Chapter 33
The next morning, when Hisoka got out of bed after taking off his training clothes, he felt as light as a swallow.

I ran 10 kilometers with great interest and came back, and found that the time was shortened to less than 6 minutes, and the wind came and went.

He came to Chart's hotel room confidently, waiting for his next arrangement.

Shalt was reading a book, when he saw Hisoka coming in, he got up and said:
"Your speed and strength are almost there, now I will teach you some practical physical skills."

"Physical arts? Why do I have a little impression, but I can't remember clearly."

Hisoka no longer remembered that he had learned some basics of swordsmanship and gymnastics when he was in the palace.

"Now you hit me with fists and kicks, see how I dodge, after remembering. If I hit you, you use my way to hide, and then remember how I hit you, understand?"

"Understood, then I'll start."

Hisoka threw a right jab at Charte's face, and Charte began to dodge to the right.

After the first punch missed, Hisoka followed up with a left uppercut. Schalte's head was slightly tilted back, and the wind of the fist brushed his cheek.

Seeing that his fists were useless, Hisoka followed the force of the left uppercut, flew up with his right foot and missed the roundabout kick again.

After 1 minute, Chart suddenly stopped and asked Hisoka:

"So much. Do you remember?"

Hisoka punched more than 1 punches in one minute, kicked more than 100 kicks from various angles.

"Okay, I remember."

"Then here I come."

This time it was Shaerte who attacked, and Hisoka came to hide. Shaerte did not change his move, and used all of Hisoka's moves.

The only difference is that Schalte's speed is much faster than Hisoka, and Hisoka dodges according to Schalte's way.

At the beginning, Hisoka dodged the moves in front of Shaerte, but his speed became faster and faster in the back. Every punch and every kick of Shaerte hit Hisoka.

"I know where you're going to hit me, but I'm always slow to react."

Hisoka suffered from nosebleeds, swollen eyelids and cheeks, and more than 100 bruises on his shoulders, chest, back, ribs, and knees.

"This is the importance of pre-judgment. You have to pay attention to seeing the murderous intention from the opponent's eyes. Once there is a murderous intention, look at the shoulder first when defending against punches, and at the crotch when defending against legs."

"But in this way, I still don't have the lethality like you. I know that you have reserved a lot of room for me. Please tell me, how can I be as strong as you."

"Since you now have such an awareness and such a physical foundation, then I will teach you the ability to read."

Shalt pressed Hisoka's chest with a bang, and Hisoka was instantly ignited by a wave of heat, and he became transparent.

He felt a puff of qi emanating from his body.

"Now you have to start from the most basic practice, first practice wrapping and keep the emitted qi for your own use, then practice absolutely, let the qi stop radiating, and then use practice to increase the qi and transform it into the strongest in your consciousness. The way you want to attack is to send out the qi you have cultivated in the end."

"I see, give me a week, and I'll meet you again."

Hisoka left the hotel in pain.

A week passed quickly, and Hisoka practiced every basic practice like crazy, and finally he had the confidence to come to Chart's hotel room again.

As soon as Shaerte opened the door, the two looked at each other and smiled tacitly, and the next moment they mobilized their whole body.

The two began to fly around the room, punching and kicking, and this time Hisoka's punches and kicks were full of energy, and he moved faster.

But Hisoka still couldn't take advantage of it. Although he kept attacking, he was evaded by Schalte.

Finally Schalte grabbed Hisoka's arms behind Hisoka's back and lifted his knees against his lower back, Hisoka couldn't move for a moment.

"Is it okay, child, this is not enough for you!"

"Well, I'm not done yet!"

While Hisoka was talking, he bumped his head back violently, and with a bang, Schalte's nose was bleeding from the bump.

This time he was too close to Hisoka, and he didn't expect that Hisoka had used every part of his body to fight, which made Shaerte unable to react for a while.

"Your telekinetic ability combined with physical attack is qualified. With your current ability, being a full-time hunter is not a problem."

"What is Hunter x Hunter, are there many strong people in it?"

"The strength of reading ability depends on talent first, and practice on the other. There are many geniuses among hunters, and there are also many diligent practitioners. The current president of the Hunter Association, Nitro, who is known as the number one in martial arts, is extremely talented. A person who is talented and persists in practicing."

"Well, then I have a chance to compete with him."

"You are too naive. Your ability to read is still in its infancy. It's just that you have the talent to fight and you will be stronger than ordinary people with the ability to read. But with a master like Nitro, I may not win against him?"

"Then what else should I train for?"

"I will write some applications of the ability to read in the notebook. After you learn one thing, you will learn the next one. After you finish learning, come to me for a duel."

Hisoka took the notebook, walked out of the hotel with a smile, and went back to continue practicing. This time, it took him a month to finally let his mind ability be used freely.

When he opened the room at the Chart Hotel, Chart watched him coming and said calmly, "Now is the time to check your application."

Shaerte took out a deck of poker cards and kept rubbing them in his hands. The cards were pulled out in an arc in the air, and they were smashed from the left hand to the right hand.

"This is the Ace of Hearts, I'll insert it now and reshuffle the deck, and then tell me which card it is in?"

Schalte fiddled with the cards quickly, and Hisoka stared at the cards flicking between his hands intently, and then replied with certainty:
"There's nothing to practice here. I saw that the second card from top to bottom is the Ace of Hearts."

"It's not bad, boy, let me show you a little more difficulty. I also throw all the cards into the air. You can get the Queen of Hearts, Three of Spades, Eight of Diamonds, and Four of Clubs before they hit the ground. , I will teach you new things even if you pass the test."

"No problem, just let the horse come over."

As soon as Hisoka agreed, Shalt threw the cards into the air, folded his hands behind his back, and admired the moment when all the cards flew into chaos.

Hisoka's eyes also flipped along with the cards, and his eyeballs quickly turned dozens of times, and his hands released a stretching air, sticking back to the cards he wanted.

A second later, the cards fell to the ground, and Hisoka only held three cards in his hand, with the back facing Chart.

Hisoka turned the cards over to him, and he caught three of the four cards he asked for, except for the three of spades.

"It seems that your eyesight is not good enough!"

Shalt showed a weird smile, he was waiting for Hisoka's answer to satisfy him.

"My eyesight is indeed poor. You missed a card just now, but I didn't realize it. If I guessed right, the card in your hand is the three of spades!"

"Hahaha, although I didn't notice it when I made a move, it's amazing to be able to count all the cards in such a short period of time."

Shalt stretched out a hand from behind in satisfaction, holding the three of spades.

"Actually, I felt that I was cheated from your smile, so I deduced that the card is still in your hand."

"Well, good. Remember, boy, combat is an art of deception. The less your opponent knows about you, the better your chances of winning."

"Thank you for your compliment. In fact, I want to know how many cards you can get the cards you want."

"You are such a curious child, I can grab all the cards I want, want to try? Hahaha..."

With a smile of admiration and admiration, Hisoka looked at Shaerte's extremely confident expression.

Hisoka thought to himself that this is really a monster. With his current strength, he can catch five at most, but he was able to catch all of them. From that smile, he didn't hear any guilt.

Hisoka swore to himself that sooner or later he would defeat Shalt.

For the past, Hisoka, who has lost his memory, has nothing to worry about. His purpose in life has become very simple, which is to become stronger, defeat one master after another, and experience the thrill of this kind of battle.

He still doesn't know that his elder brother is running around, looking for his whereabouts.

(End of this chapter)

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