Chapter 41
Nobunaga, who walked out of Tianfeng Gymnasium, was having more and more difficulty breathing. He used his samurai sword as a walking stick with one hand, covered his wound with the other, and walked aimlessly in the remote neighborhood.

Viscous blood streaked through the fingers, dripping on the road bit by bit.

His eyelids felt heavier and heavier, his vision became more and more blurred, and his brain gradually began to lack oxygen due to excessive bleeding, and finally he lost consciousness.

After the blood dripped and extended to more than 100 meters, it stopped at the edge of the gutter beside the road.

At this time, a pair of old hands hugged the body, tore off Nobunaga's sleeves and stretched the incision on the abdomen.

After an unknown period of time, Nobunaga felt that his abdomen was scalded by a very hot iron sheet.

After a while, he was sweating all over his body, his clothes were soaked, and his lips were dry.

The whole person was running a fever, dizzy from the fever, the people and things on Meteor Street flashed through his mind like a revolving lantern, Wo Jin, Maggie, Kuroro... they were calling him.

"Meteor Street, I want to go back to Meteor Street!"

The letter chief yelled and got up abruptly to wake up.

Then the pain came up, and he couldn't help but let out a "hiss".

He turned his head and looked around, only to find himself lying in a ruined temple.

Looking again, he found that the samurai sword in his hand was gone. He struggled to stand up and found that the wound on his abdomen had been treated.

He searched around the temple, but couldn't find his samurai sword. He angrily pointed at the pillars in the temple and kept beating them.

Just as he was burning with anger, the temple door creaked open.

"Wake up, this is the medicine I bought for you, you can take it, and there are some dry food and money, you can take it home."

An old man came in and said such words to Nobunaga with a smile, then turned around and was about to leave.

Nobunaga saw that he was dressed in rags, walked with a limp, was unkempt, and had loose hair. He looked like a beggar and a tramp.

He stopped the other party loudly and said:

"Don't go, old man. Where did you get my samurai sword? If you take it, you have to return it to me. Otherwise, I won't accept the favor you saved me. I will beat you to relieve my anger."

"Son, that's a good knife, but it's not your life. I exchanged it for these things that are more practical for you. Go home."

The old man continued to walk outside without even looking at Nobunaga.

"Hey, you old man, who told you to make decisions without authorization, see if I don't teach you a lesson."

Although he was still hurting, Nobunaga couldn't swallow his breath, and rushed after him, trying to catch the old man and slap him.

As soon as Nobunaga stretched out his hand, the old man twisted his shoulder and threw it aside, grabbed it again, and was bent sideways to avoid it again.

Although Nobunaga's hands and feet were injured, he was still faster than ordinary people. He grabbed left and right like this, and chased the old man in the temple for a long time without catching him.

Such a sensitive skill, it seems that this lame old man has a background.

Suddenly grabbing and grabbing, Nobunaga discovered something unusual about the other party.

"Senior, thank you for your help. If you have any advice, please let me know. I was reckless just now."

Nobunaga stopped and stopped chasing him, he wanted to know what this man had in mind for him.

"Boy, you still have some self-knowledge. I think you are the only person who has come out of the Tianfeng Gymnasium alive for so many years. I want to see how your awareness is?"

"That's why, Tianfeng's knife flow is too fast, and my reaction is still a bit slow, but I will not give up. I will work harder until I defeat all the gymnasiums."

"Well, it seems that you still have a bit of ambition, but you can't beat all the gyms if you play purely by natural instinct."

"If you can help me do it, I am willing to pay any price, please help me, I really want to become stronger!"

"If you can do three things, I can guarantee you to defeat all gyms."

"Please say, don't say three things, three hundred things are fine."

"The first is not to tell anyone that I am your master. The second is that you are not allowed to open the gym after defeating all the gyms. The third is that after you defeat all the gyms, you must leave the small island country and never come back."

"Okay, I promise you."

The old man looked at Nobunaga with a smile and said:

"I promised so quickly, I don't even know whether I should believe you or not."

"You don't have to believe it, but you must regret it, let me avenge you."

The old man said with bright eyes:

"How do you know I think so?"

"If my guess is correct, you should be Ryuming Sakamoto, the mysterious wandering swordsman who was conspired to injure his leg after losing to Tianfeng Sword Ancestor, Shenbingwei."

"How do you know that, boy."

"I often hear some rogues say that your seven-step meteor step can avoid various moves. However, one leg was crippled after being plotted against, and this footwork was lost. When I caught you just now, I felt that you have seven steps and one step. cycle, each footwork change is different."

"Since you have guessed it, I will not hide it. I have been hiding here to study swordsmanship for 50 years, just waiting for this day, waiting for a bloody wizard. I have seen countless swordsmen who want to become famous challenge Tianfeng Yidaoliu Failed, and was thrown out wrapped in a straw mat. Today I finally saw that you were able to come out alive, and God will not disappoint me!"

"Next, I will pass on all I have gained in this life to you, avenge me, and defeat those hypocrites."

"Okay, I'm ready."

In the days that followed, Nobunaga used a 100-kilogram iron bar to swing the knife 5000 times and then draw the knife 5000 times.

Later, the old man made Nobunaga blindfolded and kept throwing stones at him.

At the beginning, he threw them one after another, but he knocked them aside, and then threw them all at the same time.

As spring went and autumn came, Nobunaga swung the iron rod faster and faster, but still no stone could hit him.

Two years later, the old man saw that Nobunaga's speed and reaction were fast enough, so he began to practice his strength and thinking.

The old man led Nobunaga to the foot of Wuliang Peak behind the ruined temple, pointed to the boulder next to the stream flowing down from the mountain and said:

"Break them all, and hit them all the way to the source. When you finish hitting the last boulder, go down the mountain with the broken iron rod before this pillar of incense goes out. Come to the temple, and I will give you a sword. If the incense is gone and you haven’t come down, you don’t need to practice anymore, because your limit has been reached.”

"Wait for me to come back."

Nobunaga swung his iron rod and ran up the mountain. When he saw a boulder along the stream, he slammed it over, breaking one piece after another.

Slowly, the iron rod was deformed by the beating, and Nobunaga's palm was bled from the shock.

After the last boulder was shattered, the iron rod broke. Nobunaga ran all the way down the mountain, but he found that there were too many gravels, and he could easily step on the sliding gravel and fall to a stop while running.

So he just kept on doing nothing, and rolled down the gravel all the way, faster and faster, and was already crushed by the gravel when he rolled down the mountain.The whole body was covered in blood.

Finally arrived at the temple before the incense was extinguished, the old man held two swords in his hand and said:
"Congratulations on finally breaking through the limit of your own strength and thinking. This sword is called [Han Po], you can use it. I will use your original sword. Let's fight. If you beat me, you can Down the mountain."

Nobunaga took the sword handed by the old man, pulled it out, and saw that the cold light was dazzling and soul-stirring.

The old man also drew out his sword, and made a posture of being in the upper class, preparing to fight Nobunaga to the death.

"Thank you for taking care of me these days, I will definitely win you."

Nobunaga looked into the eyes of the old man and said resolutely.

The two held the hilt of the sword in their hands, their bodies were as stable as Mount Tai, and their breath was as undetectable as a plant.

The two swords slowly approached each other in the air, and the two sword tips were about to touch each other.

(End of this chapter)

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