Chapter 22-Awakening
After practicing behind closed doors at home for a month, all the cats gathered in front of Maggie's house dispersed.

One night, when Grandma Luosha went back to collect the stall, she hadn't seen Maggie out to pick up trash for a long time, so she made a detour to see if she was sick.

When the mother-in-law came to the door of Maggie's house, she found that there were sparrows building nests and raising cubs on the eaves of Maggie's house.

This little thing is usually most afraid of the movement of humans, and builds a nest on a high telephone pole. It is possible that Maggie ran away from home.

The mother-in-law walked slowly to the door, gently opened the door, and called out, "Maggie, are you home?"

No one responded to her, she walked in and turned on the light, and saw that the room was empty, the bed, sofa, and table were all cleaned up and looked spotless.

Strange, where did this girl go at night?
"Grandma, come and see me."

When the mother-in-law was puzzled, Maggie's voice reached her ears, and the mother-in-law had a question mark on her face.

Then the mother-in-law was patted on the shoulder, and the mother-in-law turned around quickly, and the scene in front of her was so frightening that the mother-in-law collapsed on the ground.

"Oh, you kid frightened me. Why are you hanging upside down on the beam like a bat?"

"Sorry, I'm practicing, mother-in-law."

Maggie held back her breath, and fell to the ground with a somersault, and hurriedly helped her mother-in-law who was sitting paralyzed.

"It seems that you have become stronger again. I just entered the house, and it was surprisingly quiet. It doesn't look like a place where people are staying. Then you continue to practice. I brought your favorite potatoes. You can cook them when you have time. I am leaving."

The mother-in-law got up and put down the potatoes, then moved out, forgetting to close the door when she left.

Maggie watched her mother-in-law walk away, and then let out air from her fingertips, shooting straight out, wrapping around the doorknob.

Maggie exerted a little force with her fingers, and the door that was open to the outside closed back into the room with a "snap".

After more than a month of hard work day and night, Maggie has mastered the four major practices of mindfulness ability, entanglement, absolute, practice, and hair.

Early the next morning, she happily caught 10 mice and came back, cut a wound, and then started stitching with air silk.

The first one is dead, the second one is still dead, the third one, the fourth one...

Maggie went to catch the mice when she ran out, each time she was faster and her eyes were more detailed each time.

As the days passed, more than 1000 mouse corpses were thrown at the door by Maggie, and the previous wild cats all returned.

The Huaque family was so frightened by the situation that they gave up their nests, and flew to a higher place with the chicks who had just learned to fly.

Late one night, Maggie sewed up the last mouse caught that day. This time, she found that all the blood vessels, nerves, and muscle junctions had been deeply reproduced in her mind during the stitching process.

Her eyes can clearly distinguish the direction of every artery and blood vessel. In the open wound, her eyes can see the densely packed connection holes where the vitality of life is broken. Her air filaments have been trained to the thinnest level. Shuttle back and forth between them, and accurately correspond to these disconnected sockets one by one.

Finally, she completed her most satisfying suture with the ability of mind, the surface of the wound was perfectly hidden, as if it had never appeared before, but the speed was not fast enough, the mouse was still twitching its body, the breath was weak, death seemed to be the next seconds matter.

Maggie, whose eyes were red and bloodshot, was unable to continue. She was too focused and had not slept normally for a long time. She put down the mouse in her hand and lay down on the bed without opening her eyes.

After a day and a night, Maggie, who recovered her physical strength, gradually felt something moving on her body. She was too tired and fell into a deep sleep.

When she grabbed the thing with her hand, it began to dodge quickly, and she pulled it into her hand with a whiff of air.

Holding that little thing in your hand, you can feel the throbbing of the internal organs in a tiny body, which is naturally and regularly running.

Maggie opened her eyes and took a closer look, and laughed happily. The last mouse she sewed was struggling to get free from her palm with great vigor.

She succeeded, and she was finally a healer, although this time she did not heal people.

The hundreds of mice, cats, dogs, and some birds that she sewed up later miraculously recovered.

She is looking for someone to do the experiment, but such things as mental ability cannot be easily exposed, and there is still a big difference between humans and animals.

It's been so long, and she hasn't found a suitable opportunity. The appearance of this red-haired boy who is covered in bruises and is still alive is really an unexpected surprise for her.

It's just that this boy's body is not the same structure as the ones she has seen in medical books, and the recovery of the wound is much faster than those of those animals.

And during the whole process, she didn't use steel needles at all for the air wire suture, as if the air wire was directed by a force, it connected every nerve and blood vessel with incomparable precision.

The speed seemed to be sucked in, which immediately frightened Maggie. When she thought about it, she felt that it was incredible. If she hadn't retracted her breath in time, she would have been sucked away by him.

What the hell is he about?
What has he been through?
Who is Hisoka that he keeps repeating?
These questions once again made Maggie look forward to the teenager waking up soon.

Jiaer, who was still comatose on the bed, couldn't wake up, but his other sensory systems were functioning normally.

He felt warm milk flowing into his mouth, and when the high fever caused by the inflammation of the wound persisted, he felt his forehead was covered with a towel, and smooth hands touched his body lightly.

After that burst of touch, he suddenly felt a great change in his body, and felt a stream of qi pouring into his body continuously.

The gas made every cell in his body feel like it had been shocked by electricity, and all the fine pores were opened, emitting energy that had never been seen before.

Jiaer's consciousness felt the air flowing in his body, and not long after, two different voices appeared in his brain:
"Feel this power, it is a kind of Qi, use your consciousness to control it, let it circulate in your body."

"Who are you and why should I do what you say?"

"I am you, and you are me. Don't you want to live, don't you want to become stronger, listen to me and do it, and you will always live and become stronger."

Jiaer's desire to survive is too strong, he feels the hope of this life, he can't care about other things, and tries his best to follow this consciousness.

He reminded himself in the deepest level of consciousness that he can't die, can't die, absolutely can't die, the blood and blood have not been avenged, and there are still people who need protection, so he must not die.

Maggie, who was sitting on the sofa and reading a medical book, suddenly noticed that the boy on the bed had changed.

Her eyes, which have undergone a lot of mental training, no longer need to deliberately store energy, and she can activate the "condensation" state with a little concentration.

She saw countless air masses emanating from the young man's body one by one, rushing towards her face.

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(End of this chapter)

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