Chapter 47

(Dear book lovers, the popularity of this book is too low now. Some book friends who are following are asking for recommendation tickets and more comments. I stay up late every day to update, relying on your support, so little motivation.)
Jia Er, who was vigilant, walked slowly, and suddenly he noticed a very weak aura emanating from these dead people.

It's really strange, how can there be qi radiating out after they are all dead, there must be something strange in it.

With doubts, Jiaer quickened his pace, walked along the corridor for a long time, and finally came to the door of the cladding hall.

It's really extravagant. It takes such a big floor to live in. It takes a long time to walk to the room. This is the taste of the rich.

Jiaer gently pushed open the door, revealing a crack, and found that there were no living people standing inside, but corpses lying on the ground.

Jiaer hurried in to confirm the bastard's life and death, but he didn't expect that he was still a step late.

On the sofa in the center of the hall facing the floor-to-ceiling viewing platform, Wright's neck was broken, and the short man with long hair was lying on the ground covered in blood.

And the boss also became a corpse.He lay motionless on the sofa, rolled his eyes, and opened his mouth.

Jiaer was a little overwhelmed by this sudden scene, he felt as if he had entered another mystery.

But he saw his thing on the coffee table, the priceless famous painting.

He reached out to pick it up, and the moment his finger touched the painting, the door of the hall opened.

Jiaer quickly hid the painting inside his clothes, when a scene he didn't expect happened.

The corpses lying in the corridor just now are all "alive" now, all with expressionless faces.

These densely packed "living dead people" blocked the entrance of the hall at once, and the wounds on everyone's hands were aimed at Jiaer.

Da da da……

Countless bullets shot over like raindrops, and it was too late to hide now.

"What's the situation, you are here to waste my energy again."

While grumbling, Jiaer activated the rebounding air mass and quickly ran towards the shooters at the door.

The bullets that kept coming were shot everywhere by Jiaer's rebounding air mass.

The ceiling was beaten to pieces, the walls were full of bullet holes, the interrupted ceiling crystal chandelier fell to the ground and shattered, and the floor was also cracked into pieces.

The bullets bounced off the attackers, and the clothes were snapped open, but the guys remained motionless and kept shooting.

Jia Er, who rushed in front of the shooters, punched them with a flaming punch. With a bang, the crowd was sent flying more than ten meters away.

Cal wanted to get out of this place before the police arrived, and he made a bloody path down the hallway.

In the entire corridor at this time, the severed limbs and arms that were bled by Jiaer's explosion just now were scattered everywhere.

When they reached the elevator door, there was a corpse with an unbroken hand that was still raising a pistol to aim at Jiaer.

As soon as Jiaer entered the elevator, the bullet flew over and hit the surface of the closed elevator door with a bang.

Jiaer, who was standing in the elevator, was still dazed. He really didn't expect that the opponents this time turned out to be a group of dead people. Everything happened so suddenly.

He didn't have much time to think just now, and now he started to calm himself down.

Only by dismembering those dead people can they lose their combat effectiveness. Who is controlling them, who will kill Wright and Kube, and the boss?
For someone like him, he just happened to meet a gangster scene.

No matter what, he finally got his painting, but obviously the other party hadn't come to take it away after he appeared, and obviously didn't want to give it up.

So there is the attack of the dead, such an ability is difficult for people to guard against. I don't know if he has any companions, and I don't know the opponent's exact location and full mind ability.

These are all unfavorable to Jiaer, he needs to hurry up as the best policy.

At this time, in the monitoring room of Aaron Hotel, a boy with a childish face looked at Jiaer in the elevator.

All the hotel security personnel at the original position were dead, and only this young man was controlling all the monitoring and alarm systems of the building.

"It's a good opponent, Finx, and you can have a good fight."

The knight said appreciatively to the puppet phone.

"It's rare to hear you appreciate an opponent like this. It seems that the opponent is really a little bit surprised. I'll meet him."

The elevator was still descending, and suddenly stopped on the 5th floor, and the elevator door opened.

Jiaer looked at the end of the corridor on the fifth floor outside the elevator door, and there was a figure walking towards him.

Jiaer could feel the opponent's Qi from a distance, it was very strong, if he fought in such a corner, his own would lose a lot of chances of winning.

If the opponent's speed and physical skills are stronger than yourself, then you can't use the red flame storm in the elevator, and once you use it to blow the elevator down, you will fall to your death.

Out of such tactical considerations, it is not necessary to encounter such an opponent, it is better not to do anything, after all, the things have already been obtained, and other things don't matter.

So Jiaer pressed the elevator button hard, but the elevator door closed and opened again after a while, but he couldn't get down.

Just like that, as the elevator door closed and opened, the figure in the corridor got closer and closer.

Just when the figure was about halfway to the corridor, Jiaer decisively ran out of the elevator.

He wanted to run to the right, and just in front of him was a waiter pushing a dining cart, knocking on doors from room to room.

Jiaer took the opportunity to follow and broke into the guest room, the waiter and the guests in the room were all frightened.

"I won't hurt you, I just borrow the way."

Jia Er quickly explained to them, and then walked to the window.

After an elbow shattered the glass, Cal jumped onto the ledge and looked down.

"The fifth floor is still quite high!"

While he was sighing, another person broke into the guest room, it was the figure in the corridor.

Carl didn't expect him to be so fast, when he was about to jump off.

The other party said loudly:
"As long as you can defeat me, you can take the things away, otherwise, if you jump off, I will catch up with you. If you don't believe me, just try it!"

Jiaer thought about it, since the elevator was controlled just now, and at the same time as the corpse rose up to attack him, this guy appeared again.

The opponent is definitely not fighting alone. This kind of opponent is not clear to several people, and the opponent's words have no credibility.

This kind of battle is unpredictable, I am too passive, it is still the best policy.

"In this case, if you have the ability, catch up."

Jiaer swished to the air conditioner outside the room on the next floor, jumping across the air conditioner outside one room after another like this.

After jumping a few times, he landed on the ground, half squatted and landed on the ground. He was about to get up and run down the street.

As soon as he looked up, he heard the voice just now, coming from not far behind.

"It seems that your physical skills are not very good. I have been waiting for you below for a long time."

What bad luck, it seems that today I will fight another monster.

Jiaer turned around helplessly, began to gather energy with both hands, activated the power of thought, and walked towards the opponent.

(End of this chapter)

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