Chapter 48 Carl VS Finx

Finx also looked expectantly, and rushed towards the oncoming Carl with both hands.

On the busy street next to the hotel, some people were hurrying, some were shopping, and some were eating while walking.

Vehicles also passed by back and forth fast and slow, no one cared, there were two teenagers galloping, killing each other.

Jiaer ran faster and faster, his fists changed from air-wrapped to flame-covered, this change stunned the pedestrians on the road.

Finx kept waving his right arm like an invisible windmill.

As he ran, he felt that Jiaer's Qi was increasing, oppressing him.

"You who can turn Qi into a flame form really surprised me. It seems that you deserve a few more turns of my arms!"

The approach of Jiaer's powerful mind ability made Finx unable to control his excitement, and kept increasing the impact of his fists.

"Heaven, Your Majesty!"

"Red Flame Fist!"

Finally, a second later, Jiaer's Chiyan Fist with dazzling flames collided with Finx's punching punch that turned his right arm more than 50 times.

The eyes of the two people looked at each other and met together. At that moment, the two of them seemed to collide with each other as if two meteors coming quickly.

With a "bang", a huge wave of air erupted from the place where the two fists collided, rushing towards the surroundings.

People who passed by this scene on the street were still able to react, and they were shocked to the other side of the road and fell to the ground.

The vehicle was also rolled over by the impact in the air.

A few times, it rolled over heavily on the road, exploded with a bang, emitting flames and smoke, and the people in the car were struggling to get out.

On the side of the road, the shop windows where Jiaer and the others were fighting were not spared, and all of them were blown to pieces.

After this heavy blow, Jiaer was thrown into the air at a height of 50 meters by Finx's Huitian Chong punch, and his entire arm was already numb.

"Is this guy's attack mode relying on waving his arms, and the inertial impact after constant acceleration? It's amazing. If my strength doesn't match his punch, I'm afraid I will be beaten to pieces by him."

The whistling wind in the air.Blowing past Carl's ear, he looked down and glanced at everything on the ground that was impacted.

Lying in disarray, moaning crowd, damaged vehicles emitting thick smoke.

Jiaer activated the transformation ability again, stretched out his right fist and rushed towards Finx on the ground with a more violent flame than before.

"You forced me, I can only solve you here."

Finx, who was hit by Carl, retreated 50 meters, and two deep grooves were drawn on the road under his two feet.

The clothes on his right arm were burnt to shreds by the fierce flames, and his skin was also festered by the high temperature.

"Hiss, it's a powerful attack. His flames can cause secondary damage."

Finx looked up at Jiaer in the air, lamented his injury, and prepared to launch a second round of attacks.

But turning the right arm became very, very difficult.

"Oops! I should have swung my arm 100 times just now and killed you, kid."

Finks realized his tactical error, and was thinking about turning his left arm to meet the attack that Carl was descending from the sky.

A more violent qi impact came, and the extremely powerful sense of oppression reminded Finx in his intuition that this blow would probably be the opponent's last blow with all his strength.

Suddenly Finks' mind flashed back to his past. The first time he punched was when he was three years old.

At that time, he was still wandering on the street, and every morsel he ate was snatched back from wild dogs and savages with his fists.

The appearance of his parents is completely lost now, and he proves his existence with his own fist.

In the beginning, he could only defeat wild children who were about his own age, but he didn't find a place to hide and sleep peacefully after eating and drinking like them.

They don't think about tomorrow's things, and feel that thinking about the future is a meaningless thing.

When Finx is full, he will practice his punches constantly.

He punches a thousand times a day, and gradually his speed gets faster and faster, and the wild kids on the street are no longer his opponents.

Whether they're one-on-one, or five or six together, Finks can take down every one of them in the crowd one by one.

After the age of six, his talent was discovered by Moore, a gangster.

That day, Moore and dozens of people were fighting with people from another gang in an alley.

Moore killed more than a dozen people one by one with one punch. Suddenly, a guy appeared behind Moore and was about to shoot Moore.

Finks, who was passing by, jumped up and knocked down the opponent with a punch.

Moore turned around and saw Finks, smiled and said:
"Don't go, boy, wait for me."

I saw Moore rushing towards the opponent's crowd like an arrow, with a burst of blows, and people kept falling down.

After the battle, Moore gave Finks their first permanent place to sleep, the warehouse they organized.

There are all kinds of gangster equipment, pistols, submachine guns, daggers, grenades, machetes, baseball bats, swing sticks, hand stabs and so on.

There's every gangster stuff you can imagine, and they're taken out every time as appropriate.

Moore is different from other gangsters. He is not used to using weapons. He likes the feeling of punching to the flesh.

Every time he heard the groans of broken ribs and the deformed facial features of the opponent, he felt that the most primitive way of killing was the most enjoyable way of fighting.

Moore, who would spar with Finks when he wasn't on a mission, set out to tap into the kid's greatest destructive abilities.

Moore told Finx to fight with thinking, every blow must be fatal, so as to save his energy the most.

"Finks, your fist is okay for beating children, but it's not enough for killing people. I'll take you to a place where you can find the knack of killing people as quickly as possible."

In order for Finks to experience the real life-and-death experience of fighting, Moore took Finx through several streets.

Knocked on the door of a bar, passed the drunken crowd, and came around the back corner.

There was a staircase going down. After they walked five floors, they passed a dark corridor and found a light at the end of the corridor.

It turned out that there was an entrance and exit. After they walked in, Finks' ears were filled with the roars of various beasts.

In front of him is a huge circular iron fence, and the fence is circle after circle of spectators, which can also be said to be gamblers.

These audiences are people who like crazy, people who like to witness bloody scenes.

They roared loudly, with saliva splashing from their mouths, and the people sitting in the front row kept pounding on the iron fence with their fists.

"Welcome to the Underground Colosseum. Tonight's duel is still exciting. Viewers who haven't placed their bets can buy it. You can make a small profit while feeling the excitement. Why not do it!"

The loudspeaker just above the iron fence began to announce tonight's duel list, and Moore led Finks to the fence.

That night would be the night he felt the deepest about life and death.

 Please recommend and collect, thank you who are still chasing books.


(End of this chapter)

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