The Rise of the Full Time Hunter Meteor Street

Chapter 45 Resurrection and Search

Chapter 45 Resurrection and Search

Carl hurriedly said loudly:
"I thought of a method that we will never disclose and can save our companion. Please go directly to give my companion the antidote, and we will all avoid it. The reward will be paid as usual, how about round-trip expenses, board and lodging? Treat it like a business trip.”

"What you said is also reasonable, and I have no choice but to do so. I promise you, let go of my apprentice."

When Sarutobi Sasuke heard this, he didn't lose anything, he could save his apprentice's life and make a lot of money.

Carl gestured to Nobunaga, and Nobunaga let go of Hanzo, but Hanzo himself bit the poison that was also hidden in his mouth, and he was about to fall down immediately.

With a whoosh, Sasuke Sarutobi jumped over to support Hanzo, opened his mouth and took a bottle of antidote into it.

After a while, Hanzo finally woke up, and saw that the master in front of him was about to open his mouth to speak but was interrupted by the master.

"Don't talk, you just took the antidote. Take a good rest. The master is away, so you stay at home and take care of the house."

Sasuke Sarutobi settled Hanzo, changed his clothes, and set off for Youkexin with Jiaer and the others.

Before leaving, Hanzo shouted to his master:
"But, Master..."

"Don't talk about it, I will teach you ninjutsu when I come back, you should practice first."

Looking at the master who had gone away and disappeared into the night, Hanzo, who was leaning against the door, whispered weakly and helplessly:
"But, the house is gone!"

The three people who boarded the airship finally arrived at Youkexin at dawn the next day.

After getting off the airship, Sasuke Sarutobi's outfit made Carl sigh, it was completely different from the image of the ninja duel at that time.

Sasuke Sarutobi, who took off his ninja suit, collected all his anger, combed his hair neatly and shiny, and exuded a scent of perfume.

Wearing a neat suit with leather shoes and carrying a briefcase, walking on the street looks like an office white-collar.

"Mr. Sasuke's change of clothes is very powerful, so you can't see the appearance of a ninja at all."

Carl said appreciatively.

"Thank you. Disguise is also a compulsory course for ninjas. In order to adapt to various environments, you have to learn different dresses. I have been learning to keep pace with the times."

As he spoke, he took out a men's fashion magazine from his purse, and Nobunaga and Jiaer were speechless for a while.

At this time, the tall and slender Paconoda was wearing a lady's suit, with the neckline of the upper body slightly open, and she walked over to greet Jiaer and the others with a plump figure.

"My car is over there, come with me, Wojin's situation is getting worse and worse, we have to hurry up."

"Okay, thanks for your hard work, Paconoda."

Carl greeted, and Nobunaga nodded.

Sarutobi Sasuke glanced at Pike's neckline intently, and sucked his nose back involuntarily.

When he came to the black market doctor's ward, Nobunaga found that Wojin, who used to be carefree in the past, couldn't say a word now, so he hurried forward and said:

"You bastard, fight with me in the future!"

"I need to detoxify him quickly, all of you avoid it."

"Why do you want to avoid it?"

Paconoda said puzzledly.

"Paknotta, this is the condition we agreed to him, we can't let his unique skills leak out, let's go out."

Jiaer stepped forward and grabbed Paconoda to explain, and the three of them went out and closed the door.

Only Sasuke Sarutobi and Wo Jin were left in the room. Sasuke Sarutobi opened his leather bag and took out a leather case with various knives and silver needles, large and small.

He aimed at one of Wojin's degrees, pierced the silver needle, and found that the needle would break.

"Has this guy strengthened himself to this point? Even if he didn't deliberately use thoughts, there is a strong qi on the surface of the body to defend. It seems that he can only force it."

Sasuke Sarutobi activated his mind ability, took out ten silver needles, and quickly spun them in the air.

They were launched at the same time, facing an acupuncture point on Wo Jin's body, the silver needle drilled like a drill for a long time, and finally pierced in.

After 15 minutes, the door of the room opened, and Sasuke Sarutobi came out and said:

"You didn't tell me that he is a strengthening system. This iron-like body is really difficult to deal with. Now he won't die. You can talk to him in a while."

"Thank you very much, Sasuke-san."

"You're welcome, one billion nuns are not paid in vain, I'm going to the black market, goodbye."

"Wojin hasn't woken up yet, you can't leave yet."

Paconoda took out his gun and pointed it at Sasuke Sarutobi, saying threateningly.

"Let him go, he's done what he's done."


Before Paconoda finished speaking, there was a loud shout from the room.

"Ah! I'm going to kill that bastard who hurt me!"

Wo Jin woke up and vomited a big mouthful of black blood, got up from the bed angrily and shouted.

"Dude, you're finally awake!"

"Nobunaga, you are back from practicing."

When two long-lost old friends meet, they are very excited for a while.

"I said, he won't die. This is the level of a Jonin. Don't doubt it. Goodbye."

Sarutobi Sasuke continued to walk out gracefully, and waved his hands back without looking back.

"It's all right now, Paconoda, where is my travel bag? I'm going to the black market to sell the contents."

"I'm putting it under Wojin's hospital bed, just go and get it."

Jiaer went under Wojin's bed, searched for a long time among the sundries, but found no travel bag.

"Paknotta, are you sure you haven't touched it here?"

"I'm sure that the black market doctors here are also very disciplined. They never mess with the patients' things, because the patients who come here are all desperadoes. They don't want to cause trouble if they don't want to save people with money."

"Okay, I get it, we've been tricked."

Jiaer thought about it for a while, and there was only one possibility for everything that happened in Youkexin.

It was the long-haired dwarf on the train. He is a telekinetic and has the telekinetic ability to copy things.

When Jiaer thought of this, he was so angry that his efforts could not be in vain, he wanted to get back what belonged to him.

But in such a big place, where to find that guy, Carle was thinking.While walking towards the black market, he decided to try his luck.

Nobunaga stayed in the room to take care of Wo Jin, and Paknotta saw that Wo Jin was fine, and walked out of the room to continue her task.

Jiaer, who was walking alone on the black market street, looked at the antique dealers in these stalls, and his mind kept replaying a person's expression.

It was the feeling of being inadvertently afraid of being seen through, but deliberately hiding it.

With this memory in mind, he went to the antique shop that rejected him, and he felt that he would definitely find the answer he wanted there.

Just as he walked into the door of the store, he felt a gust of qi emanating from the compartments in the store. It was very faint, but he could still feel it.

(End of this chapter)

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