Chapter 46
Jiaer walked into the antique shop, walked straight to the back compartment, and was stopped by the front desk clerk Allen when he reached the door.

"What's the matter with you?"

"none of your business!"

While Jia Er was speaking, a swift hand knife flashed by, and Allen fainted instantly.

Jiaer held down the wooden door of the compartment with one hand, activated the ability of nomenclature, and with a bang, the entire door was blasted inward by a huge flame eruption.

Fragments with flames were everywhere in the splash compartment.

Jiaer looked inside and found no one there, but the air was clearly there.

Carl went in and turned around to look around the house, only to find that it was exactly the same as before.

He suddenly had a bold guess, could it be that the bastard copied this room too?
"My aura senses a very strong guy, come closer here."

Kube interrupted the conversation between the owner of the antique shop and Matsumoto with a nervous expression. Originally, the two were bargaining for the transaction.

The boss looked at the remote monitoring and complained.

"I really shouldn't accept your things. This guy came to your door before they were sold. It doesn't look like a good deal!"

Matsumoto and Kubi also saw it, and Jiaer broke into Kubi's replica room.

"Don't worry, boss, I'll meet this kid, Kubi, you and the boss can go through the back door."

"Stop being brave, Matsumoto, you are not his opponent, come with me."

"Don't worry, I'm just playing tricks on him."

Knowing that Matsumoto's competitive spirit was at work, Kube didn't want to stay for a long time, so he drove away quickly through the back door with his boss.

Jiaer was about to leave the room when he suddenly felt a rush of air from behind.

He was about to turn around when he found a figure appeared out of nowhere, kicking him in the chest.

Because the opponent's speed was too fast, Jiaer didn't have time to defend, and was kicked three to five meters away by this kick.

Jiaer was about to fight back, but suddenly found that the opponent was gone again, with a slap, he was kicked in the back again.

Such an attack was so fast that Jiaer had no way of judging the direction of the attack.

I only heard someone in the air saying:

"You can't catch up with my speed. I am always behind you. This is my housekeeping skill Liuyingjutsu. I am like your shadow chasing you, but you can't hit the shadow."

"If you have the ability to show up for a one-on-one fight, you coward!"

Jiaer wanted to provoke the other party to show up and compete with him again.

But Matsumoto didn't care, he was enjoying it and flashing Jiaer at a super fast speed.

Jiaer only saw the flashes jumping back and forth, and he had no patience to spend any more time with him, so he immediately activated the ability to release thoughts.

With a palm of 5.00% air capacity, hit the floor, centering on myself, a high-temperature cyclone suddenly appeared.

The surrounding air suddenly became distorted, and the scarlet flame storm roared, and the flames swept the entire room.

Matsumoto, who was still jumping rapidly, let out a scream of "Ah!", was burned by the cyclone, and fell to the wall and fell.

After taking his breath away, Jiaer slowly walked towards Matsumoto who was lying in the corner, his black body was smoking.

Jiaer looked up at the other party's head, and saw that the burned man had died, and said helplessly:

"I thought it was a tough one. I knew I would have used a little less energy. Now I can't get a clue, hey."

Jia Er sighed and was about to leave, at this moment, the four walls of the replica room disappeared, and all the replicas were gone, only Matsumoto's charred body remained.

It turned out that it was Jiaer's violent attack just now that destroyed Kubi's aura, making it impossible for the replica room to maintain its original state, and the boundary was broken.

Jiaer looked around again, and the original compartment appeared, but it was no longer as neat and orderly as before, but a mess.

The collectibles placed were all gone, there was a mess of debris on the ground, and there was not a single valuable thing in sight.

Jiaer's eyes kept searching for useful clues for him, and finally a group photo on the wall caught his attention.

In the photo, the boss is clinking glasses with a man in a suit, and the arrangement in the background shows that it is Youkexin's annual auction dinner.

Jiaer had a premonition that the person he was looking for might have something to do with the guy in the photo.

Carl took down the photo and took it away, walked out of the cubicle, and when he passed the front desk, Allen, who was lying on the ground, came to his senses, got up and shouted to Carle who was passing by:
"Hey, sir, I'm going to call the police if you do this."

"You're not a good thing either!"

Jiaer stretched out a palm, and swished on Allen's chest. Allen's whole body slammed, and all his clothes were torn apart in flames.

Allen was sent flying and hit the wall behind him, he slid down and lay down against the wall, tilted his head, and made no more sound.

Carl looked at the pile of replica vases under the stage, flicked one index finger to one vase, and then the vase slammed into the next vase.

Like dominoes, a dozen of the same vases all fell to the ground and shattered.

Jia Er returned to Wojin's resting place and made a phone call to Paconoda.

After a while, Paconoda arrived, looked at the photo Jiaer handed him and said:

"This is Wright Nosla from the Nosla family. He has also come to this year's auction, and he is very close to the tenth old man. Carle, you should stop."

"Don't worry, I'm just going to inquire about the news, and I won't mess around. You tell me where he is staying at the hotel."

"Well, if you insist, every time he comes, he lives in the VIP suite on the 10th floor of the Aaron Hotel."

"Okay, thanks."

"Would you like me to go with you, kid."

"I can go and see, too."

Nobunaga and Wo Jin also wanted to help Jiaer, but he refused.

"You guys are too murderous. If I go, I'm afraid I won't be able to control my actions. I'll just go by myself."

After hearing this, Wojin and Nobunaga looked at each other and smiled, thinking that what Jiaer said was not unreasonable, he would calm down a bit.

Jia Er took a taxi by himself and came to the entrance of Aaron Hotel. He looked up and saw that the hotel had a high floor and the building looked very modern.

Looking around the hotel entrance again, a convertible car that impressed him entered his field of vision.

Jiaer's heart suddenly became excited, this is what he and Wo Jin saw, the shorty's car, it seems that his hunch was right, and finally he can finish this bastard here.

As soon as he entered the gate, there was a doorman who greeted him. Jiaer nodded in response, and then walked into the elevator silently.

Looking at the number of floors in the elevator constantly changing, the air in Jiaer's hands is also getting bigger and bigger.

Thinking about the unlucky things these days, one pit after another, I was actually deceived by such a guy.

He was going to kill as soon as he opened the elevator, find that bastard, and get back what belonged to him.

Ding dong, the elevator floor number shows the 10th floor, and the elevator door opens.

Jiaer walked out slowly, and just a few steps into the corridor, he found a corpse in a suit lying on the ground every few steps.

Each corpse held a gun in its hand, but no bullet holes could be seen on the wall. It looked like the bodyguards who had been killed.

Carl suddenly became nervous, who could it be?Kill yourself first!
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(End of this chapter)

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