Chapter 39: The Middle Game 3
Just as Jiaer was dragging Wojin to escape, a speeding motorcycle rushed forward, and the female rider on the vehicle shot Jiaer.

Jiaer pushed Wo Jin aside, and immediately activated the rebounding air mass with [-]% capacity. What he didn't expect was that this time the bullet pierced through his arm with a snap.

This is a mind bomb, and his rebounding air mass conversion energy is too low.

After Jiaer reacted, he hurried forward and rummaged around to hide behind the iron bucket of garbage on the side of the road.

When the rider saw that Jiaer was hiding, he quickly turned the head of the speeding motorcycle and jumped off the bike himself.

The motorcycle rolled over and slid on the road to the place where Jiaer was hiding. Just when he hit the trash can, he was shot by the motorcycle fuel tank by a female rider in the distance.

There was a bang explosion, the motorcycle was blown to pieces, the trash can was blown up, the flames shot into the sky, and thick smoke billowed.

Fortunately, Jiaer dodged quickly, and he rolled a few meters away just before the explosion.

This female psychic has a lot of actual combat experience, so it's not easy to deal with.

Jiaer got up and hid in the corner of the street, thinking about how to defeat the opponent.

He just poked his head out to see where the opponent was, when he fired again, the bullet cracked the corner of the concrete wall, leaving a gap the size of a fist.

The female rider was approaching step by step, and Jia Er, who was hiding in the corner, was in a state of confusion. If she found Wo Jin who was tied and hidden on the other side first, he would definitely be dead.

Jiaer thought he couldn't leave Wo Jin alone, but he rushed out to fight her head on, and the opponent's bullets were fast and accurate.

My Scarlet Flame Fist can only exert its power when it hits the opponent. From such a long distance, it is impossible for me to have such a speed. I can dodge the bullets and run to the enemy to launch an attack.

There is no other way, for Wojin, he can only gamble his luck, and use the ability he discovered to release the mind - Scarlet Flame Storm.

Jiaer gathered Qi in both hands, and slapped his palms to the ground vigorously with dazzling flames.Shouted: "Wo Jin, protect your head, I'm going to use the red flame storm."

The ground within a radius of 100 meters suddenly burst into steam, and in the next second a flaming tornado with a diameter of 10 meters took advantage of the situation and quickly circled the ground.

Wherever the huge flame cyclone went, cars were swept into the sky, utility poles were pulled up and broken, and countless garbage and plants on the ground were reduced to ashes.

The maximum attack range of the Scarlet Flame Storm is within a radius of 1000 meters. When the maximum gas volume is turned on, the temperature can be so high that the alloy steel can be vaporized instantly.

The disadvantage is that this attack consumes a lot of gas, 30.00% of the gas is activated at the beginning, the body temperature rises rapidly, and it will also hurt the companions in group battles.

If none of this can kill the opponent, he will instantly become dehydrated and collapse, temporarily losing his fighting power.

You can only use it to recover after replenishing water in time, and continue to fight after you cool down.

After the flames disappeared, Jiaer slumped on the ground, exhausted his last bit of strength, and crawled to the corner where Wo Jin was hiding.

When he crawled over, he found that Wojin was gone. Could it be that he was too aggressive and burned him?

But he changed his mind, it was impossible, Wo Jin's strengthened body would be severely burned at most, so he wouldn't die.

Just when he was puzzled, a gun was pointed at Carle's temple.

"What's your relationship with Wojin?"

"He is my companion, if you want to kill me, kill me, let him go!"

Jiaer had already consumed too much Qi, and now he was unable to fight back against the female rider, and needed to drink a lot of water.

"If it wasn't for Wo Jin lying on top of me, you would have almost been burned to death just now, and Wo Jin is also my companion, so hurry up and follow me, it's not convenient to talk here."

The female rider took off her helmet, took Jiaer and the others with her, grabbed a car, and left the black market quickly.

The car drove to the door of a convenience store, and Paconoda bought a piece of mineral water and a pack of edible salt and got on the car.

Along the way, after Jiaer ate a handful of salt, he drank bottle after bottle.

"My name is Paconoda, I haven't asked your name yet?"

While driving, Paconoda was learning about Jiaer's situation. She was sent out by Kuroro very early, and she had never heard of Jiaer's situation at all.

"My name is Carl."

Jiaer also let go of his guard against Paconoda, and then started chatting with Paconoda.

"What are you doing here? How can you mess with my boss?"

"We're here to sell antiques to make money. Didn't expect there to be so many rules here?"

"This is the territory of the underworld. I came here to join them. It was Kuroro who asked me to learn more about the situation and obtain more information for future actions."

"You know Kuroro?"

"He is our boss. There are seven of us who grew up playing together on Meteor Street, and Wojin is one of them."

"I see."

"Wojin's body has been strengthened, and ordinary weapons can't be used on him. Why is he like this this time?"

"Wo Jin was injured and poisoned by the Bian's knife we ​​are going to auction, that's why this happened. He needs to detoxify immediately."

"So that's it. This dagger is very famous. Its poison can kill a whale and paralyze the enemy. But don't worry, I know the black doctor of the gang here, let him see what's going on."

Saying that, their car turned into a dark alley and stopped at the door of a grocery store.

After drinking a lot of water, Jiaer finally regained his physical strength, so he helped Paconoda carry Wo Jin into the grocery store.

They went into the grocery store, and the shopkeeper opened a secret door, and they went in.

Inside was a cubicle, with a chandelier hanging on an operating table, a tool table next to it, and a middle-aged man in a white coat with an unshaven beard sitting on a chair drinking wine against the wall.

"Mr. Heilong, take a look at this person who has been poisoned, is it serious?"

They put Wo Jin on the operating table, and the doctor took a flashlight to shine on the pupils of Wo Jin's eyes and looked at the wound.

"His body is very strong. If he were an ordinary person, he would die, but he is still alive. But in a few days, he should not be able to hold on and die."

"Then can he still be saved? Money is not a problem."

"I also want to take your money, but I can't earn this money. The poison he suffered from is a secret poison. The general antidote is useless, and it needs a special antidote to be effective."

"Then where can I find the antidote?"

"It is said that in the small island country, there is a mysterious organization Yunyinliu, which specializes in poison production and detoxification. They should have antidote there, but no one knows their stronghold and whereabouts."

"Okay, let's go to the small island country, Paconoda."

"I can't go, I still have tasks to complete, you can go to Jiaer alone, Wo Jin's good friend Nobunaga is practicing there, you go to a place called Wuliang Peak to find him. He is familiar with the small island country, you can I can help you."

"Do you have any photos and contact information?"

"Yes, I'll send it to you later. I'm going to book you the earliest airship ticket to Xijing, the capital of the small island country."


In this way, for Wojin's life and death, Jiaer embarked on a journey to the small island country alone, where unknown dangers were waiting for him.

(End of this chapter)

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