The Rise of the Full Time Hunter Meteor Street

Chapter 29 The Whereabouts of Hisoka

Chapter 29 The Whereabouts of Hisoka

The sun is getting hotter and hotter, and the streets in the urban area of ​​Landdis City are deserted, and the broadcast with a loudspeaker is repeated in bursts.

"Do you want to see beautiful women with graceful figures flying in the air?"

"Would you like to see a man put his head in a lion's mouth?"

"Do you want to see a big man swallow a one-meter-long sword?"

"At seven o'clock tonight, welcome to Paul's Circus, we will bring you joy and surprises."

A small truck carrying circus performers was slowly driving on the road. Four actresses in the car were wearing tights and heavy makeup, smiling and dancing.

One of the two clowns was playing the drum, the other was blowing the trumpet, and a fat old guy was using the trumpet to loudly promote tonight's show.

"It's almost done, Captain, my throat is so hot that it's about to smoke."

The fat man knocked on the iron sheet of the driver's cab, sweating profusely and complaining.

"Pat, you are the one who eats the most in the whole group. You have to shout for me to go back. There is no audience. We all have to drink the Northwest Wind."

Captain Daniel, who was sitting in the co-pilot's seat, was reprimanded and helpless in his tone.

His tall and thin body was dressed in an old-fashioned dress, which was neatly ironed without any creases, giving him a very imposing appearance.

He glanced at Pat, who was half-faced in the rearview mirror, and trimmed his own mustache with his hands.

The loud trumpets finally stopped at noon, and outside the tent of the circus, a group of people were eating their lunch in their respective shaded places.

"Pat, take this bread and mashed potatoes to that red-haired boy who's still in the car."

The head of the group was sitting under a large parasol, slowly eating a steak with red wine.

It suddenly occurred to me that a child bought during the meal distribution did not come to receive the meal.

He's an odd kid, but he's got talent for what he does, just look at his eyes and his muscles.

Pat shy with his round belly, walked on his toes invisible, and looked at the bread and mashed potatoes in his hand as he walked.

For such a skinny child, it was too wasteful to eat so much, so he picked up the bread and dipped a mouthful of mashed potatoes, and started eating.

When he walked outside the car door, the bread was gone, and the mashed potatoes were only left with a little crumbs.

"Little Red, let's eat your lunch. If I don't eat it myself, I still want my father to bring it for you. You should really starve to death."

Pat impatiently knocked on the car door, shouting loudly.

Although there were several red-haired boys in the circus, everyone called this weird guy that because he had no name.

When he was bought, he had a head injury and was in a coma. When he woke up and asked him about his life experience, he didn't know anything and said he had lost his memory.

Except for Granny Martha who is cooking, no one wants to believe his nonsense, and he looks like a liar addicted to lying.

"Feed the bear, I'm not hungry yet."

Hisoka sat cross-legged in the caravan, while eating chewing gum, while quietly and precisely building the pyramid of cards.

"If you don't eat, you will suffer at night."

Pat walked away without looking back, he was secretly happy, isn't this just what I want.

Meal time is Hisoka's only free time during the day. Other times he is either moving props, setting up the curtain, or running errands for the team leader to buy things.

Playing poker is the simplest pastime he found here, and he feels very kind when he sees a poker.

He really lost his memory, he couldn't remember who he was, where he came from, it was like falling into a deep sleep.

After waking up, I found myself inexplicably in this caravan, wandering around with these unfamiliar strangers.

He also wanted to find his past, but he couldn't find anything, and no one told him the truth. All he can do now is to accumulate his ability, and then find himself when he has the opportunity.

After eating the steak, the group leader got up slowly, and began to patrol around his territory to see if these guys kept training after eating, and to see how the animals in the cage were, and if they were sick.

For every performance, he has to make perfect preparations, and he can't make any major mistakes.

These animals are the most difficult to control. A lion once killed two animal trainers, a boa constrictor strangled an actress, and that gorilla had diarrhea during a performance.

When he walked to the caravan, thinking of these horrible things, the head of the group felt sick.

"Red hair, buy me another can of chewing gum."

The head of the group who got in the car looked at it, and the tin can of chewing gum on his exclusive table was already empty.


As soon as Hisoka, who was sitting in the back compartment, heard the sound of the captain entering the front compartment, he quickly spit out the chewing gum and stuffed it into the gap in the iron sheet.

He stretched out his hand and flicked, and the pyramid that had just been built collapsed with a crash. The moment the cards landed, the corners of his mouth moved up to the upper right corner.

"I feel like I'm eating chewing gum a little too fast recently. I just bought it the day before yesterday."

The group leader looked at Hisoka who got the money, walked out of the car door, and disappeared in a flash.

I have to make good use of such a child's physique.

Hisoka, walking on the street, breathes the short but free air. There are many shops on the street, and all kinds of toys are placed in the window, attracting passing children all the time.

Hisoka was not interested in these things. He felt as if he had played with these things before, and he was tired of playing them.

He prefers to watch those weird magic tricks. There is no limit to the magician's performance venue. He only needs a small table and a black cloth to perform many tricks, which makes more money than performing circuses.

So the circus has never had magic performances, because the head of the circus couldn't afford them.

And the vast majority of magicians are not willing to wander around in a caravan with a group of people. It is enough to go alone with an assistant, which is the most free.

Hisoka went to the grocery store, bought chewing gum and walked out, and found that many people surrounded the street not far away, and some people continued to surround him.

Hisoka also followed the crowd, and he got into the crowd curiously.

After breaking through the last layer of barriers, what appeared in front of his eyes was actually a magician performing.

Coincidentally, this well-dressed magician in a gown has red hair just like himself.

Hisoka stared at him motionlessly. He came out in a circus clown costume, which made him stand out among the crowd.

The magician is making his way around the growing audience, holding a sword in his hand to test the sharpness of the audience.

When he walked in front of Hisoka, he stopped suddenly, with a surprised expression, in a pair of deep eyes.Hisoka was alone.

When Hisoka also saw the magician's eyes, he found that there was the same thing as himself in it - a fickle heart.

With a friendly smile, the magician slowly approached Hisoka's ear and said softly:

"Hello, my child."

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(End of this chapter)

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