The Rise of the Full Time Hunter Meteor Street

Chapter 31 The Strongest Audience

Chapter 31 The Strongest Audience

Outside the circus tent, the sky gradually dimmed, and the auditorium soon became a sea of ​​sounds.

After a man in a tuxedo came in, he sat very quietly in the front row, repeatedly rubbing a deck of cards in his hands. He was Chartreau Munro.

The rest of the audience were chatting very relaxedly, the parents among the women in the same group were short-tempered and chattering, a few old men were making dirty jokes among themselves, slapping their thighs for joy, and there was also a bear child who didn’t know whose family started crying endlessly. with.

In short, on such a night, the circus became lively.

Dazzling spotlights danced on the stage of the circus, and the cheerful music stopped.

With thump, thump, thump... After a rapid drumbeat, the head of the group announced loudly:

The show officially begins.

First of all, a naive bear crawled out unsteadily, and was dragged to the front of the stage by the animal trainer.

He gave the bear a piece of delicious food in his hand, and the originally languid bear regained his spirits. He slowly raised his two front paws, leaned on the back paws, and walked upright.

Walking to a wooden board placed on a barrel, he stood firmly on it, which attracted applause from a group of small audience.

Later, the wooden board was removed, and the bear stood directly on the barrel, switched its hind paws, rolled the barrel back and forth twice, and received another round of applause.

Next came two big men with shirtless upper bodies, each holding a torch, and walked to the center of the stage.

Facing the direction of the audience, they each took a big breath on the torch, and a three to five meter long flame burst out of their mouths.

Some children were so frightened that they rushed into the adults' arms, while others were very excited to see it.

The adults looked expressionless, especially some men. For them, they had watched countless circus performances since they were young. They were all old-fashioned stuff and they were tired of watching them.

What really attracts these men are the hot acrobats on the posters, tight performance costumes, exquisite costumes and lighting effects, just looking at them can make them fall into dreams.

The performances were going on one after another, the whip sounded, the lion opened its mouth wide, and the animal trainer put his head in it, maybe too fast, the neck was accidentally cut by the lion's teeth, and a little blood came out. The audience held their breath at once.

Smelling the smell of blood, the lion suddenly bared its teeth and let out a howling sound.

Its animal nature is about to be aroused. The animal trainer sensed the danger and wanted to stick out his head immediately, but found that the lion intentionally clenched it tightly.

It was the first time for the audience to see such an exciting performance, and they were both scared and excited.

Another animal trainer present sensed the abnormal reaction of the lion, and flicked two whips viciously, making "snapping" noises in the air, as a warning to the lion.

Instead of letting go, the lion pierced its sharp fangs into the bitten animal trainer's meat bit by bit. It was testing its limits. It had done this before, but it was fine after being starved for a day.

As time passed, the animal trainer continued to swing his whip helplessly.

The leader showed his face from the curtain, and whispered to the animal trainer next to him:

"Your show should end soon, bastard, if the audience continues to watch like this, it will not be a surprise, but a shock!"

"Captain, this lion has gone crazy again, I don't dare to stimulate it too much, if it jumps out and bites the audience, it will be troublesome."

The animal trainer turned his head helplessly, and explained in a low voice to the complaining leader.

"This bastard should have sold it to the zoo last time. Find a way for me. If we drag it on, we're finished!"

When the group leader and the animal trainer were in a dilemma, the lion let out a yell, opened its mouth that was tightly clenched, and quickly ran into the cage.

The animal trainer, who had escaped, felt a gust of wind blowing through his back just now, and his neck felt cold.

He stuck out from the lion's mouth, and he was so scared that he was in a cold sweat. Another animal trainer came to see if he was okay. The two quickly bowed to the audience and stepped off the stage.

The head of the group behind the scenes walked to the cage and found that the lion's nose was bleeding, and there was a bloody playing card on the ground in the cage.

The head of the group was very surprised when he saw it. This time, there is really an expert to help, otherwise something big will happen.

The tiger behind began to perform jumping through the fire hoop on stage, and everything went smoothly.

When the tiger was about to jump through the fire hoops for the last few times, a few clowns were waiting behind the big screen backstage with half their faces exposed.

"Be smart, you bastards. The leader will only be happy if the audience laughs. We just want the audience to laugh."

Pat, as the leading clown, made his announcement to several clowns before the performance.

The clowns responded to Pat with silent wry smiles.

Finally the tiger in front was locked in a cage, and the clowns appeared one by one.

Pat walked onto the stage wearing a ball-like suit, and fell on purpose while walking, his limbs were off the ground, his body was wrapped in the ball and turned against the ground, and the tortoise flipped its shell.

A funny action caused bursts of laughter.

"A guy who falls realistically every time, is really a competent comedian."

The other clowns also showed their unique skills. One was riding a unicycle, and then he rode backwards after finishing the ride.

The other two clowns are throwing 10 catching and tossing balls at each other, and the clown played by Hisoka is the clown who is in charge of Raparte.

Hisoka kicked Pat's ass this time, but Pat didn't get up and was still rolling in the ball.

The watching audience laughed, followed by another kick, and Pat still didn't get up.

Shalt, who was sitting in the auditorium, was also amused by Hisoka's tricky behavior. This kid is really a teaser!

"Really, brat, this is inflated. If you kick it so hard, it will hurt me a lot. I won't spare you for a while."

Pat rolled on the ground while warning Hisoka.

He often steals Hisoka's meal, and watching Hisoka kick more and more vigorously, his instinct tells him that Hisoka is taking revenge.

"No, you listen to the laughter of the audience, they like this."

There was another kick, and the kick sent Pat rolling faster in the ball, making him dizzy.

The leader was very satisfied seeing the audience's laughter, but he didn't know that Pat's ass was almost exploded by Hisoka.

Pat was like this, but he still endured the pain and grinned at the audience, his distorted expression looked very funny.

Pat's butt, which had been kicked all the time, was finally relieved after the appearance of the beautiful acrobat. He was helped off the stage by two clowns.

The finale shows came on stage one after another, and the audience enjoyed watching them so much that they didn't want to leave until the end.

After the circus performance ended, everyone was packing up their things and preparing to rest. The head of the circus happily counted today's income.

When Hisoka walked past him, the group leader stroked his hair with one hand and said, "Today's performance was good, and we can use it to be more funny in the future."

"Okay, Captain."

Hisoka also responded very satisfied, and he also felt really relieved.

"Captain, here is a gentleman looking for you."

A clown called out to the captain.

"Let him in."

Hisoka looked back and was stunned for a moment. Isn't the person walking towards him the lying magician he met today?

"Hello, Captain, I'm here to retrieve my poker."

"Poker, is that yours? That's amazing!"

The head of the group stopped counting the money and looked up and down at the person in front of him.

"Then can I take it back?"

"Of course you can, but it's not very easy to get. The poker is still in the cage. I'll ask someone to anesthetize the lion, and then I'll get it for you."

"Don't bother, I'll just get it myself."

"Okay then, see if you can hook it out with a stick."

"No, I'll get it soon."

So the leader asked Hisoka to lead Shalt to the lion's cage.

Isn't he afraid of lions?Hisoka thought as he walked, wondering how he would take it out.

Not only Hisoka, but other circus members who heard the conversation also followed them to the cage.

The head of the group saw that everyone followed, he collected the money, and thought it was necessary to go and have a look.

(End of this chapter)

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