The Rise of the Full Time Hunter Meteor Street

Chapter 27 Let's practice again.

Chapter 27 Let's practice again.

In Jiaer's consciousness, he felt that he felt an extremely dazzling white light in the endless darkness.

He opened his eyes and found that the morning sun had already shone through the gap and hit his eyelids.

I'm so tired from this dream, but it's so realistic, I'm glad it's a dream, Jiaer rubbed his eyes to relieve his tiredness.

"Are you awake? Where did you find the fire? You really roasted it and ate it. It's really you."

It turned out that Wo Jin had already woken up early, and was chatting with him while eating the leftover carved meat.

"This is my mind ability. I can light a fire, automatically adjust the temperature, heat, grill, and melt something. It's all right. I can also use it as a candle in the dark. This ability is very practical."

"You guy, do you use your mind ability to do these boring things? This thing is used for fighting, it is used as a weapon, not as a tool."

"I currently know that this ability can do these things. As for the use in battle, I haven't researched it yet."

"Punch me with your mind power."

Wo Jin put down the fleshy bones in his hands, stood up with his chest straight, and his hands behind his back.

"That's not good."

Jia Er has his scruples in saying this. Although he knows that Wojin's physique is very strong, his strength is still unknown. He has not trained how to control his strength. He himself can feel that the Qi in his body is a bit scary. I'm still a little worried about whether I will kill him if I hit him rashly.

"It's okay, just use your strength, my strong chest can't be pierced by bullets."

Wo Jin is very confident about his iron body. He hasn't tasted the pain for a long time, and he is looking forward to it.


This is what you want, so I'll just type it up and see how it goes.

Seeing Wo Jin so excited, Jiaer couldn't hesitate any longer.

He stood in front of Wo Jin, who was much taller than him, and concentrated his mind to create a ball of air that gathered on the palm of his right hand, then his arm muscles tensed, and his five fingers tightly clenched into a fist.

Suddenly, a ball of red fire burned in the air, enveloping Jiaer's entire fist.

"Then here I come! Wojin."


Jiaer raised his right hand, pulled his elbow back, and then punched forward. The "bang" punch hit Wojin's stomach with a burst of fire.

With a whoosh, Jiaer quickly withdrew his arm when he hit it, and the flame disappeared in an instant, and his breath was gone.

"How about it?"

He really wanted to know if his punch would feel like he was scratching Wo Jin's itch, and if he thought I was useless, it would be troublesome if he pestered me to use my maximum strength.

"Let's practice again, I'll go to the toilet first."

"Well, I really should practice again."

Seeing that Wojin wasn't entangled, Jiaer relaxed a lot.

"I mean me."

Wo Jin looked at the thin guy in front of him with a serious face, and walked quickly towards the toilet.


Jia Er suspected that he heard it wrong, and looked at Wo Jin's back with a question mark on his face, the back of his clothes seemed to be completely torn.

Looking outside again, I found that the position behind where Wojin was standing just now was in the direction of the main gate, and the cement block that was used as the gate was cracked several times.

Jiaer walked towards the main gate, seeing that the crack was quite deep, he touched the crack lightly with a little worry.

With a bang, the huge cement block collapsed to the ground and shattered into countless small cement blocks, causing a huge burst of smoke and dust.

"Cough, cough, cough." Jiaer kept reaching out and waving his palms in front of his chest, and walked back to the workshop.

"I'll still practice."

Jiaer felt that the control over his own strength was still too weak.

"Otherwise, if we continue like this, we will have to pay a lot of things!"

in the toilet.

"Ugh... ah..."

After Wo Jin walked to the toilet, he quickly closed the door and opened the toilet lid, leaning on the wall and vomited.

The meat I ate in the morning has not passed through the intestines.He went to the sewer ahead of time, and he felt that it was a pity.

After flushing the water, I washed my face and looked at myself in the broken mirror on the sink. Drops of water flowed from the eyebrows to the nose, and flowed to the corners of the upturned mouth and began to change the track.


Wojin laughed loudly, showing unprecedented excitement.

"This is the training opponent I wanted. I finally found it. It's too strong! I must train my body to be stronger."

Wo Jin walked out of the toilet with a grin. He had just walked a few steps when he saw Jiaer walking over with a stunned expression.

"The gate made of cement blocks I found is gone?"

"It's because I was too careless just now. I'll pay you another one. I also broke the bucket last night. I'm really sorry."

Wojin looked at the broken cement fragments in the distance, and then at the broken bucket in the corner.

It was fine before, but when I woke up, my stomach was nauseated by a punch, the door was gone, and the bucket was shattered into pieces.

He didn't expect that someone could change his life so much, and besides being excited, he felt helpless.

"It seems that we have something to do today."

"What are you supposed to do, what are you doing, I'll take care of it. I'll go out in the morning to ask my brother for clues, and I'll bring you back the door and bucket in the afternoon. Wait for my good news."

"Well, you are really good. I believe you can do it. I will continue my training. When I am done, I will have a good fight next time."

"No problem, I will wait for you, let's go."

Jia Er left Wo Jin's residence with apology, and walked slowly on the street towards the mountain of garbage he was picked up.

Today is still a good weather, the sun is not too big, and the hot temperature is still acceptable.

Jiaer found that in such a place, there are many stalls selling and selling in the shade on both sides of the street.

He took a look and found that buyers and sellers seldom traded with money, they were all bartered.

Moreover, most of the stalls were garbage picked up by the vendors themselves, and most of the so-called garbage was exchanged.

As long as the garbage can be used, it can be circulated here. As for the conversion standard, sometimes everyone is different.

One of the stalls caught Jiaer's attention. There were no products in this stall, only a mother-in-law with thread ends and needle kits beside her, and a shoe repair stand.

It is a very stable choice, even if you don’t have to go out to pick up garbage, you can still look at sewing and mending in exchange for what you need. She is really a smart mother-in-law, and this kind of vendor must have dealt with many people. May as well Go up and ask about Hisoka, try your luck.

"Mother-in-law, hello, can I ask you something?"

"It's you, kid, you've recovered so quickly. I saw that you were seriously injured that day."

Carl looked bewildered when he heard this response.

"Grandma, do you know me?"

"do not know."

"Then how do you know I'm hurt?"

"It was Wojin who carried you by my place that day. I just remember you, kid."

"That's how it is. You look like a very kind woman to my mother-in-law. I want to ask, have you seen another red-haired boy about my age recently?"

"Red-haired boy, let me think about it."

The mother-in-law began to keep searching in her memory, and there was a specious memory in her brain flashback, wondering if it was what the child in front of her wanted.

 Please recommend and collect, welcome to comment and discuss.Good night.


(End of this chapter)

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