Chapter 37: The Middle Game 1
The guy at the front desk of the antique shop is listening to music while wearing headphones, while greeting customers who come to sell antiques.

The boss is sitting in the back cubicle making tea and watching TV. The annual auction is about to begin. Recently, many wealthy people and collectors have come to bid.

Among them, there are also many ignorant or half-baked speculators who also came here and began to search for treasures with a fluke mentality.

I thought that maybe I bought a priceless genuine product in such a store or a street stall, then I would really give it a go, and the bicycle became a motorcycle.

Since ancient times, there has been such a saying: a horse cannot be fat without weeds, and a man cannot be rich without external wealth. This is human nature.

But people who have no real skills can have a few times of shit luck just by luck, so there is no way to sell well when buying, this is the rule.

When Jiaer and Wo Jingang entered the store, they saw a fat middle-aged man in a floral shirt looking at an antique vase seriously with a magnifying glass in front of the counter.

After looking at it for a long time, I found that the patterns and textures are very beautiful, and the glaze color is excessive and different in shades. Then I look at the bottom of the vase engraved with the year of Memphis Odin, which is more than 1000 years old. It should be genuine. Take a gamble.

The fat man thought to himself, if it is genuine, it can be sold for at least 1000 million. See what the boss bids, if the bid does not exceed 500 million, he will accept it.

"Boy, how much is this vase?"

"Wait, I'll ask the boss."

"Boss, how much is this vase for the Year of Odin?"

Probably because of listening to the music, the guy asked the boss behind him the price very loudly.

The boss replied to him in a moderate voice:

The man answered the fat man who asked the price with a blank face and said:


When the fat man heard this, he wanted to laugh but didn't dare to make a sound. He quickly paid the money, picked up the vase and hurried out.

Standing behind the fat man, Jia Er and Wo Jin looked at the clerk, then at the fat man who was about to walk out.

"Don't mind your own business!"

The fat man rolled his eyes at Jiaer and the others and said that he had to run as soon as he walked out of the store.

Wojin and Jiaer walked to the front desk, Wojin wanted to laugh when he saw this guy, thinking this guy is so stupid!
"Hello, I want to find your boss and sell an antique."

"Boss, someone is looking for you."

"Let them in."

"Come inside, please."

The guy opened the door to the compartment just after Carl and the others walked in.

While whistling, the clerk squatted down and took a random vase from the row of Odinian vases in the dark under the counter, and put it on the display shelf.

The same pattern, the same ancient glaze color, the same position.

After a while, another customer walked in. With a magnifying glass, he looked around the antiques on the display shelf. After looking around, he stopped in front of the Odinnian vase.

In the cubicle, Jiaer saw that the boss was making tea leisurely.

The boss is neither fat nor thin, with a well-proportioned figure. He looks more than 50 years old. He wears antique tortoiseshell glasses, ancient clothes, and slippers.

The display shelves in this compartment are filled with paintings, antiques, and crafts.

They all exude a faint smell, and Jiaer can be sure that the things in this compartment are all genuine products, and only the boss himself is admiring them, this cunning liar.

"Boss, so all your good stuff is here!"

As soon as Jiaer entered, he exposed his face directly, and planned to get the price he wanted with him in the most direct way.

"Heroes are born young, how do I call you?"

"My name is Shire, and he is my friend Ram." Jiaer gave a false name before Wojin opened his mouth.

Seeing Jiaer doing this, Wojin fell silent.

"My name is Defu, please sit down, and show off your goods now."

The boss who was sitting stood up and extended the invitation. He saw that Jiaer had some skills, and he was looking forward to what good things he would bring him, so he began to respect him.

After Jiaer sat down, he slowly took out the painting and handed it over.

When the boss took the painting, his eyes lit up, and then disappeared.

"Son, this is a good thing, but I can't afford it. You'd better find another place."

"No way, these things you collect are quite a lot of money, so what about these?"

Jiaer took out the dagger and handicrafts again, and placed them on the coffee table.

"Um, what a coincidence, the things you brought are good, but I really can't afford so much money now, I know I can't give you the price you want. You should find someone else, I'm very sorry, Alan, see a visitor out!"

After the boss finished speaking, he turned his head and continued watching TV, ignoring Jiaer and the others.

Wojin clenched his fists and was about to explode, but Jiaer stopped him.

"Let's go, let's make money first."

At this time, the guy outside opened the automatic door of the compartment, and Carl and the others walked out.

Saw yet another guy at the counter looking at the Odin Year vase with a magnifying glass.

Jiaer was thinking that there must be a reason for such a mercenary guy to reject his real product, but he still couldn't figure it out.

Now there is not so much time to waste on this, so I can only go to the black market display area.

Not long after Jiaer and the others came out of the antique shop, when they came out of the cubicle just now, the person they met at the counter of the antique shop ran past Jiaer and the others with a vase in their arms.

"They're so bad, these bastards, they're making a lot of money this way!"

Now Wojin suddenly understood and said to Jiaer.

"This is their way of making money. We can't control it. Let's manage ourselves first."

Jiaer brought Wo Jin to the black market exhibition area, he took out the dagger first, and started the auction.

"Hello everyone, this is a precious dagger. It is extremely sharp and can kill people without blood. Experts with knowledge can get it."

Cal stood on the display stand, shouting to the treasure hunters coming and going.

All of a sudden, many onlookers came over, and one of them, a strong man with a tattoo on his arm, was the first to come over.

"Little boy, show me the dagger."

Jiaer looked at this guy with a savage face and gave him the dagger.

"That's right, this is one of the most famous murder weapons, the Bian's Knife. How much does it cost?"

The strong man carefully looked at the design of the blade and the handle, and then lightly stroked it with his fingers. It was extremely sharp and did not stain blood.

"The starting price is 200 million."

Jiaer didn't know the true value of the dagger, so he randomly bid the starting price.

"I'll offer 300 million, just sell it to me!"

The strong man with the knife in his hand looked at the knife with bright eyes, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it.

Other buyers refused to give up and kept calling out higher prices.

"I'll pay 330 million!"

"360 million!"

"Fuck, 400 million, don't grab it from me!"

The strong tattooed man had already aimed his knife at the crowd who were about to continue bidding, but Wo Jin was unwilling at this time.

He walked behind the strong man, ready to teach this guy a good lesson, when his fist was itchy.

Not far away, there were a dozen or so gangsters armed with knives and guns, and began to ostentatiously collect protection money, getting closer and closer to Jiaer and the others.

In the black market soon, a fight is inevitable.

(End of this chapter)

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