The Rise of the Full Time Hunter Meteor Street

Chapter 28 Money is a hero's guts, but also a man's tears.

Chapter 28 Money is a hero's guts, but also a man's tears.

"A few days ago, a circus owner bought three red-haired children on this street. I also heard the news from chatting with others. Everyone thought that they only bought red-haired children and were curious. Are there any of the three?" Boy I'm not sure, I don't know if any of them are what you're looking for."

"Buy it? Is it still possible to buy and sell people here?"

Jiaer was grateful and surprised when he heard this, and fortunately he was not betrayed by Maggie.

To his surprise, he thought this place was just bartering, but he didn't expect that everything could be traded here, it was really a dark place to the end.

"Of course, as long as it is picked up in a garbage dump, the person who picks it up has the right to sell it to the local gangsters, and the gangsters will then deal with how to sell it according to the person's situation."

"I see, mother-in-law, do you know their approximate height and age?"

"I don't know."

"Where are the gangsters responsible for buying and selling people, do you know?"

"Well, I don't know. It's better not to inquire about gangster affairs, or you will cause trouble."

"Okay, mother-in-law, thank you."

It seems that I really need to rely on the boss of Wojin to help me find out. I don't understand the situation here at all.

But this boss is haunted, waiting for his notice, when will I be able to meet him.

His parents died tragically, he went into exile here, and the life and death of his younger brother Hisoka was uncertain, and the family was still together when they left, as if it was just yesterday.

Unwilling to give up, Jiaer asked several other street vendors about the situation of the gang.

Several people kept silent, only one guy who seemed to know something inside was willing to speak up after asking for money.

Jia Er was penniless, and he didn't even know what to eat for lunch today, so he turned his head and left after saying that I had no money.

Jiaer, who was left alone now, was thinking about how to get out of the predicament. Seeing the prudent expression of the vendors on the street when they traded, Jiaer felt ruthless, and decided to find a way to get some money first.

The friendship here needs to be exchanged by life. Money can make ghosts turn the clock. Even if Boss Wo Jin is willing to help inquire, he must still have to collect money.

Ransom form, pay bucket, if you want to get a lot of news, you have to have money first.

In the life of rich clothes and good food, Jia Er had no concept of money at all, but now he realizes that money is the courage of a hero and the tears of a man.

Jiaer walked a long way along the street, and when he was almost at the end, he suddenly realized a strange phenomenon among these vendors.

Among the products they put out, one or two products on some stalls gave off a faint gas, and some stalls didn't emit any gas at all.

What does this mean?Where does this gas come from?

Jia Er had a vague feeling that there must be a mystery hidden in it, so he walked back again, carefully observing the vendors' products again.

He saw a short knife, the handle and scabbard were worn out, but there was a faint layer of air on the blade.

A ceramic jar is also very old, and the animal reliefs on the surface are lifelike, but it is full of stains and has not been washed off, but the whole body exudes a strong smell.

A small oil landscape painting was covered in dust, but the artist's signature in the lower corner made Carle excited.

He is very familiar with the name of this artist. There is a large landscape painting by this artist hanging in his grandfather's study room. He heard from his father that it was bought by his grandfather at an expensive auction for 8000 million guineas.

It was rare for Carl to see such a priceless painting in such a place.

He couldn't help thinking about how to get that painting, he had to have something to exchange first.

He frantically ran towards the garbage mountain, like an excavator at full power, searching for decent things in the garbage with both hands.

After a while, a wind-up alarm clock was turned out, the style was not very good, twisted the mainspring, clicked, the gears began to bite, the hands moved, count it as one, and threw it into an empty garbage bag.

After a while, a revolver with a barrel covered in blood appeared in front of Carl, and he thought that this thing should be very popular here.

I opened the wheel and saw that there were 5 bullets left, and it was thrown away after only one shot. Good thing, I wiped it and threw it into the garbage bag again.

An hour later, there was a pile of garbage more than five meters high behind Jiaer, all of which he dug out and threw away useless garbage.

It was almost noon, so he looked at his harvest, a wind-up alarm clock, a revolver, a patterned plate, a half pack of cigarettes, and a windproof lighter.

There are not many things, but enough to try your luck.

Carl carried the garbage bag on his shoulder, and walked back to the stall street with great interest.

When he came to the booth with the painting again, he found that the painting was missing.

He hurriedly asked the boss, "Did that small landscape painting just now be bought?"

"Yes, it was replaced by someone who just left. He exchanged five baguettes. I think you can't afford such a high price. Go away, little guy, and don't interfere with my work." Business."

The middle-aged vendor sitting on the ground was smoking a cigarette and answered leisurely.

"If it's this thing, is it enough?"

Cal took the revolver out of his bag and held it in his hand.

The vendor's eyes lit up all of a sudden, and more than one pair of eyes lit up at the same time.

"Hey, little guy, his broken painting is not worth so much money. You can choose two of the things in my booth, no, three, and exchange them with me."

"I would like to offer four!"

"I offer five!"

Several vendors around saw someone changing guns, and they rushed to Jiaer to make an offer.

It seems that in such a dark place, guns are the hard currency.

"Don't fucking snatch it from me, just wait, draw, I'll chase it back for you."

The street vendor spit out the smoke from his mouth in excitement, and carrying a bag of bread, Sa Yazi rushed five or sixty meters away.

A minute later, panting, he returned to Jiaer, stood on the ground and bent over tiredly, holding the painting in his hand.

"One picture is not enough, you can choose another one from the booth."

While panting, the vendor spoke in a discussing tone.

Jia Er glanced at it, and there was nothing gassy about the other things on the booth, but there was a bucket that could be used.

"Then add another bucket, and I'll give you the gun."

"Okay, if you have this thing in the future, come find me."

Seeing that their hopes were in vain, the other vendors muttered in private, this guy is too easy to deceive, after all, he is a child.


Carl left as he wished, and he still had five bullets in his bag. Seeing how popular this thing was, he was going to keep them for emergency.

He carefully put away the painting and continued to stroll on this street.

In the end, he exchanged the remaining half pack of cigarettes and lighter for two pieces of bread. No one wanted the alarm clock and plate.

Just as Jiaer passed the last corner of the street, four men came out from the alley beside the street and followed Jiaer quietly.

"In the next alley, we block it from both sides, so that he can't escape."

"Okay, let's go around, you two continue to follow."

The four of them summed up their words in a few words, and then they split up.

"What are you sneaking around doing here?"

Wojin came out and was about to look for Jiaer, when he saw two big men hiding on both sides of the alley with masks and guns.

"Mind your own business and go away."

One of the big men said disdainfully and told Wojin to leave.

"It's you who should get out!"

While talking, a big man's head was pressed, hit the wall and fell down with his brain bleeding, and another big man shot Wo Jin.

After the bang, the other big man saw that the barrel of his gun was covered by the palm of his hand, and it had exploded, and he was frightened stupid.

In the next second, he was kicked five meters away, and fell to the ground, vomiting blood profusely.

Seeing this, Jiaer quickly ran over, and the two people following him started firing at the same time on the other side of the alley.

The bullet spun rapidly and shot towards Jiaer's back. At this moment, two hands appeared in the air, grabbed the bullet with a swish, and threw it forcefully towards the forehead and heart of the shooter.

With a sound of "Ah!", the two people who were hit fell down together.

"Thank you, Wojin."

Jiaer watched the four attackers die, although he spoke very politely, he was also helpless.Wo Jin's moves were so fast that he didn't leave a single one alive, so he killed them all when he asked the way down.

"You're welcome, it's not enough to deal with this kind of stuff."

Wo Jin rubbed his palms together, feeling a little unfinished.

Jiaer showed Wojin his harvest, and the two of them took the gun from the dead man back to the factory. After all, this thing is quite popular.

 I still need your recommendation tickets, the popularity is so low


(End of this chapter)

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