Chapter 26 Illusion
At night, Cal slept deeply, and soon he began to dream.

In the dream, he came to another world, and he found that his back was pricked by something when he was lying down.

Opening his eyes, he found that the white clouds in the sky were high up in the sky, moving quickly, and he was lying on a piece of grass, which was as tall as a person, and the tip of the raised grass pierced his body just now.

A strong wind blew past, waves of grass rose and fell one after another, and a gust of damp moisture continuously soaked Jiaer's face.

This is where everything gets so big and people get so small.

Why didn't he have any memory at all, Jiaer stood up and looked at the surrounding scene, which was completely unfamiliar.

The grass that was pressed by him just now was like a spring. After he got up, the pressed part bounced off the ground with a swish, and immediately stood straight, stretching towards the sky, and would only bend down when the wind came.

What kind of weight can push them down so that they can no longer stand up.

Jia Er suddenly had such a feeling in his heart. Although it is only a weed, as a grass, it has such a life tenacity, which makes people feel awe.

He found that the grass he was in was a low-lying land, and there was a taller grass in the distance. Not only were weeds growing in this grass, but there were also various flowers that he had never seen blooming.

The petals are as large as 2 meters in diameter, and there are some black spots on them. The background colors of the petals are mainly red, blue, and white.

The flower stem is more than ten meters high and half a meter thick. Many adult-sized flying insects keep shaking their transparent wings, buzzing around the flowers, sucking the pollen on the stamens vigorously.

The pollen drifted with the wind, shining in the sun, dazzling like gold, Jiaer stretched out his palm to catch a handful, he has used gold products since he was a child, he feels very kind to gold, rubbed it lightly, and found that The texture and weight are gold.

This plant can actually make gold! ?

Jia Er hurriedly took off his shirt and stretched his hands to pick up more gold dust. It would be nice if he brought a big bag, so he could pick up gold for a whole day here and eat whatever he wanted.

Jia Er saw more and more gold on the clothes, and the clothes began to become heavy, but his mood became better and better.

Suddenly, Jiaer heard that the grass in the distance began to move wildly, falling down one by one, making a rustling sound.

The movement was getting closer and closer to Jiaer, he quickly put away his clothes, headed towards the nearest flower stem, retreated a few meters, and then ran with a boost.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, after a few quick jumps, Jiaer jumped from the lowest flower branch to the branch closest to the torus.

He squatted on it and looked in the direction of the movement, and saw a group of black ants eating grass blades not far away, and their heads were about the size of flying insects gathering powder.

The huge pincers clicked, snapped the blade of grass and left, and the next one climbed up and continued to hold it.

The dense ants were causing the grass to fall continuously, and Jiaer looked at these guys in surprise.

Fortunately, these guys only eat grass. If they eat meat, they will be crushed to pieces if they are surrounded by so many giant ants.

At this time, a large shadow appeared on the grass, and the flying insects collecting pollen all flew away.

The ant that clipped the grass was picked up by a big gray-headed white-winged bird with wings spread more than 30 meters wide, and swallowed it with its sharp beak.

After a while, another five or six big birds of the same species fell down, and many sharp beaks kept pecking at other black ants.

A roar came, and the big birds fluttered their wings and fled. An unlucky ghost fell into the mouth of a six-legged, five-story-high, yellow three-eyed behemoth with a body length of more than 50 meters.

One is really bigger than the other, this is the power of nature, danger is everywhere.

Jiaer felt that he had fallen into the bottom of a food chain. To survive in such an environment, it would be very tiring to avoid the siege of insects, and there were such birds and beasts, it was an infinitely terrifying situation.

The monster that had just eaten the big bird slowly ran away wagging its long tail. When it had just run a few hundred meters, all the plants began to shake.

Jiaer, who was squatting on the flower branch, immediately stood up and hugged the flower stem tightly, and his legs were also clamped, not daring to let go.

The earth continued to emit boom, boom, huge earthquakes, and huge cracks opened from the ground.

Is this an earthquake? The next scene made him break out in a cold sweat. Jiaer under the torus saw a shadow about 600 meters away on the grass hundreds of meters away from him, covering the beast that had just left. .

After another loud "boom", a swift wave of air rushed over, and Jiaer was so rushed that he couldn't open his eyes at all.

This charge knocked down a range of more than 10 kilometers around. Just now Jiaer was still lamenting the extremely tough weeds, and the alchemy flower he was holding also fell to the ground. stand up.

Jiaer got up, opened his eyes again, a huge mountain-like claw landed in the distance, and lifted it up again after a while, leaving a large and vast low-lying land.

It turns out that where I am standing is just a footprint left by a giant beast that shrouds the sky.

terrible!In their eyes, people are like ants, and they can die silently.

Looking at everything that was destroyed, Jiaer just wanted to leave this place as soon as possible. There was another loud bang, and Jiaer saw the huge shadow that appeared on the grass in the distance just now appearing around him.

He didn't dare to look up at what was above him, what he knew was that if he continued to stay, he would become a part of the soil here, and death would be in the next second.

His whole body began to tremble non-stop, and sweat drenched his whole body in an instant. Every cell was like a nuclear bomb exploded, sending out countless shocks, and the huge energy went straight to the whole body.

"I can't die!"

In Jiaer's brain, countless energies were gathering, and the energies turned into such a voice.

"Then replace me!"

A black human-shaped air mass appeared in the air, fluttering and erratic, spinning rapidly around Jiaer's ear.

"As long as you don't die, of course."

Jiaer's will is extremely clear, to live on at all costs, and he must not die before he seeks revenge and finds his younger brother!
"Then you can go."

The humanoid air mass said with a smile, as if waiting for such an opportunity for a long time.

In the next second, all the air mass flew into Jiaer's body, his eyes closed suddenly, and when he opened them again.

It turned out that the eyes of human beings began to exude an endless breath of death. Without pupils, they turned into black holes like two endless abysses, as if they could swallow everything in front of them.

Facing the gigantic sole that was about to fall, this transformed body raised its right hand and stretched out an index finger.

Thousands of white lights shot out from the fingertips, and the dazzling halo spread out. For a moment, there were no shadows on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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