Chapter 49 The Power of Returning to Heaven
Under the iron fence, Finks saw all kinds of ferocious beasts roaring at him in the iron cage, with their mouths full of fangs drooling.

Moore looked at Finks and asked meaningfully:

"Are you afraid? Take a good look in their eyes and tell me. Finx, what did you see."

Moore and Finx were in front of the iron cage. Moore took a deep breath of his cigar, his strong figure became insignificant under the huge body of the beast.

"Don't be afraid, I saw the murderous look, the eyes that put the other party to death, we are the prey in their eyes, there is no difference."

Finx looked at the pair of ferocious beast eyes. Compared with Moore, he was thin and small, and there was no fear in his eyes.

"It's like this, even though we are much stronger than them, they are still full of murderous intent. Remember this look, facing the most powerful enemy, as long as you have the determination to kill him, you can bring out your greatest potential. "

While speaking, several strong fighters passed by them.

They are all battle-tested fighters, and they have the aura of killing dragons and tigers, and Finx can clearly feel that sense of oppression.

"Tonight, Finx, you will have a duel with these beasts. Whether you can survive to break through your limit depends on your destiny. If you can survive, I will teach you a way to release your greatest strength. method of practice."

"Understood, I will definitely come out alive, Mr. Moore."

Finks looked at Moore with determined eyes.

"Okay, I'll arrange for you to play the second game, and you can see how others play first."

"Hmm." Finks nodded, and started his observation with trepidation.

"Jingle ding bell..."

At the two entrances to the fence of the Colosseum, bells began to ring non-stop.

"I would like to invite the first gladiator to appear tonight, Bateer, nicknamed Mad Bear. He has conquered thirty ferocious beasts here. Whether he can continue his glory today, everyone will wait and see. Before the beasts come out , hurry up and place your bets."

The host's inciting speech was heard on the radio, and people began to wait for the appearance of the beast with anticipation.

With a loud cry of "Aw", at the entrance of the beast area, the floodgate finally opened.

A giant-toothed tiger with a body length of about 5 meters ran wildly and rushed towards the gladiator in the middle of the fence.

The gladiator quickly raised his shield to block it, and the giant-toothed tiger slammed it, leaping across the shield with its paws on the shield.

The moment the beast leaped over the head of the gladiator Battelle, the gigantic ax in his right hand cut through the belly of the giant-toothed tiger with a "swish".

As soon as the ferocious beast hit the ground, it lay prone on the ground, a large puddle of blood flowed out from under its body, but it turned around and launched a second culling.

Before it came to the side, the gladiator threw the ax out, and slashed on the forehead of the running sawtooth tiger, screaming in pain, rolled over on its side, convulsed and died.

At this moment, the gladiator raised his arms and yelled, turning around in the arena towards the audience.

Finks, who had witnessed all this, realized that with such a beast, the timing of the attack is very important.

"The next match will be a six-year-old boy playing as a gladiator. Everyone is welcome to bet. This will be a showdown full of suspense."

When the announcement on the radio was over, Finx quietly walked into the entrance of the Colosseum without any weapon in his hand.

As soon as he appeared, the people in the audience began to hesitate.

"Look at this little guy, should I buy him to win? It's hard!"

"The organizer allowed him to go in, which proves that this kid is definitely not an idler, but if that thing is released, experienced fighters may not be able to escape unscathed."

In the end, only [-]% of the people outside the court who bought Funks would win. Moore bought the most, and he sat in the front row watching Funks.

The gate of the beast opened, and the sound of "hiss, hiss..." came from the darkness, getting closer.

A three-headed black boa constrictor more than 20 meters long crawled into the field, spitting out red letters non-stop.

Finks was also taken aback when he saw his target. As soon as this giant came in, the entire Colosseum fell silent.

Three heads means three fatal blows are required!

While Finks was thinking, one of the boa constrictor's head had already opened its mouth, biting Finks.

Finx began to dodge quickly, the three heads of the boa constrictor kept biting back and forth, but they all missed.

Finx was afraid that if one of the heads bit him, the other two would come up and tear him apart.

He didn't dare to attack one of the heads easily, a wrong decision would turn him into the opponent's belly.

Finx was looking for an opportunity while dodging, and finally when three heads bit him at the same time.

He dodged sideways.To the head of the snake approaching him.

With a violent blow, blood gushed from the eyes of the boa constrictor that was hit for a moment.

With a "plop", the three snake heads collided and fell to the ground at the same time, and the audience present were all dumbfounded.

They couldn't believe their eyes, the boy didn't use a weapon, he killed it with his bare hands, and it was a one-hit kill.

When Finks walked past the python's body, Moore from the sidelines said to him:
"you did it!"

Finx, who returned to the warehouse, began to practice the ability of thinking under the guidance of Moore.

A year later, Finks became the most capable thug in the organization, and he formed his own unique attack - Huitian in actual battles.

Turn the arm to increase the impact, and then hit hard, no matter how strong the opponent is, he will fall under his punch.

But he was tired of killing like this, every time his opponent was easily killed, so he decided to leave.

Looking for his own way of life, until he met Xia Ke, a cautious, easy-going, and eccentric teenager.

The two partnered together and stole a lot of ill-gotten wealth.

Some of them spent it themselves, and some they threw to street children.

At this moment, he who had already broken through the limit of life and death, looked at Jiaer who was rushing towards him.

He seemed to have seen the presence of the god of death, and he swung his left arm quickly, ready to make his final blow.

" hundred."

Finks mentally counted the number of times he turned his arm and used his power to recover.

With a loud bang, a large pit with a radius of more than 100 meters collapsed centered on the street next to the Yalun Hotel.

The vehicles stopped moving forward, and the police cars and ambulances came, carrying the wounded away without stopping.

A large group of police officers held guns and pulled up the cordon. The leading police officer said to the communicator:
"Director, there may have been a terrorist attack here, and the scene looks like it was blown up by high explosives!"

The police searched for any survivors in the dust. A teenager who was lying on the ground suddenly stood up and left.

"Hey, are you injured, do you need to see a doctor?"

A policeman chased after him a few steps and asked, Jiaer shook his head, patted the dust off his body and continued walking.

Jia Er touched it, the famous painting was still there, coughed, and smiled happily.

"Fortunately, I came in time, otherwise you would have turned into coke."

In the alley not far away, the knight walked slowly while supporting the ragged and burned Finx.

(End of this chapter)

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