Chapter 24 Occupation
"Okay, you can ask."

Although Maggie didn't know what this guy was thinking, at first she said that it was her mother's souvenir and she refused to give it, but now she can give it as long as she answers three questions.

But it's just answering three questions, and she has nothing to lose, so Maggie doesn't care.

"First, when you found me, did you see a red-haired boy my age? His name is Hisoka, he is my younger brother."

"No, we only picked you up when we picked up trash."

"Second, you claim to be robbers, so why did you pick me up?"

Maggie was a little embarrassed when she heard this question. She couldn't say that she brought you back because she felt that you were useful because of her intuition. It was the first time to meet her, which exposed her secret too much.

"It's intuition. Maggie's intuition has always been accurate. She picked you up when she thought you were useful to us, just like the broken sofa and old table here. She picked it up when she thought it was useful."

Maggie was just about to say that it was because of his wealth and status, and when she wanted to save him and get more rewards, she didn't expect Wojin, a straight-headed person, to let go of her mouth first.

And when Wo Jin said these words, his eyes were still so determined, Maggie really wanted to hold up a sign to Wo Jin, and write the two big characters of [talking].

In fact, the reason why Jiaer asked this was to test how much they knew about him. After all, he was now in exile here, and his identity would be very dangerous if his identity was discovered.

He looked at the answer from the strong young man in front of him. Although it was vague, it confirmed that they were still guessing his real identity and couldn't be sure, so he knew what to do next.

"Okay, thank you for thinking of me so much. My name is Jiaer. My brother and I are also robbers. We were chased by the police and got separated. I actually stole this gold watch. I just like to wear it. Since you think I If it’s useful, then I’ll join you guys, and you can set a price for this watch, can I redeem it after I save enough money?”

"Okay, 200 million nuns, no less."

After taking care of her for so long, Maggie knew the other party's ability, so she made an offer without hesitation, and waited for the other party to bargain.

"Okay, I'll give you the performance now."

Jia Er readily agreed, he is confident that there is a way to save so much money, but he still does not know where it is.

Maggie knew he was lying just now, and her intuition had already seen through, but she chose to observe silently.

She knew that this guy exuded such a strong mind ability when he was in a coma, he was definitely not an ordinary person, if he followed other forces, he would be a threat sooner or later.

After all, in Meteor Street, one more companion is definitely better than one more enemy.

"Now that it's all said and done, let me introduce you. My name is Wojin, and her name is Maggie. You guys are very straightforward in doing things, like me. But you can't live here in the future, stay with me. Practice with me Fist, Maggie said you are very powerful."

"Okay, but it's fine to practice boxing with you. Look at me, do you think I'm very good?"

After finishing speaking, Jiaer looked at Maggie blankly, thinking that he had practiced some kendo, and was also taught some physical skills by the captain of the royal guard when he was in the palace, and he could beat ordinary people.

But at Wo Jin's level, his physical condition is definitely not enough. He is very curious about where Maggie came to this conclusion.

"You are very powerful, I just don't know it."

Maggie shuddered when she thought of this guy's outburst of vitality just now and his weird gas-breathing temperament.

"Well, Wo Jin, I can only tell you that I will try my best, but I am really not your opponent."

After being told by Maggie, Jiaer seemed to remember something. His body did feel some changes when he was in a coma. Maybe this is the reason.

"Try to know, boy, come with me."

Wojin couldn't wait to see what kind of mind ability that scares Maggie.

After he and Wo Jin came out, Jiaer, who was walking on the street, saw the dilapidated scene, one truck after another was transporting garbage, and many people in protective clothing were picking up garbage on the garbage mountain in the distance.

All these things made Jiaer guess that this is the place his father once said - Meteor Street, a place where no one cares, backward, dark, mysterious, and has little contact with the outside world.

"This is Meteor Street. How long has it been since you picked me up? Wojin."

"Today, on the third day, your life is very hard. When you were picked up, you were covered in cuts and bruises, and you were crushed by so much garbage, but you didn't die."

"I want to go to the place where you picked me up first, and take me there."

"Looking for your brother? If he hasn't been picked up in three days, he must be suffocated. If someone picks him up, ask the boss to inquire and he will be found quickly. There are not many red-haired people on Meteor Street, especially children."

"You're right. I want to see your boss. When can I see you?"

Jiaer stroked his red hair, thinking that he must shave it off after a while.

"Let's wait for his notification. I don't know where he is, but he knows where we are. It was he who notified Maggie first, and Maggie then notified us to meet up."

"It seems that he is a very powerful person."

When Jiaer heard what Wojin said, he could feel that the boss was not only powerful in force, but also able to control Wojin. An extremely powerful child like Maggie must be a strategist.

"Everyone thinks so. His brain is different. It's big and can hold a lot of things. I can't. My heart can only hold my fists."

As soon as Jiaer heard the word fist, he was thinking, how could he fight such a beast with his own conditions.

At this time, Wojin took out a notebook from his pocket and gave it to Jiaer.

"Maggie said that your reading ability is very strong, you just don't know it yourself, this is the practice method given to us by the boss, you go back and find a place to practice, and you are familiar with how to use it, then have fun with me when the time comes."

"Okay, let me try it."

Jia Er took the letter over suspiciously, and opened it to see that it was a concept he had never heard of.

But the phenomenon of entanglement mentioned in the book actually happened in his body, and he remembered the feeling of energy continuously gushing out.

Perhaps, he can really become stronger, but now he feels that the most important thing is to escape from hunting and survive, find Hisoka again, and take the rest one step at a time.

The two walked through two streets and stopped at the first corner.

A huge black eagle hovers in the sky, looking down at the earth, as the overlord of the air, the wild dogs and wild cats on the ground often become its prey.

When it is hungry, it will also swoop down to hunt humans, but the human kind will help it to fight it, so it is much safer to catch cats and dogs, and their kind will run away.

Wo Jin saw its shadow on the ground passing the road, and became interested.

"How about treating you to a bird tonight?"

"Did you come out with a pistol? But the range of the pistol is only 50 meters, so it's not too bad to find a sniper rifle."

"You know a lot, but I never use a gun. My hand is the gun, and my eyes are the scope."

Wojin said as he picked up a piece of gravel on the side of the road, weighed it in his hand, felt that the weight was okay, pulled his arm back, aimed his eyes at the sky, and swung it vigorously.

The stone flew straight out, and the big eagle in the air shook its body, scattered a mass of feathers, and turned into a mass of black shadows in a flash. When it was about to fall to the ground, it bent a street lamp and fell on the ground. They are not far away.

The whole process didn't take more than ten seconds, and Jia Er was stunned. Such strength, eyesight, and reaction were simply human weapons.

"Go over there, a few steps later, it won't taste good if you are bitten by wild dogs. Wild dogs will eat anything, it's too dirty."

Wo Jin is very concerned about the taste of his prey, he likes the purest taste.

"Well, I haven't tasted the taste of roasted carved meat yet."

"Trust me, this stuff tastes best raw."


Jiaer walked along with a speechless face, he felt that he really had to read the book, and here he still has the ability to find food to be more reliable.

As Jiaer was walking, he felt a pair of eyes watching him, and when he suddenly looked back, his red hair was disheveled in the wind.

In the corner of the abandoned high-rise building in the distance, a boy with long black hair and white shirt stood watching Wo Jin and the others.

In the evening wind, strands of hair began to caress the young man's face. In the eyes as deep as the night, with an expression that cannot be named, a pair of gemstone earrings shone brightly in the setting sun.

There are so many weirdos here.

Thinking this way, Jiaer watched Wojin lift the 300-jin big eagle with one hand.

(End of this chapter)

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