Chapter 34

Time flies, summer has passed, and autumn in Meteor Street is here.

One morning, a cool wind blew, and the fallen leaves all over the ground began to fly, and yellow fragments flashed in the sun.

Two teenagers and a girl were on the garbage mountain, picking up garbage and chatting with the autumn wind blowing.

One of the teenagers was wearing a black hat, a gray sweater and pants, and a black leather eye patch on one eye.

While rummaging through the trash, he told the other two companions:

"Wo Jin, Maggie, when you pick it up, look carefully, and don't throw away things that emit gas. I found a rule, as long as the things made by people with outstanding talents in a certain field will bring With your own spirit, some can be sold for a lot of money.”

"Okay, but I haven't seen the anger you mentioned after searching for a long time."

Wo Jin only checked to see if there was any gas, and some of them were not gas, but he also threw away the garbage that could be used to exchange things.

"Wo Jin, after all, this is a mountain of garbage, and those with gas are in the minority. Those good things without gas can also be exchanged for other things. Don't throw them away."

Maggie couldn't bear Wojin being led astray by Jiaer like this, so she said a few words.

"Maggie is right. This is a mountain of garbage. Some good things that are not gas should be exchanged for other things. Maybe we can go to a bigger mountain of garbage."

Jiaer thought that he had exchanged a gun for a good thing once after he had been here for so long, and he also exchanged the remaining five bullets for bread one after another.

Here, people are most interested in guns and ammunition, and no one is willing to buy art at a high price.

But now Jiaer thinks that the most important thing is to make money and realize the treasure in his hands. Only in this way can he have the initiative to inquire about news and go out to find his brother.

"A bigger mountain of trash? Is there anything bigger than this?"

Wo Jin has a straightforward temper, and he didn't understand Jiaer's meaning.

"You rock-headed guy, this guy wants to go to the black market trading center to have a look. There should be more angry things there, but there are too few here."

Maggie explained Jiaer's hint, when she told Jiaer's anger, her intuition told herself that sooner or later Jiaer would rise here,
He will leave sooner or later, but she feels that before that, he will bring them some different benefits.

"Yes, we can get more money there. Go once and I'll have a chance to redeem the gold watch, Margie."

Carl's heart was already filled with the desire to go, and he needed money too much.

"It's possible, but it's also one of the places where gangsters are most concentrated in the world. It's very dangerous. The three of us are afraid that if we go there, we will get the money and get it back."

Maggie is full of anxiety about the strange outside world. Although her mind ability has reached a certain level, she is afraid of dangers other than force.

"Maggie, when did you become so timid? Is it because Kuroro is not here, you are worried about being cheated, then I will go with Jiaer, just to see if I can meet a master for a fight. "

Wo Jin looked indifferent, he was worried that no one would go out with him.

He himself has a simpler mind. Before, he and his friends went out together, but now his friends have gone to the small island country to practice and have not returned.

Now that there is such a ghost as Jiaer, he doesn't have to worry about it. It is enough to make money and fight.

"Then you go, I won't go, I will wait for you to bring the money back."

Maggie doesn't want to follow suit, even though she knows Jiaer is smart, but compared with Kuroro, Kuroro can make her feel at ease.

"Okay, Wojin, let's go back at noon to prepare, and leave for Youkexin tomorrow to earn a big ticket."


The three of them separated, leaving Maggie alone to pick up trash.

Maggie looked at Jiaer who was leaving her, her outfit was more and more integrated into Meteor Street.

Ever since he met the four people killed by Wojin, Jiaer guessed that those dead people were sent by Mobis. The clothes and equipment they wore were so good that they were configured as mercenaries.

From then on, he changed his appearance, shaved his hair, and wore a one-eyed false eye patch. His clothes were shabby, and he blended with Meteor Street like a local, and he was not chased after that.

After so long, the boss that Wo Jin mentioned has not appeared for a long time. He has given up hope for this, and it is better to ask for others than to ask for himself.

The guns and bullets in the hands of the four dead men have also been kept by them until now, and they found rich vendors to exchange them for some cash, and kept them for the road.

After buying a direct train ticket to Youkexin tomorrow, the two of them set off early the next morning.

Jiaer, who was sitting on the car seat, took the famous paintings, daggers, and some handicrafts he bought in exchange, and held them in his arms like a baby.

Wojin ate as soon as he got in the car, ordered a lot of snacks, and fell asleep when he was full, but this time he didn't snore, which was amazing.

It takes a day and a night to travel from Meteor Street to Youkexin, and Jia Er admired the scenery outside the car window.

The maple leaves in the distant mountains are red, and when the sky is high and the clouds are clear, wild geese fly by occasionally.Flying into a character for a while, flying into a character for a while, moving towards a warm place.

It's better than the outside world!It was the first time Jiaer came out after being isolated from the world on Meteor Street for so long, and he was still excited.

When the train passed by Mobis, his heart became heavy. He didn't know what happened to grandparents, grandparents, and grandparents.

Now he can't go to see them alone, not because he is afraid of danger, but because he promised his mother to protect Hisoka and live.

Death is a very short thing, but the memory associated with it makes people understand that death is something that everyone will face.

To live is to fulfill one's own mission, so as to live up to the meaning of life and the reminder of death.

The train drove for a day, from day to night, and the passengers on the bus slowly began to fall asleep.

"Jarle, come to sleep, I'll carry your bag for you."

Seeing more and more people sleeping, Jiaer's eyelids also started to fight. At this time, Wo Jin woke up and just took over.

"Okay, Wo Jin, you must take it well, otherwise we will make a trip for nothing."

"No problem, it's just such a simple thing, rest assured and sleep."

Wojin felt that Jiaer's nagging was superfluous.On this carriage, whoever dares to snatch Lao Tzu's things, I will let his head move.

With such confidence, Wojin took over all their current possessions.

The train drove late into the night, and in order to facilitate the rest of the passengers, the lights in the aisles of the carriages were dimmed. As the train swayed rhythmically, You Kexin was getting closer and closer to them.

And a certain pair of eyes in the same carriage had long been fixed on the bag in Wo Jin's arms. This man's hair was long and loose, covering his face, making it impossible to distinguish between men and women.

He has a small stature, wears a long cloth shirt, and keeps tapping on the armrest of the car seat with both hands.

When the train entered the tunnel, the darkest period came, and he finally got up and walked towards Wojin.

 Happy May Day, book friends, I recommend a movie for everyone "Ambush from Eight Sides", the FBI's special training on a small island has become a Shura field designed by serial killers.Suspense, twist, action, thriller.

  In the end, I still ask for recommendations and collections. Comments and discussions are welcome.Today's second update will be revised and posted around 10:[-], good night.


(End of this chapter)

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