The Rise of the Full Time Hunter Meteor Street

Chapter 23 Meeting for the first time, please pay.

Chapter 23 Meeting for the first time, please pay.

"Is he a man or a monster?"

Maggie's intuition made her feel the danger, and suddenly her five fingers activated countless air filaments to wrap around the boy's body.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the air filaments approached the boy's air mass, the same scene as when suturing happened.

No matter how much energy she gave out, it was all absorbed.

The air mass surrounding the young man became more and more dense, and the air mass slowly moved around the boy's appearance.

After a while, the boy's body was completely detached from the bed and suspended in the air. Maggie felt an unprecedented sense of oppression and ran out in fright.

If this went on like this, she felt that her whole house would be blown up by his constant qi.

After she ran out, she ran desperately to find Wo Jin for help. She thought to herself that Wo Jin's strong body could come in handy at this time.

And Wo Jin is the best person to find, either picking up trash, or training, unlike Kuroro, who exists like a ghost.

He can find everyone, but everyone can only wait for him to show up.

Maggie went to the garbage mountain first, but didn't see Wo Jin's figure, so she went to the place where Wo Jin often trained, an abandoned factory.

This factory was originally cast iron, where the dictator used the lower races as unpaid labor to brutally squeeze.

The wheels of history will always crush those who resist the trend to death. Racial discrimination was later abolished all over the world, and strike uprisings are everywhere.

This factory became a flashpoint for an armed uprising, and the rebellion was victorious in fierce battles, but hundreds of years of regime changes have separated the place from the outside world, and garbage recycling has replaced cast iron.

Maggie walked into the workshop of the factory, and within a few steps, she heard a familiar voice, boom, boom, boom...

That was the loud noise when a huge melting furnace with a capacity of 5 tons and all filled with sand was hoisted high and landed heavily.

Turning the corner, Maggie saw the tall Wojin standing under a crane, punching straight fists hard.

A chain as thick as his arm was wrapped around his arm, and the iron chain was connected to a furnace behind him by the hook of the crane.

Every time a fist is punched, the 5-ton furnace will be hoisted by iron chains, and every time the punch is withdrawn, the furnace will fall back to the ground again.

It is conceivable that in a confrontation with Wojin, the power of one of his straight punches to hit the enemy is equivalent to a five-ton furnace smashing through.

Under such impact, the skin and bones of ordinary people are like tofu, which will shatter when touched, and turn into mud when smashed.

"Why are you here, Maggie."

Wojin was a little surprised to see Maggie coming, thinking that she has been taking care of the red-haired kid every step of the way these days, and she doesn't even pick up the trash.

"Go to my house and see him, he's in danger."

"Is he dying?"

"No, it feels like his ability to read has exploded. If we don't wake him up or stop him, my family is almost doomed."

"That's right, that's great."

Wo Jinting's eyes widened, and his fists began to itch again. What a rare opportunity, what a rare opponent.

"You guy, don't think too much, I'm afraid you will be killed by him."

"Hahaha, if he dies, that would be a kind of satisfaction, I have to go meet him as soon as possible."

Wojin was so excited for a moment, he let go of the iron chain, and went straight to her house with Maggie.

Just when Maggie went out, Jiaer had completely woken up from the coma.

When he opened his eyes, he saw a roof without a ceiling, only a chandelier hanging from the beams.

I got up slowly, touched my body and found that there was no injury at all. In my brain, I clearly remembered that I was betrayed by a woman in the opposite building, and fell from a height of 10 floors with Hisoka in my arms. I couldn’t remember the rest.

How did I come here, where is this, where did Hisoka go?

"Is anyone here?"

Cal sent a greeting with bewilderment, but no one responded, so he sat on the bed and looked around for a week.

This is a somewhat weathered, very simple and dilapidated house. The bed is a very simple plank bed, and there is a window opposite the bed.

Under the window is an old three-seater leather sofa with a small round wooden table, and walking inside is the kitchen and toilet.

There are really no decorations in this room, only a small pot of prickly pears on the windowsill.

He continued to search for clues, some clues that he could deduce the situation of the owner of this room.

He squatted down and looked under the bed. There were many medical books piled up. Is this a doctor's house?
Next to the stack of books were two broken suitcases. He dragged out a box near the outside of the bed and opened it to see that there were various medical tools and miscellaneous things inside.

Pearl necklaces, gold rings, gold necklaces, and jade bracelets are of different thicknesses. They don’t seem like they can be worn by one person at the same time. There are also all kinds of needle bags. Why do people have so many needle bags?

He continued to look through it carefully, but he didn't find a single photo, but he found that the gold watch he was holding was also inside. Could it be that this is the thief's home?
He brought back his watch, dragged out another suitcase, opened it, and finally he was sure that the owner of this house was a woman.

There are a lot of women's sportswear, short ancient clothes, and some skirts. Carl looks at the size and style of these clothes one by one. He wonders how old this woman is?
He quickly rummaged to the bottom of the suitcase and found some women's underwear. He picked up one of the black underwear and was examining it when the door of the room opened.

"I didn't expect you to be this kind of person!"

Wo Jin and Maggie picked up garbage together on weekdays and grew up together. He didn't even know the color of the other's underwear, but he didn't expect this guy to...

While speaking, the red-faced Wojin punched Jiaer with a five-ton fist.

Jiaer saw Maggie and the others coming in, stood up and watched them remain motionless.

Just when Wojin's fist was about to touch Jiaer's nose, he stopped suddenly.

"If you want to fight, ask questions before you fight, idiot, we don't even know who he is? I was knocked out by you, will you take care of him?"

It turned out that it was Maggie who was behind, sending out countless strands of air and entangled Wo Jin's fist, with her feet against the door frame, her hands pulled back Wo Jin's fist with all her strength.

Wo Jin felt wronged by this question, so he loosened his fingers and let Maggie communicate.

"Did you save me? Thank you so much."

Carl heard what Maggie said just now, and deduced that she was the hostess of this room, the one who healed his wound.

"You're welcome, just take off your gold watch and put it back."

Maggie didn't forget her rules at this time, if you give something, you must get something in return, and the account should not be messed up.

"My mother bought it for me. She died saving me. I can't give it to you. It is the only souvenir my mother left me."

"This has nothing to do with me. We saved you, and you must pay for it, otherwise we don't have to save you, and the watch will still be ours."

"You are robber logic!"

"We are robbers. Will you give it or not? If not, I can't hold my friend's fist for a second time."

Maggie also wanted to see if this guy had the guts to keep rejecting them.

"Can you answer my three questions first? After answering all of them, I can give them to you."

Maggie was taken aback by this question, and her first instinct was, why is this person weirder than Kuroro?
 It's the second update in the middle of the night. I originally wanted to update it during the day. I saw a book friend asking if there is any more. I gritted my teeth and finished writing. Please recommend it for collection.


(End of this chapter)

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