Chapter 51

One year after the death of King Balon, the rule of Membis Empire began to gradually disintegrate.

The fuse that ignited all this was the capital coup launched by Prince Carl. He held the already weakened King Orson hostage and forced him to make a will and elect him as the new king. After that, King Orson died.

Just as Prince Karl was preparing to call all officials to discuss the coronation ceremony.

Unexpectedly, the old queen escaped from the palace, defected to the Walter family, and issued a statement.

The statement said that all of this was a conspiracy by Prince Karl, and King Orson was also forced to death by Prince Karl.

As soon as the statement came out, the whole country was in an uproar.All of a sudden, various forces across the country raised the banner of crusade, preparing to crusade against Prince Karl.

But Prince Karl did not sit still, he simply did not do anything, and quickly bought all the police system officials in the capital.

The major gang forces also support him, and prepare to create chaos in every city to respond to him. The Imperial Guard in the capital is the only armed force that can fight against foreign troops.

Karl sent his confidant Gao Sen to take over the command of the Imperial Guard. The principle of this takeover operation is that those who follow me will prosper, and those who oppose me will perish.

The operation was carried out at night, and Gao Sen only took two people to the headquarters of the Imperial Guard.

One is Fei Tan, and the other is Fei Tan's master.

In the night, Gao Sen asked someone to drive the car to the gate of the Imperial Guard headquarters, and Fei Tan and his master Xiao En got out of the car.

"How long will it take to get it done? I'll wait here, and I'll wait here for your news."

Gao Sen confirmed the time of action with them.

"In 15 minutes, we'll have everything done, and the door to the headquarters will automatically open."

Fei Tan replied confidently, his master just nodded silently and didn't say anything.

"Okay, it depends on your performance. After this task is completed, I will ask Prince Karl to give you a higher reward."

"We just want to come out and relax, and tell the prince not to take it too seriously."

Fei Tan's master smiled and said.

After finishing speaking, the two masters and apprentices walked towards the gate, Fei Tan was holding an umbrella, and the master was leaning on a crutch.

The guards at the gate were about to question the two of them, Feitan waved his umbrella, and the master raised his walking stick.

Before the four armed men had time to speak, they fell to the ground, the arteries in their necks spurted blood, Fei Tan and the master continued to walk forward.

Before arriving at the command post, one has to go through a long corridor.

After the monitor showed the situation of the guards at the door, an alarm was issued and the door closed automatically.

A large number of armed men appeared in the corridor, all kinds of guns pointed at the two figures who were walking towards them, and someone at the end was carrying a heavy machine gun and was loading it.

"Master, do you want to compare?"

"Master is getting old, the action will be later!"

While talking, da, da, da...

Intensive firepower appeared in front of the two of them, and bullets shot over like raindrops.

The two figures who were walking just now disappeared in a flash.

In the next second, all the lights in the corridor were extinguished, and then in the darkness, there were wailing wailings among the sparks of the bullets shooting out of the muzzle of the gun.

The last heavy machine gun hadn't fired a single bullet.

The two armed men who loaded the bomb were already clutching their throats and fell into a pool of blood.

"Killed 23, Jiang is still old and hot, the master has one more than me!"

Feitan pulled the switch again and counted the corpses on the ground.

"15 minutes is almost up, it's important to get down to business."

The master who continued to move forward reminded Fei Tan, so the two hurried to the command room.

What they didn't expect was that the door of the command room had just opened.

There were two grenades thrown at them, Fei Tan and the master quickly grabbed a grenade and held it in their hands.

"Boom, boom" twice.

The grenade exploded, but Feitan and the master didn't look damaged at all, they just kept shaking their hands and continued to move forward.

"I still haven't gotten used to it yet, has the master also been numb?"

Fei Tan glanced at his master.

"Do business and leave me alone."

"Who are you? Dare to break into the headquarters of the Imperial Guards, don't you want to live?"

A burly man in armed attire came forward, looking down at the assailants. He had no gun in his hand, but only two military bayonets.

"Who are we? There is no need to tell a dead person. It seems that you are also a Lianjiazi, so let you die with dignity!"

Feitan sensed a strong aura from the opponent, his enthusiasm for fighting was ignited, and his master felt the same way.

"I watched the surveillance, and I know that you are not idle people. But it is not certain who is the dead. This is my soldier king Carus, and his Angmar sword skills have killed countless enemies."

The commander behind the big man came out from the darkness, looked at Fei Tan and their master, and said proudly.

Fei Tan and the master gave a glance, pulled out their weapons, crossed and rushed towards the target together at high speed.

The weapons of the three people continuously collided and drew sparks in the air, making a ping-pong-pong sound.

Swish, swish, slash, stab, slash, and dial.A bloody three-person duel is happening at a speed invisible to the commander.

After a few seconds, the commander's eyes showed despair.

He saw wounds reappearing on Carus's body constantly, and blood flowed from the cut opening.

The whole person slowly turned into a blood man, and finally Carus knelt on the ground, and the two knives fell from his hands weakly.

"I let you down, sir, they are masters, I lost."

"You are also very strong. We both attacked you at the same time, and you can actually hurt both of us. But we are on a mission, and time does not allow it. Otherwise, I really want to fight you one-on-one."

Feitan's master stretched out his tongue to lick the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said while staring at the dead Carus.

Fei Tan on the other side also felt the coolness on his face under the corner of his eyes, and a knife edge began to bleed.

"Now give the order to hand over, sir, we will give you a way to survive."

Feitan's master looked at a photo on the commander's desk and added another sentence.

"Think about it not for yourself, but also for your family and children. We can kill anyone."

"Okay, I surrender my command."

Then the door of the headquarters automatically opened again, and the command of the Imperial Guard fell into Gao Sen's hands.

Prince Carl started his next plan, spreading the news through the gangsters, and constantly recruiting people with horse-like abilities from abroad, preparing to conquer the world by force.

The psychics from all over the world got the news and started to set foot on this country. They will bring more killings to this country.

 I've been quite busy recently, so there will be two changes in the morning and evening.Ask for recommendation, collection.


(End of this chapter)

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