Chapter 21

Whenever she recalls the past, Maggie is always full of emotions. Later, her friends were often injured, and she, who only knew how to sew clothes, felt distressed and worried.

So she secretly picked up some medical books and brought them back, but she couldn't read, so she asked Kuroro to teach herself how to read.

In her eyes, this kid named Kuroro has an energy that can steal anything. He himself was illiterate at first, but as soon as he had money, he spent money to find someone to teach him how to read and write.

Some high-intelligence criminals who fled to Meteor Street, their knowledge and knowledge, were all stolen by Kuroro, and they were absorbed silently.

These guys also admired him very much. One of the A-level wanted criminals once told an elder that this kid would be the overlord in the future.

Many elders of the same kind are also willing to teach such a young criminal genius some unique skills called mind ability. They hope that their unfinished criminal plans will be inherited and realized by this child.

Later, Kuroro learned to look up the dictionary by himself, and within a year, he could thoroughly understand every book he had read, and this also taught him advanced and more valuable things. He is really a thief who can apply what he has learned.

Unlike Kuroro, Maggie learned to read and use all the medical books she found. Some of these books are about human anatomy, some are about nerve distribution, and some are about basic pharmacology.

She does not have professional guidance, and she relies on her own understanding to comprehend it. After reading more than 100 medical books, she decided to try it out.

Every day, she looks for medical equipment, syringes, scalpels, hemostatic forceps, sterile cotton, and similar things in the garbage mountain. They become treasures in her eyes. She didn’t find them. When she saw someone picking them up, she hurried over to exchange them. .

After more than a year of hard work, her bed is full of medical books, and a suitcase is full of medical equipment.

Bit by bit, she finally gathered the tools for an autopsy.

But here comes the question, what can she dissect?

Humans definitely can't do it, so she first set her sights on the wild cats and dogs on the street.

Every day when she goes out, she puts a thin needle coated with a strong anesthetic on her waist. After five or six years of training, her wrists are already extremely strong.

A thin steel needle is between her five fingers, and the moment it turns, with a flick of a finger, it can shoot a hundred meters away in less than a second.

After she was ready, she put some leftover canned fish not far away, and soon, the smell of the canned food began to waft.

Maggie was sitting on the side of the road waiting for the target to appear, smelling, smelling, she smelled so much that she wanted to eat another one.

The temptation of delicious food that humans cannot refuse is fatal to cats.

After a while, behind the piles of rubble and gravel came the sound of a cat meowing, meowing.

The first one to appear was a black cat. It kept turning its head, its big eyes looked around, and its four paws took a step, tapped the ground, and stopped.

As a cat on Meteor Street, it also knows that every foraging is a gamble of life, so it is extra careful to check before it dares to approach to eat.

Didn't he know that there was already a thin needle more than ten meters away, aiming at its neck, which could kill it at any time.

But once the hungry stomach received the food, it began to fill it up. The tongue licked the meat residue in the gaps between the fish bones 360 degrees back and forth, and the two front paws pressed the sides hard.

1 minute, 2 minutes, ...

Time passed by every minute and every second, and 5 minutes later, the steel needle was still in Maggie's hand.

The kitten enjoyed eating very much, and the oil from the bones had been licked. It wagged its tail, raised its head and crawled along the path it used to come and go, then sprinted hard and disappeared.

"Hey, the cat is so cute, or change to a dog."

After convincing herself in this way, Maggie threw another broken bone with meat on it, sat still in the original position, took a good posture, and waited.

This time it must be a hit, and I can't wait any longer. A morning has passed.

Maggie pumped herself up enough, her eyes let out a murderous look, and fixed her eyes on the bones.

Soon, her bait worked again, and a big yellow dog ran out from the pile of stones, stuck out its tongue, and approached the bone with two steps and panting steps.

This time, the yellow dog was not like the black cat before. Instead of stopping to enjoy it slowly, it picked up the bone and ran away.

This can still make you run away, my hard training is not in vain.

Maggie turned her palm, tightened her fingers, exerted a strong force, and the steel needle flew out with a "swish".

Just a "snap", a piece of gravel on the rubble pile was pierced by the flying needle point and fell to the ground. The friction was too hot for a moment, and sparks appeared on the stone.

At this time, beside the big yellow dog, several little yellow dogs appeared and licked the bones together.


Maggie raised her hands to hold her head, saw the black line on the back of her head, bent down, and buried her face in her legs.

Suddenly, there was a lot of creaking noises under the cover of the sewer not far from Maggie. It was the rats that were stealing food from the residents and came out again.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, there was a burst of flying needles, and the creaking sound of the sewer was gone.

After a while, five disembowelled rats showed up at Maggie's house.

Maggie quickly sewed up the mouse's wound to stop the bleeding, but in the end, the small body died due to excessive blood loss and untimely suturing. After twisting a few times, it stretched out its legs and died.

Every day after that, the sewer behind Maggie's house was often blocked by dead rats. In one month, nearly a thousand rats on this street died in Maggie's house.

The wild cats nearby were so hungry that they couldn't find anything to eat, and then they all squatted at the door of her house waiting for the dead rats to be thrown out.

Another month passed, Maggie was ready to continue her training, and Kuroro came to her alone.

"Maggie, are you adopting cats?

Why are the stray cats on this street almost enclosing your home three floors in and out. "

"I'm doing wound suturing training. When I succeed, I can be your healer in the future."

"Well, then you stand opposite me, I have something for you, you will thank me."

"Okay, here I come."

Seeing that Maggie just stood firm, Kuroro suddenly raised a finger and flicked Maggie's forehead vigorously, and she was bouncing and sat on the sofa three meters away.

"I have opened your fine pores. This is the mind ability I learned from an exiled criminal. I will send you a memorandum of the training method and system. Practice carefully, and we will become stronger because of it. I am leaving. I wish you You will succeed sooner."

"it is good."

Maggie watched Kuroro walk out from the group of cats, but didn't realize what happened for a while.

She came back to her senses, and carefully read the memorandum on the training of reading skills that she received in her hand.

Because she does everything with one heart and one mind, she can concentrate quickly.

She stopped all thinking and began to meditate.At night, before she fell asleep, she consciously began to run her own winding.

As the summer night deepens, there are more and more mosquitoes, and the buzzing sound appears.

A mosquito flew over and wanted to settle on Maggie's body, suck a mouthful of blood, and quench her thirst and hunger, but she couldn't land and flew away helplessly.

It turned out that there was a cloud of air covering her whole body, and the mosquitoes couldn't penetrate it at all.

 It's late at night, I don't want to make book friends wait for a long time, please recommend and collect it.


(End of this chapter)

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