Chapter 40

A small island country, a summer day two years ago.

"hurry up!"

"Hurry up!"

"With such a speed of drawing swords, you will all become the souls of other people's swords."

The big brother Sajiro of Tianfeng Gymnasium, as usual, tutors the juniors in training.

He walked past them step by step with a solemn expression.

Sajiro has a strong physique, tall and burly, and has practiced kendo in the dojo for 20 years. He is most proud of his sword drawing skills.

The speed is so fast that everyone who has seen it will be amazed. This is what his master Iwamoto has always asked him to practice.

Iwamoto, who has practiced kendo all his life, often wins or loses in a duel. Whoever strikes the sword first has a better chance of winning.

Back then, he defeated countless gyms in the city by relying on his extremely fast sword.

So Zuojiro practiced hard day and night, drawing his sword 1000 times a day without interruption, and finally practiced until he could cut through a bucket without leaking water.

Finally, his hard work paid off, he participated in the National Kendo Conference three times, and finally won the first place in the third time.

Master Iwamoto was also very pleased, and planned to hand over the Kendo Gym to him in the future.

Suddenly, a porter ran in from the porch, walked up to Sajiro and whispered:

"Brother, someone is here to kick the hall."

"Have you reported your name, which gym is it from?"

"He said he had no connections and he just wanted to have a good time with someone."

"Are there still such crazy people, take me to see and see."

Sajiro followed the doorman through the porch and came to the gate of the gymnasium. He couldn't help laughing when he saw it.

I thought the opponent was some kind of master. It turned out that the one who was going to kick the hall was a child about the age of the doorman, holding an old samurai sword in his hand.

"My name is Nobunaga, is there a way to fight with me?"

Sajiro waved his hand at the door and said, "My child, this is not a place for you to make mistakes. Go and play."

After speaking, he left in a huff, walked back to the dojo, and continued to supervise the training of the disciples.

The doorman was about to close the door when he saw that the sheath of the samurai sword in Nobunaga's hand had been inserted in, and the door could not be closed.

The doorman saw that the other party was about to barge in, so he quickly stretched out his hands to push him away.

As a result, the other party pulled out the knife and pointed the handle at the doorman's abdomen. With just a quick blow, the knife quickly returned to its sheath.

"Eldest brother, this kid forced his way in!"

Sajiro, who was demonstrating sword-drawing skills to his juniors, couldn't help but feel that this kid is really ridiculous.

He immediately ordered:

"Yamamoto, Yohji, you two go deal with it, the other party is a child, just hang him out, don't hurt him."

"Okay, big brother."

These two juniors are both stout and tall men like him.

The two of them looked at the boy who was walking in the porch. He was really a small child. Yamamoto said jokingly:
"Senior brother is too unreliable. I'll just carry him out by myself. You can go back."

Yohji felt that what the other party said made sense, so he walked back by himself.

As soon as he walked back a few steps, he heard Yamamoto's scream of "Ouch".

He quickly turned his head to look, and found that Yamamoto was holding a foot with both hands, sitting on the ground and exhaling in pain.

When Yohji saw it, he stretched out his hands very angrily, ran to the other party, and was about to grab the child's shoulders and lift him up.

Suddenly, with a "snap", Yohji's chin was hit hard by the scabbard, and the whole person fell back, staggered a few steps, and finally fell to the ground and passed out.

The disciples who were practicing swords in the dojo swarmed up when they heard the sound of fighting, and all of a sudden, the dense crowd in Taoist uniforms surrounded Nobunaga.

Nobunaga moved forward with his sword without changing his face, and his feet slid forward bit by bit without leaving the ground.

"Since you have two skills, boy, then fight them. If you can knock down the next 10 people, I will fight you."

While talking, Sajiro who was standing outside the crowd threw a wooden sword to Nobunaga.

As a result, Nobunaga used the scabbard to lunge sideways, and the wooden sword thrown over was knocked aside.

"I don't use a wooden sword, and I don't know how to use a knife. It's enough to deal with them with a scabbard."

"You brat, you look down on people too much."

With a "shoo", a man rushed out of the crowd, holding a wooden sword high and slashing at Nobunaga's head.

Nobunaga stepped back slightly, and the scabbard in his hand moved towards the opponent's waist, and quickly pulled it up and down.

The man knelt on the ground, the wooden sword fell to the ground, and the blade was broken with too much force.

Nobunaga accelerated his pace, forcing everyone to attack him one by one.

This group of people started to quickly attack Nobunaga, one person stabbed straight, and then one person slashed at the waist, and someone behind him finished the slash at the neck, and another person from the left picked him up from the bottom up.

Nobunaga saw the angle of each person's sword, and hit each opponent's foot, armpit, abdomen, and wrist with the scabbard in a targeted manner.

One minute later, 1 disciples were thrown into disarray inside and outside the porch.

The others were about to attack again, but were stopped by Zuojiro's roar.

"Enough, you are not his opponent."

He pushed aside the crowd, holding a real samurai sword with a scabbard in his hand, walked up to Nobunaga with eyes full of fighting spirit and said:

"Nobunaga, right? My name is Sajiro. You are worthy of my real sword once. No matter what the result of the competition is, I want to say that at your age, having such cultivation is already very remarkable."

"I know these things myself, and if I don't know them, use your sword to tell me!"

The two were in the porch, looking at each other, slowly moving their footwork, switching their figures, and holding their respective knife handles tightly in their hands.

Beads of sweat slowly emerged from Nobunaga's forehead, trickling down to his upper eyelids bit by bit, but he still didn't blink.

All the onlookers held their breath, waiting to see who would strike first.

Everyone felt that the senior brother's sword-drawing skills were so fast that it would kill the child, and it was only because he was too ignorant.

But Nobunaga himself knew that he fought all the way here from Meteor Street, and every move and style was realized by himself in the actual battle of life and death.

A breeze blew by, and the wind chimes under the eaves jingled, making a crisp sound.

In the quiet porch, ping, ping, pong, pong, and the sound of metal hitting when the blades cut each other suddenly came out at the same time.

A second passed, and Nobunaga and Sajiro had already fought six rounds.

The two of them drew their sabers so quickly that others could only hear the sound, but could not see the shadow of the saber clearly.

"Tianfeng's knife flow is really fast enough, I lost."

Nobunaga retracted the knife and said, then stood up and covered his lower abdomen with his hands to prevent the intestines from leaking out.

Enduring the great pain, he walked out of the dojo step by step.

"Accepted, not given away."

Sajiro smiled slightly, stood where he was, and watched him walk away until the gate was closed.

Suddenly, Sajiro leaned on the handle of the knife with both hands, and fell to his knees on the ground with a bang.

The master Iwamoto, who was still resting, rushed to the dojo, and saw that the back of Sajiro's Taoist uniform turned red, and deep red blood gushed out from a long diagonal slit.

"Come on, help senior brother in."

"Master, it's embarrassing for you old man, this kid is a swordsman."

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(End of this chapter)

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