a job. This is my tuition fee, please take it."

"Then I'll leave it at that, Maggie. In fact, you are so capable now. It's your own ability. I'm just the one who forced you."

"Mother-in-law, you're right. I bought a house with another tin can of money I saved. It's not big, but it's enough for me to live in. I don't have to sleep in the cement ring in the future."

"That's great, you're not even five years old, it's amazing to be able to do this."

"I still have to thank my mother-in-law for saving me and teaching me to survive. I met some good friends who asked me to sew clothes. Let me introduce you. The young one is called Ku Luoluo and the tall one is Wojin. They take good care of me, otherwise I dare not go out with so much money, you can rest assured mother-in-law."

"Grandma, hello, I have eaten your sweet potatoes, hee hee, you may have forgotten."

The tall Wojin said with a foolish smile, shaking the back of his head with one hand.

"Mother-in-law, hello, we will protect you in the future, if anyone bullies you, come to us."

"Oh, what a group of brave children, thank you for having you. But this man is not like this usually, it should be because he gambled away everything, that's why it's like this, it will be fine when he wakes up."

"No matter what, he shouldn't have attacked you. I remember you gave him food, mother-in-law. This time he knows the lesson for this heartless thing."

"It's okay, I'm really happy for you to see that you have friends."

"Yeah, I'm also very happy. It's great to meet you here. Mother-in-law, let's go first and see you when I have time."

"Okay, come back when you have time, I'll boil potatoes for you."

The three walked towards Maggie's house, and Kuroro suddenly said to Maggie:

"Maggie, you can pick up rubbish with Wo Jin in the future, don't sew clothes, or mother-in-law's business will be affected by you sooner or later. I will steal things, and other companions also have skills. We will live better here. .”

"Listen to you, Boss, I think so too, you can let me sew your clothes, haha."

"Maggie, I'm so fierce, next time embroider a lion for me."

Wojin always wanted his clothes to be as strong as himself.


Maggie, as always, ignored him.

Under the setting sun, the three children walked side by side on the empty Meteor Street, their shadows were gradually elongated and finally connected together.

(End of this chapter)

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