Chapter 30 Meeting

When Hisoka heard such a title, his heart trembled as if he had been shocked by electricity.

I am your child! ?

Hisoka lowered his head obsessively and began to meditate. He never thought that his father was like this, so there was no impact of memory at all.

He was lying, this was Hisoka's first reaction after pondering.

"Wait for me here."

After the magician Shalt uttered the second sentence, he blinked his right eye at Hisoka.

He continued to walk towards the spectators who were going around the field below. After walking around, he raised the long sword in his hand, stood on the ground, and let go of his hand.

The tip of the long sword touched the ground, and the blade stuck in the air motionless.

"Guys, is there anyone who wants to try it out? For those who can pull it out, there are 10 rings waiting for you here, and 1000 rings is one chance. Don't miss it if you win a hundred."

"I'll try."

A tall guy came up to pay the money, came up and held the hilt of the sword with both hands, and pulled it out forcefully, without even moving the blade.

But he refused to give up easily, until his legs trembled and big beads of sweat kept rolling down the sword, but he still couldn't pull it out.

Another fat trader also came over, paid the money, and began to draw the sword with his hands while kicking the blade with his feet.

The sword body was kicked loudly, but it was still not pulled out, and it seemed to be motionless.

Five or six men pulled out the hilt of their swords one after another, one taller and stronger than the other. At this time, the sword trembled more and more violently.

Chart was busy collecting the money and said:
"It seems that my authority will be removed soon. Where is the masked Hercules who can get 10 nuns? Hurry up and pull it out."

"This guy must have buried a giant magnet in the ground."

"I think so, as long as you have enough strength, you can still get the money."

Some people in the audience are already speculating and instigating.

Chart looked at the atmosphere of the scene with satisfaction, but he found that his child was missing.

He tried his best to search in the crowd, but he never found it. In the end, he continued to devote himself to his performance.

"Now more than one person is allowed to draw the sword together after paying the money. If everyone wants to draw the sword and share 1 ordinances, quickly find someone to cooperate."

Chart carried out his next performance. Many people drew their swords at the same time, and they collected more money at a time.

One after another, two big men pulled it together, and later evolved into 10 big men pulling it together, but they still couldn't pull it out.

Two hours passed, Shaerte received more than 30 nuns, and finally when 50 big men drew their swords together, the tip of the sword finally left the ground, and they succeeded.

The onlookers began to cheer, and the big men who participated in drawing their swords proudly raised their hands, and each of them received 2000 nuns to end the stage.

At this moment, for the proof of the strength of the big men, this sense of honor can satisfy the participants more than money.

Watching the happy crowd disperse, Charte slowly packed his things by himself and returned to his hotel room.

For so many years, he has used this kind of mind ability to live a free and unrestrained life. Since his partner Keane passed away, he has not killed people happily for a long time.

It seems that the heart disease that he has been unable to get rid of has healed. He was obsessed with the goal of killing 1000 people in 1000 ways.

It became less intense, and now Hisoka's appearance gave him something more exciting.

As a fallen nobleman in exile, he wandered for more than 300 years, following some of his crazy friends to every corner of the world.

There were some gains and some things were lost, but he didn't regret it.

Eleven years ago, in his hometown, the Mebis Empire, the idea of ​​leaving behind descendants suddenly appeared in his consciousness.

It just so happened that Emma's appearance made it possible for him. He had been repeating a dream for so many years. In the dream, darkness descended on the earth, and everything was reduced to scorched earth in the raging fire.

All the evils broke free and gathered together, shouting and shouting, celebrating the germination of a blood-colored seed in the human body.

A burst of laughter drowned out all voices, the whole world trembled, and the world lost all control.

Shaerte woke up again and again in such a dream. He was sweating profusely, hoping that he could be freed from this ominous omen sooner.

Before that, he knew that one day, sooner or later, he would meet his child again, and he would never miss it again. He remembered that costume and those eyes.

At the hotel, Chartres ordered a glass of chilled wine and oysters in garlic sauce for lunch, looking out the window at the street.

People come and go, countless faces pass by, and Schalte is thinking, what has this child experienced.

After lunch, he returned to his room and turned on the radio, listening to soothing and melodious classical music, repeatedly rubbing a deck of cards in his hand, and slowly building a pyramid on the table.

As a man, his hands were too smooth and delicate, and everyone said that time is not forgiving, but he escaped.

The clock was ticking quietly, it was still early for night, but Shalt had already begun to look forward to it.

"Why so slow this time? I thought you weren't coming back."

In the circus, the head of the group was getting impatient.

"How could it be, I met a mad dog this time, Captain."

Hisoka excused himself, thinking to himself, if I want to leave, I can't just take a can of chewing gum, I'll let you have all your money, you miser!
The other people in the circus watched Hisoka come back and did not look at him as he was doing his own thing.

A few clowns who were in charge of warming up in the middle were playing cards, the animal trainer was calming an angry elephant, and the acrobats closed their eyes and rested in place.

The band members were cleaning and checking their instruments, and the band leader was chewing gum and reading magazines.

Hisoka passed them slowly, walked to the prop room, opened the door, and looked at the costumes, long swords, unicycles, hoops, throwing balls, ropes, etc. inside.

Hisoka took the long sword, opened his mouth, and inserted the sword in until the tip of the sword was completely retracted into the hilt.

He stepped on the unicycle and turned it around twice. Although he was still a little wobbly, he had mastered the knack of not falling over in just two days.

After getting tired of stepping on the unicycle, Hisoka picked up four catching and throwing balls with both hands, and quickly threw them into the sky one by one. The four balls were thrown and caught in the air according to the elliptical trajectory.

None of this is interesting, you can do it with a little practice, the magician's tricks are amazing, it makes people look at something very simple, but they just can't figure out why it is like this.

Hisoka played, and remembered the way the magician performed and what he said to him.

Suddenly he turned around, put his hands away, all four balls fell on the ground, and the door of the prop room closed with a snap.

After a while, it was time for dinner again. This time, everyone ate in a hurry, and Hisoka ate a few mouthfuls of bread indiscriminately, and then went to the dressing room.

Everyone started to put on makeup, and the bigger the actor, the more priority he gave. For makeup, Hisoka refused at first, because no one gave him makeup, and he couldn't do it himself.

But after being locked up for a day, he chose the simplest makeup that could be done in the shortest time.

Slowly everyone walked out of the dressing room, and Hisoka sat alone in front of the dressing table in a clown suit.

The vanity mirror surrounded by a circle of small light bulbs became very bright, and Hisoka looked at himself in the mirror, what kind of me was I.

Because of the head injury, under the messy long red hair, a large scar was left on the white face.

Joyful music played outside, and colorful flashing lights lit up on the circus' performance tent.

The clowns distributed balloons of various colors around the entrance to attract people with children passing by.

"Welcome to Paul's Circus. Tonight's performance is about to begin. Audiences who have bought tickets, please find a seat and sit down first."

The head of the group warmly greeted his audience and his parents in the center of the stage.

Hisoka in front of the dressing table leaned forward, facing the mirror, quietly picked up the paint brush, first whitened the whole face quickly, then drew eyebrows and eyeliner.

Finally, under the eyes, draw a teardrop on the left and a star on the right.

From the first time he finished, he told himself in his heart:

Those tears are his past, which symbolizes that he will not cry for anyone and logistics, even if he loses everything.

That star is his present, which represents the moment he wants to shine every moment, even the moment before he is about to die.

As for the future, love will come as it comes.

 Please recommend and collect, welcome to comment and discuss.


(End of this chapter)

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