Chapter 42
In an open space in front of the ruined temple, a group of wild pigeons stay here every day.

Coo coo non-stop, at this moment, the group of pigeons suddenly flew into the air.

Immediately after a "bang", the roof of the ruined temple collapsed. It turned out that the beams and columns in the temple were neatly cut off obliquely.

The broken bricks and tiles that fell to the ground and the collapsed mud wall raised billows of dust all at once, flying high and flying in all directions.

In the dust, two figures kept coming and going in the open space, flashing their figures, emitting sword lights, separated for a while, and gathered together again for a while.

Jian Guang pointed at it, and there was a squeak, and several bamboos on the open space were snapped off at the waist.

With a crash, half of the incense burner in the center of the open space was cut off and fell to the ground.

With the sound of "ping", a broken sword fell to the bottom of the foot, patter, patter, blood dripped on the ground, and the flying dust finally landed.

When the breeze came, the two figures holding swords showed their true colors.

"You can go down the mountain."

The old man finished his last sentence with a satisfied expression, and glanced at Nobunaga with a smile.

Immediately, with a plop, he fell beside the sword and died.

With a "whoosh", Nobunaga raised his sleeves and put away his knife, stepped forward and bowed deeply, and carried the corpse into the bamboo forest at the foot of Wuliang Peak.

After the master was buried, a huge stone was found and stood in front of the grave, and he drew a knife to engrave the words, "The tomb of the teacher Sakamoto Longming".

"I will avenge you, master."

Nobunaga put the scabbard on his shoulder and hurried down the mountain.

Two months later, in the dojo of Tianfeng Gymnasium.

The master Iwamoto is making tea, and Sajiro has recovered from the sword wound on his back after recuperation.

The dojo has kept its reputation, and there is an endless stream of disciples who come to worship the teacher. Seeing that Sajiro can stand alone, Iwamoto even has the idea of ​​​​retiring.

"Master, Mr. Matsubara from Long Island wants to see you."

The doorman came in to announce.

"Well, please come in quickly."

Iwamoto saw that Matsubara was particularly affectionate, and the two hugged tightly.

"I haven't seen you for more than ten years since you went to sea to do business. Why are you suddenly free to come to see me this time, senior brother?"

"Junior Brother, I am here this time for the sake of the century-old reputation of Tianfeng Gymnasium, and I will take a step later to talk."

"Okay, please come inside."

The two walked to the back compartment one after the other and closed the door.

"Junior Brother, I don't know if you have heard of it. Recently, an unnamed swordsman came down from Wuliang Peak. He was young and highly skilled. He has defeated 88 gyms in a row. The fastest one can defeat five gyms in a row. Tiandaoliu, Beichenliu, who is as famous as Tianfeng The head of Beichen was defeated, Murakami Ryu, the head of Beichen, fell in front of my eyes. I'm afraid..."

"Brother, I'm afraid it's useless. Is the swordsman you're talking about a slender young swordsman with shabby clothes, loose long hair, wandering eyes?"

"Yes, how do you know?"

"He came to kick the hall before and was defeated by Sajiro. To be precise, he was a loser. He is a character. He suffered a loss here, and he probably won't come again. Otherwise, why didn't he come to beat us first."

"What you said is not unreasonable, but I have seen his swordsmanship, the sword is extremely fast, his footwork has seven changes, and it keeps looping, but he escaped all attacks."

"Could it be..."

Before Iwamoto could utter his guess, he heard a rush of footsteps outside the door.

"Master, it's not good, the boy from before is here again."

The doorman outside the door spoke with extreme tension and fear in his voice.

What should come will always come.

Iwamoto and Matsubara glanced at each other and said:
"Brother, for the sake of Tianfeng, I can only do that."

"Understood, I'll get ready now."

Iwamoto immediately got up and took down the unique sword of the teacher-【Tianfeng】, opened the door of the compartment, and came to the dojo.

At this time, Nobunaga had folded his arms, holding a sword, waiting for him to appear in the crowd of disciples.

"Master, I forced him to take out the sword. But this time he must ask you to meet his challenge in person."

Seeing the master came out, Sajiro explained helplessly.

"It's none of your business, I'll take care of it."

While talking, Iwamoto patted Sajiro's shoulder with his hand, and walked up to Nobunaga.

"If you want to fight with me, you can. Let's go to the back garden of the gymnasium to fight. Don't follow everyone. After a while, if you see that he came out first, don't make things difficult for him, just let him go."

After speaking, Iwamoto led Nobunaga through the compartment and came to the back garden.

The back garden is completely isolated from the dojo in front, surrounded by many precious flowers and trees, luxuriant and lush.

The atrium is a very particular dry landscape, full of a static Zen beauty.

The two chose to start a duel on the dry landscape. Nobunaga's legs were lunged and he stood at one end holding the handle of the knife. Iwamoto also stood at the other end in the same posture.

The disciples in the dojo have no intention of practicing swords, and they all stare at the door of the compartment to see who will come out first.

The gravel under the feet of Nobunaga and Iwamoto was slowly creaking.

Iwamoto suddenly lunged forward, kicked his hind legs, and rushed towards Nobunaga like the wind under his feet.

Nobunaga remained motionless, the hair on his forehead was blown high by the sword energy coming towards him.

Iwamoto quickly pulled out [Tianfeng], aiming at Nobunaga's waist, a sword light cut across.

Just when [Tianfeng] was about to cut Nobunaga's waist, Nobunaga pulled out [Han Soul] vertically with his backhand.

The broken stones on the ground were collided by the invisible sword energy in an instant, they were shaken off the ground, and then fell down again.

With a sound of "ping", [Tianfeng] broke.

I saw Nobunaga's sword held high in his backhand, swished, and slashed obliquely at Iwamoto's whole body with his backhand.

In an instant, a long knife cut opened obliquely from Iwamoto's face to his chest, and blood flowed out from the depths.

Until he was about to fall down, Iwamoto still maintained a shocked expression on his face.

Then Nobunaga's back ears moved, and he immediately caught Iwamoto's body, turned around, and put the body on his chest.

On the body of Iwamoto, he was immediately hit by two shots in a row by "poof, poof".

Nobunaga faced the woods, the direction the bullet came from, and swished the scabbard straight across.

"Ah!" After a sound.

Song Yuan threw away the silencer gun in his hand, fell from the tree, and died with his brain burst.

Nobunaga dropped Iwamoto's body, walked up to Matsubara's body, picked up the scabbard, put the knife away and left.

When the disciples in the dojo saw Nobunaga coming out, they were all shocked and speechless.

In the dark crowd, he made way for Nobunaga.

Nobunaga walked forward intently, Sajiro watched him come out, and hurried to the back garden.

He also found that Master Songyuan and the master were dead, and when he saw Songyuan's gun and the gunshot wound on the master.

Zuojiro shed tears silently. It turned out that he had been living in a lie all along. He stood there stupidly, not knowing what to do.

After Nobunaga walked out of the gate of Tianfeng Gym, he suddenly turned around, drew his sword and slashed.

With a bang, the signboard with the four characters "Tianfeng Gym" was split in half and smashed in front of the gate of the Gym.

Nobunaga didn't even look at it, his long hair was still hanging down, his eyes were wandering looking forward, and he walked towards Wuliang Peak.

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(End of this chapter)

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