Chapter 35
Seeing that Jiaer fell asleep, Wo Jin put his travel bag on the train table, continued to eat snacks and drank a lot of drinks.

After a while, Wo Jin wanted to go to the toilet. Wo Jin picked up the travel bag in one hand and was about to get out of the seat when he was hit by a long-haired short man walking towards him.

The moment he was hit, the dwarf's left hand touched the travel bag in Wojin's hand, and a similar travel bag appeared in his right hand hidden behind his back.

"Are you blind, bump into me."

Wojin cursed and walked to the toilet.

"Sorry, it's too dark, I didn't see it."

The dwarf faced Wo Jin the whole time, until the other party left the seat with the travel bag.

After coming to the toilet, Wo Jin opened the toilet door to urinate, and the travel bag was placed on the ground outside the door.

Wojin left the door ajar to prevent the bag from being stolen.

Just as Wo Jin was urinating, the train began to turn, and the whole carriage made a loud noise, clanging, and after a while, the steady sound resumed.

Wo Jin finished urinating, turned around and saw that the travel bag was still on the ground, picked it up with confidence and walked back to his seat.

Seeing that Carl was still sleeping, he felt sleepy again, and fell asleep with his travel bag between his feet.

As the first rays of sunlight hit the window curtains, the cabin began to gradually brighten.

"Good morning, all passengers, this train has prepared various breakfasts such as hollow noodles, curry rice, and egg sandwiches. Passengers who need it, please go to the shuttle bus to have a meal. I wish you a happy meal."

A burst of breakfast broadcasts woke up the already empty stomachs, and many people went to the bathroom to queue up to wash and prepare breakfast.

Jiaer was also woken up by this tempting broadcast, but this time he didn't bring much money with him, so Wo Jin kept buying snacks when he got in the car, thinking about saving money.

He checked that the travel bag was still there, endured his hunger, and waited for the steward selling bento and instant noodles to come by with a cart.

Many people in other seats went to the dining car one after another, and some people ate the dry food they brought.

Jiaer didn't dare to look at them, his saliva kept swallowing, thinking that if he made money this time, he must have a decent meal to satisfy his hunger.

"Fruits, drinks, instant noodles, bento, do you need anything?"

"This passenger put his feet back and let me pass."

Hearing this familiar hawking sound, Jiaer was finally relieved. After the cart arrived, he bought the cheapest two lunch boxes, woke Wo Jin up, and the two of them ate hungrily.

"It's not enough to eat, Jiaer, why don't you buy an eleven."

"Let's put it down first. We don't have much money now. When we earn money, we will take you to a high-end restaurant for a big meal. This is a lunch box that can only satisfy your hunger, and there is nothing delicious."

"Okay, then I have to eat enough. Only when I'm full will I have the strength to fight with someone, hahaha."

"You are such a fighting fanatic, don't you have any other hobbies besides fighting?"

"Which man doesn't want to become the strongest, I just want to train my fists to be as powerful as a nuclear bomb, invincible in the world."

"Well, good luck."

After Carle finished speaking, he immediately looked out the car window, and they began to enter the desert.

The sky is full of yellow sand, and vehicles pass by quickly on the expressway parallel to the railway from time to time.

Suddenly a convertible car appeared on the road, just parallel to Carl and the others.

"This bastard turned out to be a man, is he so rich?"

Wo Jin, who was eating bento, stopped when he saw the car, and sighed.

"Do you know this person?"

"The little man with long hair in this car was still on the train last night and bumped into me. I didn't expect him to get off the train and still be in such a nice car."

After hearing this, Jiaer's expression became serious, watching the car start to speed up, and a burst of yellow sand rolled up behind the car, and it flew away. Seeing this, Jiaer felt something was wrong.

"This car is a direct train, and it doesn't stop halfway. He should have jumped out of the car."

"Wojin, show me your travel bag quickly. Did you put down your travel bag last night?"

"No, it never left my sight. I put it away when I went to the toilet, and it's still there. Look."

Wo Jin calmly handed the travel bag to Jiaer.

"Listen to what you said just now, he jumped out of the car and there is a car to meet him, I'm sure this guy must be a thief, we are new here, it's best to be careful."

Jiaer opened the travel bag, checked it carefully and found that everything was there, but he was still worried, so he stared at it for a while.

After looking at it, he found that there was still air in these things, and now he used it to calm down. He was worrying too much, and it turned out to be a false alarm.

On the highway hundreds of miles away, a convertible car was accelerating forward.

"Kubi, you did a great job this time. Look at how dazzling this gold watch is!"

Sitting in the co-pilot, Matsumoto, a big man with a mustache, is tall, wearing a flight jacket and sunglasses, and is sorting out his and his partner's harvest.

"These are generally valuable, and there are more valuable ones in the future. We went to Youkexin to hide them. It is a paradise for people like us, and colleagues are enemies!"

The wind blew Kubi's long hair, and he showed his expressionless eyes, staring straight ahead.

"You mean the rags?"

Matsumoto held a travel bag, opened it and looked through it. After looking at it for a long time, he felt that they were just a pile of garbage.

"That's not rags. That painting would buy ten convertibles."

"Is it so valuable? No wonder you asked me to steal it so carefully last night, for fear of breaking it!"

Matsumoto thought about squatting at the door of the toilet last night, smelling the stench for a long time, and now he thinks it's worth it.

"One is afraid of breaking it, and the other is that I don't want to be discovered and confront them head-on."

Kube imagined the anger of those two people, feeling too oppressive, and now he still has lingering fears.If these treasures were not so valuable, he would not have taken the risk.

"You are right. That strong man has a lot of energy, and the other one is just a rookie. But the strong man may not be able to beat me. My mental ability can beat him to the north."

The reason why Matsumoto has such self-confidence is that he has seen through Wo Jin's weakness, reckless conceited, loves to act impulsively, such people are best dealt with.

"He's not the strongest. The rookie you mentioned is the scariest person. Although his anger is not stable yet, I'd better stay away from him when we meet him in the future."

"I didn't see it. My mind ability is to copy things and at the same time copy the same Qi. Anyway, when I passed by his side, I found that he exudes Qi that I have never seen before. I can't copy it at all. "

"That's it, Kube, you're just being too careful. I want to see how capable he is if I have a chance?"

"It's best not to have such expectations, it may mean that your death is coming."

Matsumoto was silent after hearing this, thinking in his heart that Kubi really could only be a thief for the rest of his life.

Before the two of them knew it, they had already arrived in the city of Youkexin, on the desert at the end of the road, the setting sun was setting, emitting a dark red light, like blood, spilling onto the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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