Chapter 36 Expensive Names

"Youkexin Station is here. Passengers, please take your luggage. Welcome to the next ride. I wish you a pleasant journey."

As the arrival announcement sounded, Wojin and Jiaer followed the crowd and got out of the car.

When they walked out of the station, a bustling metropolis appeared in front of them.

A row of taxis and taxis are waiting on the side of the road to grab customers, and many white-collar workers are rushing to work at the intersection of traffic lights.

A tall, blond woman in fashionable and sexy clothes, smoking a slim ladies cigarette and leading a poodle, walked past Jiaer and the others, and glanced at Jiaer.

The two of Carl and the others were wearing rather shabby clothes, and they looked a little out of place among these well-dressed people.

"This is the metropolis!"

As Wo Jin walked, he looked at the surrounding high-rise buildings with admiration. One of the buildings, he nearly broke his neck before he could see the top of it.

"Wo Jin, is this your first time here?"

Carl is used to these things. His father Baron and grandfather Orson are both collectors, and they often bring him and Hisoka here to participate in auctions.

Looking at the familiar streets reminded Jiaer of the past.

"Yeah, the environment here is really good, but the people here feel that they are not very resistant to fighting, and they all look weak when walking on the street."

Wo Jin looked at the people on the street and felt that it would be difficult to find someone to fight here.

"Here is the normal side, and there is a dark side to this city. There are people you want to fight there. But this time, the first task is to make money. After making money, you can fight as you want. After you fight, we will run away. .”

Jia Er knew Wo Jin's character, he would feel his fists itch if he didn't fight for a day.

The two got into a taxi and went straight to the black market trading area.

As the vehicle got closer and closer to the black market, the streets outside the car window began to change. Occasionally, many strong men in suits, wearing sunglasses and crossing their hands in front of them, stood guard near some cars.

These scenes reminded Jiaer that they had entered the sphere of influence of the underworld society, where the largest number of gangsters in the entire city gathered.

They are the maintainers of order in the underground society, and many stalls and stores in the black market are protected and managed by them.

"The atmosphere here is a bit like Meteor Street. There are a lot of cute bastards. Jiaer, look at that tattooed bald man riding a Harley motorcycle. When I see those strong muscles, I really want to punch him."

"Take control, Wojin, we're only here. We'll give you a chance to fight."

Jiaer is really afraid that Wojin will cause trouble, and before the things are sold, he will be chased and killed by the black and white here.

Once at the black market, they walked through the bustling trading area, where stalls filled with antiques and oddities.

Some people spend tens of thousands of yuan to buy things in these stalls, and it is possible to sell tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of things in the auction house.

Jia Er is not in the mood to look at these things now, thinking about selling the famous paintings first to make money, and then collecting more treasures.

Relying on his previous memory, he found the most famous auction house here. The two came to the front desk and said that there were very valuable things to be auctioned, so the front desk contacted a manager to receive them.

After Jiaer met the manager, he found that he had an impression of him. He had received Baron and Orson several years ago.

But the other party didn't recognize Jiaer. Looking at Jiaer wearing a one-eyed mask and Wo Jin beside him, he concluded that they were also gangsters based on his more than 30 years of experience in dealing with the underworld.

His name is Harry, and he looks to be in his 50s. He has a small face, glasses, and a mustache. He looks very professional and stable in a suit.

"Hello, my name is Harry. I heard from the front desk that you have something very valuable to auction, right? Now, can you take it out and have it authenticated for me?"

"of course can."

Jiaer took out the famous painting from the travel bag and handed it to Manager Harry.

The manager held the painting in his hand, looked at it from different angles against the light, and said hesitantly:
"Sumer's paintings are very famous, but the auction is very risky. He has no more than 100 signed paintings, because he is a perfectionist. He painted more than 1 works in his life, but he is slightly dissatisfied. I don’t want to write my own name. In order to increase the value of the work I got, later generations imitated his signature and wrote it on it. This makes it very difficult to identify whether it is a good work, because there will be a difference of nearly 100 between Shu and his signature. double the price."

"That's right, Mr. Harry, so the paintings with his signature are very expensive, and the largest English Art Museum in the world has only one genuine signature painting in its collection."

"I didn't realize that at your age, you know a lot. Then you should also know that we made the auction catalog half a year in advance. To be on the safe side, we need to do a lot of identification work to ensure that it is genuine. You are late this year. "

"Well, I didn't understand the process before your auction."

Jiaer only remembered the approximate time of the auction, but didn't remember the rules before the auction.

"It doesn't matter. If your painting is genuinely signed, you can keep it. We will auction it next year."

"Honestly, Mr. Harry, we need the money this month, so we can't wait until next year."

"That's a pity. You can only go to the black market to find some antique shops or private auctions in the display area."

"Looks like that's all it takes."

"However, I want to remind the two of you that the antique store knows that you are eager to sell and will keep the price very low, and the display area is mixed with fish and dragons, and you may encounter a lot of trouble during the auction!"

"Understood, thank you for your reminder, let's try our luck first."

From the time when Jiaer and the others entered, until the two of them came out, Wojin listened in a daze, without saying a word, and found that he couldn't understand what they were saying at all.

"Where did you know these things? What did you do before? Carl."

After walking to the streets of the black market, Wo Jin finally couldn't help asking out his confusion.

"I didn't do anything before. I just read books. Knowledge and wisdom are also a kind of power, Wo Jin."

Jiaer explained with a smile, he didn't dare to say that his childhood experience was going to and from these places, and it was inevitable that he had been influenced by his ears and eyes.

So there are many answers to all the problems in this world, and when the answer you seem to get is the correct one, it may not be the closest to the truth.

"I found that you, like the boss, both love to read and are very smart. I think he will appreciate you very much when he sees you."

Wo Jin remembered that the first character he knew besides his own name was taught by the boss, and that thing is indeed a kind of power, the power to know more things.

While talking, they came to the door of an antique shop, and the signboard read the words "Good things come out well".

 The first update is here, please recommend and collect, welcome to comment and discuss.


(End of this chapter)

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