Chapter 32
The head of the group walked at the end of the crowd, and everyone stopped in front of the cage.

The lion roared loudly, and everyone dared not move forward, only to see this man in a formal suit approaching the lock of the cage alone.

Shaerte stretched out a palm, spread five fingers and twirled on the iron lock, and heard a click, and the iron lock of the fist was unlocked.

The chain fell to the ground with a clatter, and the door of the cage opened.

"This lunatic, is it just for a poker?"

"Maybe this playing card is very valuable, but why did it get into the lion's cage?"

"Yeah, that's weird."

Some of the actors who followed the man secretly talked about Shaerte's strange behavior behind their backs.

At this time, the lion who saw Shaerte started to roar again, and his paws clawed hard, as if he was about to rush out.

Everyone retreated and hid in fright, but they were curious about Shaerte's next move.

Shaerte walked into the cage calmly, walked to the edge of the poker on the ground, knelt down and picked up the poker.

With a loud roar, the lion in the cage kicked back and took off, with its fangs open, it rushed towards Shaerte's head.

With a whoosh, Shalt's left arm made a flash in the air, so fast that no one could react.

The lion had fallen to the ground and could not get up.

"Did you kill it, sir."

The group leader came up and asked with concern, this lion is his private property.

"It's just fainted, you can deal with its wounds."

Chart turned the cards in his hand and disappeared.

"You're a magician! I've always wanted to invite one, but I can't find one."

"Oh, my name is Elson Munro. If you don't mind, I can join you. There are only two conditions. The first one is to pay for my hotel stay."

"You're so refreshing, it's no problem at all, I'll arrange it right away, what about the other condition?"

When the head of the group saw that someone with such ability was willing to condescend to join, he suddenly became attentive and even changed his title.

"I'm wandering around. I have a talent but no successor. I want to take this kid as a disciple and follow me around in the future."

In front of everyone, Shalt looked at Hisoka and said his last request.

"No problem, let's write an agreement, as long as you perform with me for three years, the child will belong to you in the future."


Shalt also has his own plan, all in order to make Hisoka gradually trust him.

The head of the group is playing his own wishful thinking, no matter how he calculates, it will not be a loss.

Hisoka, who was on the side, looked at Chart the whole time, feeling that he had a new way out.

When he heard Munro, his mind was stimulated, and he felt that this was his surname.

Moreover, after seeing Shaerte's method just now and his performance during the day, he had the idea of ​​wanting to learn from him.

But whether the other party is his father, he still can't make up his mind, he is going to observe without telling anyone.

After all the formalities were completed, everyone dispersed with envious eyes.

Leaving Hisoka and Charte alone, Charte squatted down and said to Hisoka:
"I know, you still don't believe me, this is very good, we can be masters and apprentices, and it's not bad to be like father and son."

"If you can tell my real name, I will trust you more."

"My real name is Charlotte Munro, and your real name is Sisso Munro, but don't let others know, I will call you Zell in front of outsiders from now on."

"Well, I want to know how you managed to keep the sword standing still this afternoon."

"Let's talk about this tomorrow, go to rest first, see you tomorrow."

The two ended their short conversation and separated.

When Chart passed by the Mobius Empire, he saw the reward order issued by the police and the announcement of the assassination of the king.

The names of Hisoka and Jiaer are worth [-] million ringgits in the Memphis Empire, and when Schalte saw the criminals shot in the bulletin, he knew that they were all scapegoats.

He knew too well the darkness and corruption of his family, so he hurriedly investigated the clues of the two around.

Meteor Street inquired about Hisoka's whereabouts, and tracked and searched all the way, but found no trace of Jiaer.

Hisoka heard his name, and had a deeper memory stimulation before going to bed.

This country is far away from Mobis, and what happened to him was nothing more than a small incident in the local news, so he survived safely.

In the days that followed, Shalt gave Hisoka a set of clothes, telling him that if he wanted to become stronger, this was the basis of his practice, and he could not take it off every day except for taking a bath.

Hisoka made up his mind and put it on. As soon as he put it on, he found it was as heavy as carrying a person on his back. His arms and legs felt full of lead, and it was difficult to walk.

Every day before dawn, Shaerte called Hisoka up and ran together in the morning, slowly increasing the distance from one kilometer.

Half a month later, Hisoka would lie down on the ground after running at the very beginning and couldn't get up. He didn't have the energy to do anything when he went back. He had to rest for a long time, and his muscles were so sore that he couldn't sleep all night.

Later, he became more and more accustomed to this weight, and Schalte let him continue to run every day.

Every day I run, the speed gets faster, the muscles also form memory, and the soreness reduces to fatigue.

Now Hisoka can run 10 kilometers in one breath wearing this training suit, and the time is controlled within 10 minutes.

In the morning, several stray dogs would chase him when they saw him throwing bread crumbs, but they were all exhausted by him.

Chart's magic show is very popular in the circus, which brings unprecedented income to the director.

Everyone didn't dare to underestimate Hisoka anymore, because he was a magician's assistant apprentice and received a lot of preferential treatment.

He has his own independent dressing table, eats independently with the leader and the magician, and has his own income, but he still steals the leader's chewing gum.

When Schalte is free, he will take Hisoka for a walk, and when there is no one around, he will teach him some ignorant things.

One day when they went out for a walk again, Chartres took out a shot put and handed it to Hisoka, saying:

"You let go now, let the shot fall, and if you catch it in the air before it hits the ground, you can take the suit off."

"It's so simple, I can give it a try."

Hisoka weighed the shot put in his hand, and felt that it weighed about one kilogram.

He let go of his hand, and the shot fell quickly, and just near the ground, it was caught by Hisoka.

"It's okay, go back and take off this suit now, and I will teach you new things tomorrow."

Looking at the already strong Hisoka, Chart left very relieved.

After Hisoka returned, he took off the suit and threw it on the table, which creaked and collapsed.

Hisoka looked at the clothes on the floor and the broken pieces of the table, and picked up the shot put that Shalt gave him.

He opened his hand lightly, and with a swish, the shot put was still in his hand, and there was no time to drop it.

Hisoka smiled triumphantly, lying on the bed, he really wanted to know what he could learn tomorrow.

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(End of this chapter)

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