Chapter 25
As Jiaer and Wojin walked, the sky above them was getting dark. At night on Meteor Street, the light sources were sparse, not as bright as the starry sky.


Wo Jin, who was leading Jiaer, said happily when he was about to reach the gate of an abandoned factory.

"You live here?"

"Yes, is it bigger than Maggie's house?"

The place Wo Jin wanted was just a place to sleep and train.

He has no home. Kuroro once wanted to buy him a house, but he refused. The house was always too small in his eyes. After all, the furnace he used for training was very big.

Looking at the three-meter-high cement wall surrounding a cast iron workshop of about 2000 square meters, Jiaer said:

"It's really big, but are we going to climb over here?"

Jia Er discovered that the iron gate of the main gate of the factory was missing, only a large cement block four meters high and five meters wide was blocking it.

The cement blocks are supported by a row of solid iron bars below, about 10 centimeters from the ground.

"You hold my dinner for me, and I'll open the door."

Wojin flicked the big eagle on his shoulder and threw it onto Jiaer's shoulder. Jiaer was frightened by the sudden weight, and it was too late to hide.

When the big eagle's warm feathers touched Jiaer's shoulder, Jiaer's brain began to subconsciously direct the body to send out force, and a mass of air radiated from the whole body.

With a "bang", the big eagle was bounced tens of meters high by the air mass, and fell to the ground in the factory with a plop, stirring up a burst of dust.

Only then did Jiaer confirm in his heart that I had really become stronger, but how to control this power will have to be carefully studied later.

"You are really strong, that's great, hahaha."

Wo Jin was overjoyed and laughed out loud. After squatting down, he stretched out a palm under the cement block. The blood vessels in his muscles tightened and exerted force. The cement block instantly left the ground. Wo Jin gently lifted it up and put it on aside.

It took him a long time to find such a good cement block, so he took good care of it when he went in and out.

Walking into the factory, Wo Jin pulled the gate, and a chandelier lit up, and only a few meters around could be seen clearly, and the surrounding area was still surrounded by an empty darkness surrounded by iron sheets.

The big eagle quilt was taken to a large iron board, washed with a large bucket of water, and began to pluck.

"I have no objection if you eat it raw, can you give me a lighter, can I find a way to roast it?"

Jiaer looked around for a long time, and found that there were no cooking utensils here, so he made his own request.

"I don't have that kind of thing here. If you don't eat it, you will only be hungry. Human beings are animals, and they can be stronger if they are eaten raw. As a strong person, you must keep your stomach full at all times, so that you have the strength to kill the enemy."

"Then I'll go find something else to eat tomorrow, and I'll go to bed first."

Jiaer lay down on an iron board next to him, watching a moth flapping its wings in the light of the chandelier.

Wo Jin on the other side clicked, and inserted his palm directly into the big eagle's chest, and directly pulled out a fist-sized heart through a layer of ribs, stuffed it bloody into his mouth, and chewed it vigorously, After a while, there was the sound of crunching, crunching, and bones being crushed.

Carl felt like he was lying next to a lion when he heard this way of eating.

The heavy breath from Wojin's nostrils, the fishy smell that began to permeate after tearing open the flesh, all these made this place look like a carnivore's cave at this moment.

After such a vigorous operation, Wo Jin wiped the blood on his mouth with his hands, then went to pick up a bucket of water and filled half of it with his neck upside down, then said "ah" to quench his thirst, and lay down on the iron board not moving.

After a while, a thunderous snore resounded throughout the factory.

Jiaer was so noisy that he couldn't fall asleep, so he dug out the little notebook Wo Jin gave him, sat up, and read it seriously by the light of the chandelier.

An hour later, Carl had read it all, and noted down all the main points and applications.

He found that the mind ability written on it was really amazing, so he focused his attention and began to control the movement of Qi with his mind.

When he concentrated the Qi into his right palm, he felt that the air mass was heating up, gradually white smoke began to come out from his fingers, and suddenly, his palm was surrounded by a mass of gaseous flames.

Where did the fire come from?Could it be that I want to eat barbecue so much that I subconsciously think of qi as fire, so the state of hair becomes the qi of flames.

He really wanted to eat barbecue too much, and his stomach growled when he kept thinking about it.

Jia Er hurriedly looked at the big eagle's body, one-third of the meat had already been eaten by Wojin, and he pressed the rest of the carved meat with his flaming palm.

Slowly, the skin of the carved meat began to make a buzzing sound, and the grease close to the palm began to produce countless small bubbles, and the bloody part of the carved meat began to become lighter and whitish.

Seeing these changes taking shape rapidly, Cal knew that his roast was almost done, and when he tore off a piece of breast meat with his left hand and put it in his mouth to eat, he suppressed the gaseous flame with his right hand.

This is the first time he has eaten meat since he was in a coma. Although it doesn't have such a strong fishy smell, it tastes like eating wax, soft and fluffy, but Jiaer still forced himself to finish eating. Five breasts.

My stomach was finally full, but even the breath from hiccups, let me smell it, had a strange smell that I couldn't bear.

He faintly vowed in his heart that he must find a way to eat normal food tomorrow.

After Jiaer finished eating, he saw Wo Jin sleeping soundly, his mouth was wide open, drooling a lot, and snoring one after another, it was really unbearable.

With an idea, he tore a large piece of breast meat and put it in his mouth, and the snoring became much quieter.

Jiaer continued to lie down and read the notebook, thinking that if he could transform Qi into fire, he should be a transformation system among the six major systems.

But without going through Mizumi Shiki, he couldn't confirm whether it was a transformation system. He really wanted to make sure, so he was lucky enough to ignite it with a finger.

Illuminating a dark corner like a candle, I picked up a feather from the ground and came to the half bucket of water.

He put the feather into the bucket, and the feather floated motionless on the water.

Jiaer squatted down, and began to practice with both palms, continuously increasing the amount of reading to the bucket.

Soon, the water in the bucket began to swirl continuously, spewing more and more, and the feathers melted into the water and disappeared. The color of the water changed from transparent to red, and the iron sheet of the bucket made a deformed sound.

With a "pop", the bucket exploded, and the water in it splashed all over the ground. Jiaer was dyed red from head to toe, and the red water flowed from the nose to the corner of the mouth, and there was a fishy smell.

Jiaer activated the qi in his whole body, and the rapid heat generated a huge temperature, which evaporated all the moisture in the clothes.

It seems that I belong to the trait department, so I should have other abilities that I haven't noticed. After confirming it, Carl felt much more at ease.

He lay down slowly, thinking about his plans for tomorrow, planning to go to the garbage mountain to see if there are any clues about Hisoka, and then try to find a way to pay Wojin a bucket.

What's more, in this broken place, he wants to observe how to make more money.

 Two more at night, please recommend for collection.I may be the first writer to update every day.


(End of this chapter)

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