Chapter 44
Under Jiaer's signal, Nobunaga pulled out his sword and was about to rush into the door, then immediately backed away, when he suddenly heard the door whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

Countless star darts flew out, and the eyes of the python with a human head also shone.

"If you want to demolish my house, it depends on whether you have the ability, Baqi transforms."

Suddenly the boa constrictor changed into eight heads and eight tails, hiding for a while and then reappearing from the shadows.

Each head opened its bloody mouth.They took turns attacking Carl and Nobunaga on the street.

While Jia Er and Nobunaga quickly fled towards the distance, they quickly dodged the attack of Yamata no Orochi, and the eight snake heads kept spewing air bombs.

"Nobunaga, you come to delay this monster, and I will tear down the house."

"Okay, you need to hurry up."

At this time, Nobunaga jumped one after another, cycling the seven-step meteor step, dodging the attacks of air bombs that kept flying.

Jia Er escaped the attack of the Nian Beast, and when he walked into the room, he found that there was no one there. Could it be that the other party was hiding elsewhere and was attacking with the Nian Beast.

Jiaer didn't think too much, even if you hide, I will burn you out.

He gathered Qi with both hands and pressed it to the ground, and activated 30.00% of his Qi's ability to release - Scarlet Flame Storm.

Suddenly, the flame cyclone erupted, and with a bang, the roof of the house was directly blown away by the cyclone.

The temperature in the room suddenly rose, turning into a big melting furnace, and the surrounding walls were also burst by the huge air pressure.

"Looks like you've got some tricks, boy."

A black figure jumped out of the dark corner of the original wall, released a chain knife in the air, and stabbed straight at Jiaer's back.

Jiaer had already noticed the anger behind him, and rolled forward to avoid it.

The chain knife hit the floor with a bang, smashing the floor tiles to pieces.

Jia Er stood up while hiding and said to the black-clothed ninja in front of him:
"Isn't your Jonin technique just like this? You can just hide and seek."

When Carl spoke, his throat started to feel a little dry, as if he wanted to drink water.

"You are just a hairy kid who only knows how to set fires, and then I will let you understand what is the real jutsu!"

Sasuke Sarutobi raised the chain knife and swung it vigorously on his head. The chain knife was spun rapidly and buzzed in the air.

Tossing, tossing, puffs of white smoke continued to rise from the ground around Jiaer.

Immediately, the same Sasuke Sarutobi was swaying the chain knife in the white smoke, and there were as many as ten of them.

Jia Er observed and turned around, but he couldn't see any difference in Qi between them.

"You can perceive the direction of qi, which proves that you know how to use circles. I appreciate you very much. But as a jonin, my shadow clone can average the qi to each clone, so you don't have to waste your efforts in vain. , I can attack you from ten angles, up, down, left, right, and all directions at the same time with the same energy, let me see how you hide this time? Hahaha..."

Sarutobi Sasuke is confident that he has practiced his nirvana for decades, and there is absolutely no dead angle to attack on the ground.

Unless he is a ninja who knows how to escape like the other party and himself, he will definitely die.

"Then I won't hide, you just let the horse come over."

Jiaer thought to himself that this attack, the opponent will definitely attack with all his strength if he is determined to win.

At that time, I used 50.00% of my energy to activate the strengthening ability—rebounding air mass.

It happened that Nobunaga was outside, so he was not afraid of hurting him.If the opponent is attacked by a rebound, even if I don't have the ability to continue to defeat him, there is still Nobunaga who can go up, no matter what.

"What a big tone, I will make you regret saying this, die! 【Ten Blades Crack】Come on!"

Ten Sasuke Sarutobi rushed up from the surroundings, jumped up at the same time, threw chain knives, and slashed at Carl's neck, head, arms, chest, thighs and so on.

Almost all of Jiaer's body was now the target of the ten chain knives.

"Well done, the rebounding air mass is activated!"

When the chain knife whirled and slashed on Jiaer, a white air mass burst out from Jiaer's body.

Ping ping, the chain knife seemed to hit the thick armor, and all of them were bounced elsewhere.

The ten Sarutobi Sasukes were also bounced away along with the chain knife.

Plop, plop, fell to the ground with a sound, and then turned into puffs of white smoke.

Until the white smoke dissipated, there was only Sasuke Sarutobi who had fallen enough, and said a little admiringly and helplessly:

"You're young, and you're not small. It seems that I have to use all my thoughts to deal with you."

The [Ten Blades Crack] just now has consumed a lot of Sasuke Sarutobi's energy, and the Nian Beast Yamata no Orochi who was still attacking Nobunaga suddenly disappeared.

At this time, footsteps were heard in the distance, and a child in a ninja costume ran out from the corner of the street.

"Master, I bought the wine you asked for."

The child shouted as soon as he appeared from the corner, and then suddenly saw that the master's house was bombed and left unbuilt, and he was stunned immediately.

"I made a mistake. I didn't resolve the battle as soon as possible. This little guy came back."

Nobunaga felt the little boy's position about five meters away with his peripheral vision, and a flash jumped over.

In front of the little boy's neck, in an instant, there was a sword blade pressing him.

"Sarutobi Sasuke, your apprentice is in my hands, let's talk about it now."

Nobunaga held the little boy in his hand, looked at Sasuke Sarutobi who was still fighting with Carl, and said in a threatening tone.

"Master, I..."

The little ninja under the sword was embarrassed to speak, but was interrupted by Sasuke Sarutobi.

"Hanzo, don't talk now in this situation. You are too despicable, Carl, he is much younger than you, and he is no match for you now. If you have the ability, continue to fight me one-on-one!"

Sarutobi Sasuke looked at Jia Er with disdain, thinking that they would have a fair one-on-one duel.

Unexpectedly, Carl said indifferently:
"We originally came to get the antidote with you to save our companions, not to fight with you. That was just a means, not an end. Now that your apprentice is in our hands, we can either watch him die with my companions, or give us Antidote, you choose!"

Now with more negotiating chips, Jiaer forced Sarutobi Sasuke to make a decision.

"No, as a ninja of Yun Yinliu, it is absolutely impossible for us to leak our unique antidote. If you kill both of us, you will not give it to you."

"We promise you we won't let it out."

"I don't believe you guys. Hanzo has made his final resolution. Master is about to use his final trick. I will avenge you."

Sarutobi Sasuke glanced at Hanzo who was caught by Nobunaga with a look of death.Looking at Jia Er on the opposite side again, his hands began to gather Qi, ready to unleash all his thoughts for the final blow.

Jiaer saw that once Sarutobi Sasuke used this blow, everyone would die, and there would be no antidote.

And the little ninja in Nobunaga's hand also comprehended Sasuke Sarutobi's instruction, bit something in his mouth, and white foam flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"Do you really want to be so desperate?"

Nobunaga was shocked when he saw that a boy so much younger than himself had such a sense of righteousness to die.

At such an urgent juncture, Jiaer finally thought of a way to make each other win-win.

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(End of this chapter)

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